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Madieson McNeil-Alexander

Music 1800A
Annotated Bibliography
Brinkman, D. (n.d.). Teaching Creatively and Teaching for Creativity. Arts Education
Policy Review, 48-50.
This article focuses on teaching creativity and teaching creatively. I agree that the idea of
teaching creativity seems absurd, but there are ways to encourage creative thinking. David
Brinkman talks about Amabiles three-part model: Expertise, Motivation, and creative thinking
skills. Ithink this model is a great foundation for teachers to look at when trying to provoke
creativity in their lessons. If teachers themselves cannot think creatively when planning their
lessons, how can they expect their students to respond creatively? Brinkman says, Resist the
notion that standardized tests will answer all our problems in education. The beauty of the arts is
that more than one answer can be correct. An education that is based on content, artistry, and
creativity will ensure a rich future for the arts in public education. I think as well, especially in
the arts, that standardized tests shouldnt be heavily relied on. I think standardized tests stifle
creativity. Not everyone performs the same under pressure and it becomes harder to be creative.

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