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Austin Resing

Mrs. Jankowski
English 12h
1. 8-21 Angelas Ashes: There are saints mentioned in the story for the family is
catholic, the saints are praised the same as jesus is to christians, a savior. A saint is a

person of exceptional holiness or goodness, formally looked at as attaining holy

deeds and behaviors. Thus, catholics look up towards these Saints as idols to
look up to and hope to be like so they go to heaven. there is my grandmother in
the bed heaving and gasping with the labor pains, praying to St. Gerard Majella,
patron saint of expectant mothers. Pg. 14
The parenting style is much like any other back in the 1930s -40s. The father
has his job to work at all week while the mother stays home with the children. There are
some differences in the character parents in this story. A mother who is troubled with for
kids and poverty, also with a drunk for a husband. Though this was the typical thing of
the irish in the 1930s, the family is conflicted with poverty everyday. The twins hold up
their bottles and cry for more water and sugar. Malachy says hes hungry and Mam tells
him wait a little, well get money from Dad and well have a nice supper. Pg. 26
Austin three
Watch those typos lots of small error
Decent on analysis but a bit short
2.) 22-112 Angelas Ashes:
The choices of Franks parents are very different from one another. Franks
mother is keen on keeping her children alive, so she sacrifices everything to keep them
from dieing.Angelas determination comes from the fact of her two youngest children
already passing away within a year. On the other side, Franks father (Malachy) has the
poor choices in mind. Malachy suffers the same depression of losing the two children
just as much as Angela, but handles it in a different manner. Malachy, instead of striving
for change to help his other children, turns to alcohol for an escape. Even in a family
crisis, Malachy cannot hold back from his alcoholism due to it being the only stress relief
he can find. From these choices that Frank has witnessed several times, he has gained
some what of knowledge or understanding on why his parents make these choices.
Though Frank has a better understanding the difference between selfishness and
responsibility, this gain of knowledge is not having a positive effect on him.
Throughout Chapter 2, Frank is noticing more and more on how bad his fathers
selfishness is becoming, as pride for his father is slowly deteriorating. For example, on
pg. 86, Thats Eugenes coffin. Ill tell Mam you put your glass on Eugenes coffin.

Frank is now speaking out at his father, instead of following orders like prideful son
Religion has a very instinctful role in the story line. Franks family strongly
mentions their catholic backgrounds in several dialogue scenes, especially when
Franks family is together. Religion, to Franks family, is almost a sort of law to their
usual customs. For example, Franks grandmother is startled by how little Frank and his
brothers know of jesus, Grandma says, Dont these children know anything about their
religion? The Sacred Heart is everywhere and theres no excuse for that kind of
ignorance. pg. 57.
Dying. Catholic. Jesus
3- much better
Analyzing choices vs. summarizing
Headed in the right direction
3.) 113-185 Angelas Ashes
The motives for the kids in Limerick seem to come from either impressing
religious authority, or just to get something to eat. For example on pages 147-48,
Declan Collopy, the fourteen year old from the Confraternity, is so motivated to have his
section be the best so that he can get out of school sooner to sell linoleum. This
motivation shows as a lack of futures for the kids in the story. The motivation for adults
is a more reasonable explanation. Due to the mass poverty in Limerick, adults with
children mostly had their motives from the children themselves. Having only so much
money a month, keeping their children alive and healthy was a challenge itself. There
are several examples throughout the book of how Franks mother has her motives. Most
of these motives come from the loss of Franks siblings. So, Angela is motivated to keep
at least Frank and Malachy alive.
These motives do come at a cost, as they lead to stress. This stress is
compromised by a cigarette, but can become a habbit due to nicotine. Frank describes
several different occasions where his parents are constantly smoking, instead of using
the money for food. The addiction is so strong for it is the only escape from stress for
parents, but it becomes a necessity more than family needs, much like Franks mother
who smoked until her and Franks father had to get false teeth.
Cigarettes are not the only thing mentioned to have the most money
wasted on in Frankies family. The other is of course, the pints of many
pubs that Frankies dad spends the dole money on. The use of money in
Franks family wasnt only just for cigarettes and pints. When Franks
mother got ahold of the dole money, she used every bit for real family

necessities. Most of the spending of money in Franks family is of wants

and less of actual needs, which concludes the fact of poverty in the family.

Very, very strong analysis

good use of text/paraphrase to make a point 5 (couldnt get much better)

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