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Brag Sheet

Full Name: __Payton Carver_

Graduation Year: 2016

Complete School Name: Atkinson County High School

Post-secondary Education:
(Military, community college, CSU/UC/Private university,
technical training)
List the awards you have received below:
Award Title: Honor Roll
Year: 2014
Description of the award: Earned grades
above a specific average.
Award Title: CTAE, for Technology/Web
Design Pathway.
Year: 2015
Description of the award: CTAE, for
Technology/Web Design Pathway.

Award Title: Wiregrass Nursing Pathway,

Year: 2015
Description of the award: A Certificate
stating that I passed and finished the
pathway with the college, CNA certified

Describe an academic accomplishment you made in high school; think of

something you did in a class that you are most proud of. Explain why you take
pride in this accomplishment.
(Examples: essay, artistic project, science experiment, power point, etc...)
One of my academic accomplishments that I have done in High School
would be a paper that I wrote for Mrs. Deas. We had to write on something
Medical based on what we read in an article. My whole paper was about
Pediatric Gastrointestinal Neoplasms. What that is, is a malignant condition of
the (GI tract) that affects your digestive organs; of course it was in Pediatrics.
I take pride in it, because most girls dont like learning about things like this,
and it doesnt interest them.

____________________________ 2
Write your Last Name

List 3-5 words that describe you. Explain why you chose each word.
Faithful- I chose Faithful because I am very reliable and
Big Hearted- I chose Big Hearted because I love people, and I am
willing to do any and everything to help them.
Forgiving- I chose Forgiving, because no one is perfect, and I
believe that to be forgiven yourself, you have to forgive others.

What special talent/s do you possess? Explain.

I am a great writer, you can give me a topic on just about
anything and I will write about it! I sing, thats a special talent,
because not everyone canand I compete in pageants.

Identify and list 3 or more ACHS teachers or counselors who

know you best.


1. Mrs.Rockett

2. Mrs. Crosby

3. Mrs.Yarberry

How would you describe yourself as a student and a learner? Explain.

As a student, I would describe myself as determined. No matter the
assignment, I picture in my mind what I want, and how I want it to go, and do

____________________________ 3
Write your Last Name

all I can do get it that way. Im not the type to just sit still, and learn by
listening, I can learn that way, however, I am more of hands on learner.

Are there any special (but not too private) circumstances that you went
through in high school or in your life that influenced or affected you
(academically, personally, or socially)? If so, explain the circumstance, how it
affected/influence you, and how you overcame it.
I wont go into detail, but I was in a very difficult situation that affected me
personally, socially, and mentally. Ive always had anxiety problems, and being
in the situation made it worsen and trigger Chrons disease. During that valley
in my life, it caused a lot of social problems, and problems mentally. I started
caring too much about what people thought, instead of making my own self
happy, and felt socially awkward. I would panic when I had to talk to someone I
didnt know whether it was a teacher, or person at the gas station. It has made
me into a much stronger person, and I will forever be thankful for that. I dont
let people bother me as much, I like making new friends, and I have realized
my worth, and what HE says about me.

List any hobbies that you have. Be specific. Also, add how long you have been
doing these hobbies.
Dance- I started dance when I was two years old, never missed a day, however, when I
started High School, I stopped so I could hang out with friends.
Voice lessons

____________________________ 4
Write your Last Name

What are your goals for the future? What do you hope to accomplish while you
are in college or your post-secondary choice? What do you plan/ hope to
accomplish after you have completed college or your post-secondary choice? EXPLAIN.

When I was 7 and 8 years old, every Sunday morning, I would wake up at 7:00,
get Fruit Loops, and run to the living room to watch Birth Day on The
Discovery Health Channel. Birth Day, was a full 30 minutes of a womens
labor and delivery story. It showed truly the ins and outs of labor. So,
Obstetrics and Gynecology has interested me ever since I was little, and its
something that I have always wanted to do. After graduation, I plan on
furthering my education and going to college. My parents want me to go to a
college around here my first year (ABAC preferably), then venture out to a
bigger school. As of right now, I am still trying to increase my SAT score,
because I dont want to just settle for whats around me because its right
here; I want to venture out. My family is full of Medical Gurus, so my
Grandma got me in with Dr.Amin for this summer. Anyway, in college I will
major in Biology or Human Physiology, and then of course go to Med School.
John Hopkins is my dream school, but how possible is that? I will settle for
wherever, as long as it is a good school and I get my education. I then, will get
an open spot in the hospital, or join a group of OB/GYNs and have a practice.

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