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Contributing Writers
Alexis Adams
Leydis Aguilera
Mustafa Ali
Elexis Allen
JVontaye Bartee
DAsia Beard
Antonio Blackburn
Gia Carney
Terrela Carter
Denzel Dapremont
Natalye Gividen
Tomeikia Gray
Darius Howlett
JaQuan Hemphill
TaiNesha Hines
Matthew Ison
Dionte Lewis
Demiele Lindsay
Angel McCoy
Tiffany Malone
Akeeva Marshal
Madison Mayes
Kirk Miller
TLauriyon Milliken
Darion Moore
Antrell Murrell
Ler Eh Paw
Jurnee Roberts
Sydney Simmons
Alex Smith
Yusimi Sollet
JaQuaz Terrell

Anne Rodier


Yellow Jacket
Inside this Issue
New Rules at CHS
Peer Tutoring
A+ for my English Teachers
What Makes a Good Student?
Peer Pressure
Thats Life
Men of Quality
How to be Successful in Baseball
Time is the Best Healer
Profiling and Disabilities
Youre No Longer in Control
Adulterated Food
Do the Right Thing
Colleges too Left or Right Wing?

The Terminally Ill

Electronics: 21st Century Learning
Your Eyes are the Window to Your Soul
Effectiveness of Stop and Frisk
A Second Chance
Work Harder and Stay Later
Education is the Gate
Life, What is It?
Life is Like Math
I Miss You
Joes Crab Shack
Pipe Dreams
Leaping Into a New Year


Happy Holidays

De Asia Beard
Over the summer, Centrals Principal Selection committee chose who our new principal would be, Mr.
Raymond Green, a former assistant principal of Mezeek Middle School. Since his arrival, there have been a few
changes. In our last issue, we gave you his side of the story. In this issue we bring you the students side of the
For the past couple of weeks I have been collecting information from the students of Central. Ive gotten a lot
of positive feedback, and a lot of negative feedback. I asked the students a variety of questions and received
many different answers. Heres what the students of Central had to say:
Does the enforcement of wearing IDs make you feel safer?
Student #1: It honestly doesnt make me feel safer. The idea is good, because it tells you who needs to be here
and who doesnt, but IDs dont protect or change anything. Female, grade 12
Student #2: I think that its a great idea. I like knowing that the people around me are other students and not
random people that are just walking around the school building. Female, grade 10
Do you prefer lunch detention or after school detention as a punishment for being tardy to school?
Student #3: I think that both are unfair. We get punished for coming to school late instead of not coming at
all. Id rather not come to school than receive a detention of any kind. - Female, grade 11
Student #4: I think that you should get a lunch detention if youve been tardy multiple times, not on the first
time that youve been tardy, but its making people want to get to school on time, so I guess its a good thing.
Female, grade 10
How would being able to use your phone in class improve your educational experience?
Student #5: It would help you get information on work that is confusing and kids would be more engaged.
Plus, there arent enough computers for everyone, and using cell phones would solve that problem.- Male,
grade 10
Student #6: I think that it would be a distraction for some people. People would probably get on Instagram or
something during instructional time and that wouldnt be a good thing. Male, grade 12
Have you noticed a change in the areas of Mr. Greens three Rs: Respect, Responsibility, Right on Time?
Student #7: I have noticed that students are listening more and following more rules because the three Rs are
enforced.- Female, grade 11
Student #8: Not everyone is listening, but I think it will be more effective as time passes.- Male grade 9

As you can see, everyone has a different opinion. Central is a great school going through a few changes, but
that doesnt mean that change is always a bad thing. Well see how the school evolves into something even
greater than what it is, as time goes on.

Peer Tutoring
Elexis Allen
It was towards the end of my junior year and my counselor was coming around to every class to get
our preferences for elective classes for the next year. We were allowed to choose up to four electives and rank
them in order from greatest interest to least interest. I had no idea of what to choose for my senior year, so I
chose classes that I thought may have benefited me or something that I may have a little interest in.
On the first day of school, I thought I was content with my classes, but when I stepped into my second
period class, I thought to myself, What in the world did I just get myself into? I had chosen to be in a peer
tutoring class where you help tutor a kid with special needs. I wanted to leave almost immediately, because I
didnt want the responsibility. I had no idea how to help a special needs kid learn. I sat down and told myself
to just give it a try, and it ended up being one of the best decisions I had ever made.
The teacher explained the most astonishing facts about each kid and then let them choose which peer
they wanted to be with for the entire school year. Each one of them chose someone who closely resembled
them, and through the time weve we spent with them, the bonds with the peers and the students have
become unbreakable. Weve learned more and more about each individual as the days go on. We find out
their likes, dislikes, favorite foods, activities, and the list infinitely grows.
A common interest that everyone shares is recycling. We all go around the school to each classroom to
collect paper and plastic from other teachers recycling bins, and our class is the only one allowed to
participate in the activity. This is the time when everyones true identities are shown. We find out more about
our students outside of class, than we do inside the class. I assume it is because they have no teacher
supervision and they consider us their friends. We peers observe them talk their heads off, do silly dances,
crack jokes on one another, and share entertaining stories. We become more like a family when we recycle.
Although becoming a peer tutor was something that I had regretted participating in at first, I am now
glad that I had made the decision to stay. I love watching everyone in the class progress as a student. I also
love the fact that I am been a part in helping these amazing people just about every day. This class even
benefits me in numerous ways. Its helping me to build my confidence, patience, determination, and much
more. Peer tutoring is honestly one of the best, motivating experiences in my life and I wouldnt trade it for
the world.

*When students participated in the role of reading tutor,

improvements in reading achievement occurred

*When tutors were explicitly trained in the tutoring process, they

were far more effective and the students they were tutoring
experienced significant gains in achievement

*Most of the students benefited from peer tutoring in some way,

but same-age tutors were as effective as cross-age tutors

A+ for My English Teachers

Natalye Gividen
English, Science, Math, History, Foreign Language, and the Arts ; each student loves one of
these subjects above all other, but what about the teachers? The English hallway is filled with
kind, patient, and reliable adults and each year I am presented with a new teacher that cares not
only about the work we do, but each student who does it, as well. I am not saying that everybody
should love English, or that we should all feel the same way about the teachers. I am speaking
only of my experiences, my amazing experiences.
Freshman year I was insanely scared to be at Central High School, thats not to say Central was
not where I wanted to be, it was. I was scared, because for the first time in my life, I was a
minority somewhere, and while everybody was not completely different than me, there where
small differences that made huge impacts. I was soft spoken, and gave only complements, afraid
that people would not like me or what I stand for. I am no longer quiet, and I have Ms. Kuffner
to thank for that. In her class, I was prompted to speak many times, and never excluded from

Reading correlates with almost every measurement of positive personal and social
behavior surveyed. It is reassuring, though hardly amazing, that readers attend more

concerts and theater than non-readers, but it is surprising that they exercise more and
play more sportsno matter what their educational level. The cold statistics confirm
something that most readers know but have mostly been reluctant to declare as fact
books change lives for the better.

Frode Jensen

anything. It was nothing like middle school. We had projects that required that I overcome a fear
of talking to the class (not that I ever actually did, I was more than fine allowing others to talk
over me while I spoke to a small groups of tpeople). Ms. Kuffners class took me out of my shell,
and I became able to express opinions for the first time in my life.
More than that, Ms. Kuffner became somebody I trust and could tell anything to. That year was a
rough year for me; I came into my third period class most days after crying in the girls bathroom
and begging my parents to pick me up - they did often times. It didnt escape Ms. Kuffners
notice, and she asked me often if I was ok. While I always had the same problems, she never

seemed to get tired of helping me and encouraging me. I owe her everything for that; life does
get better and I know now that I can always make it through when times are tough.
I had Mr. Gilbert the same year. My experiences in his class are a whole different story. I
probably wrote eight papers for his class last year, but I didn't turn one of them in on time. I was
afraid my writing wasnt good enough, and that I didnt belong in a class with AP students. I sent
him email after email with excuses that would give me more time to rewrite papers.
Disappointment was the thing I feared the most. I may or may not have actually been a
disappointment, and if I was, Gilbert never said a word. If you ever think youre about to make a
bad decision, he is the man to go to. Gilbert taught me that other people do believe in me and my
capabilities. Even when I doubt myself and think of doing stupid things, like dropping two
classes, changing schools, quitting the sport I have played since Freshman year, and thinking
what others say actually matters, I realize there is somebody out there who knows that I can
overcome all of this and more.
Im a Junior this year and I am a complete idiot, a strong, outspoken idiot. Some of my friends
never thought I would do as well as I am now, and I was told once or twice that I would never
survive English with Mr. Baize. (His class is not the end of the world, guys). If I have learned
one thing from his class so far, its that the question, Why? is the English teachers best friend.
At first I thought it was laughable when he said that 'everybody is right, but everybody is also
wrong. I thought that he was crazy for asking about the (dead) authors intent. How was I
supposed to know those things; I only ever read for enjoyment, not to analyze. His class has
helped me learn to think deeper, and to ask the important questions. By asking the important
questions, I mean pestering the man to death with every question that crosses my mind.
Seriously, I have never heard of another high schooler emailing their teachers full paragraphs
about a class. I don't worry about the letter grade in his class, because I know that I am learning
things in there.
Ms.Y is my other English teacher this year, and her class is amazing. She is way too kind, and is
more than patient with my class. It could be said that students try to take advantage of this
kindness, but Ms.Y doesnt let them. She reminds my class every day that we do know things
even if we don't actively apply that knowledge all the time; we know it and it is there to be used.
The theme of Hills Like White Elephants is forever engraved in my mind, and if twenty years
from now she asked, I would be able to respond. Because I do know, even when I think I
dont. I don't actively search for things like theme, or comma usage to learn, and it turns out I
dont actually have to, because I already know what they are. As students we know more than we
think we do, and there is always room for more learning.
The teachers of the Central High Schools English hallway have helped shape me as a person,
and have taught me something I truly care about. I am a strong willed, not so quiet, confident,
teenager because of them. When I am thirty, and looking back on my high school years, these are
the people I will thank, and one day I hope that I am as good of a teacher as them. Nobody asked
me to write kind things about their class, but I did, and I did because I feel that these are teachers
that need to be recognized. Every student has a favorite subject, teacher, or class. All three of
these just happen to be from the same subject for me.

What Makes a Good Student?

Akeeva Marshall

A good student can be defined as having

many characteristics. A school can be made up of
good students, each with different traits that
make them a good student. These traits are
focus, asking questions, motivation, positive
attitude, strong academic skills that are used to learn. A good student is are capable of doing many things.
Motivation can make a good student because a student needs motivation to stay in school. A person
with motivation in school can help them in the long run. Having motivation gives you the opportunity to strive
for who you want to become. Students that have motivation use that skill to do well in school and keep up
their grades and become more than they are. A motivated student is a great student, because he or she has
the ability to motivate others. For example, a student with a motivated mind and heart can motivate his or her
friend to do things to help improve them. The student can also encourage that student to be motivated with
their learning and getting their education.
Having total focus is something that makes a good student, because they can pay attention in class and
use their skills during school and outside of school. Focus is something that good students have because they
are connected with learning and becoming something more in their future career. Every student should have
complete focus, because focus is something that helps having their mind into their education. Using focusing
skills is a way of being or becoming a good student. This makes you a good student because you are engaged
with learning new things.
Another thing that makes a great student is the student has to have the correct attitude. A student
needs to have a positive attitude because she or he can be accomplishing more things. If the student has a
good attitude he/she can do well in class. Having a good positive attitude could help the student be more
open about things they learn in class. A students attitude is important, because if they have the wrong
attitude, they can be viewed negatively. A students teacher could view them as rude and not willing to do
work. Also, they can view them as not capable of doing certain things. Students should have a positive attitude
all the time.
Lastly, a good student is someone who has academic skills. A student with great academic skills is
important, because they can be involved and engaged in learning. A student can use their academic skills and
be successful. Having academic skills is important because they help you in every aspect of your life. A person
with good academic skills is a great student. Students should have good academic skills in the classroom. They
will need to put these skills to use to be more successful and have good grades.
A good student should have academic skills, motivation, focus, and a positive attitude to be a good
student. Many students have one or the other of these characteristics and some may not any until they
choose to develop them. The student who has all of these qualities is a good student and will be successful for
the rest of their lives.

By: Darion Moore
I believe that all people are different and unique in their own way, but in other ways, they
are all the same. Have you ever thought that you were weird because you think people dont
think like you do, like you were discovering a new idea that you thought no one had thought
of before you? Things like this happen often; people come up with ideas and create things
without the knowledge of it already being made. Someone had the same mindset as you;
someone had the same thoughts, but lives a different life.
Our creativity separates us all but also makes us alike the phrase great minds think alike is
one the reasons I believe this. A great mind can think like another but be from a whole
different person from a different race, beliefs, and religions. You and someone can be
connected purely through your alike creativity two totally original people could create
something and It be almost exactly the same. Things just dont pop up into one persons mind
only I think some people just beat others to the punch. Cell phones for example Im sure were
an original idea in multiple minds but someone got there first.
Originality is something everyone has and something everyone would like to have but I think
everyone has someone who thinks or creates just like them. Even though I say this I do
believe it is very possible to have an original idea but I think later. That idea may pop into
someone elses head same as yours and be very identical to how your idea was formed. Like
creators for instance, everyone has their own god which means someone had thought of two
different gods from two different places.
People have different views of things because of surroundings and what they were taught
and what they were brought up in. People come up with alike ideas a lot or they may come
up with something that enhances an idea and make it better. Theres new things being
created everyday new energy drinks or a new kids toy but theres so many out there different
brands and different styles. Like sometimes these products may be fighting to see which sells
more like those car commercials that compare each car to each other.
Creativity is the thing that everyone has but not everyone uses, its a skill that can be taught
and made stronger with time. Learning to create and build its the same as learning to walk,
the more you try the better you will get at it. While creating should be something everyone
can do on their own in my opinion, a lot of times thats never the case of what actually
happens people assist each other in creating all the time.
Sometimes in music, art, or even theatre people help each other with some important things.
Like helping with lyrics or assisting with a better color idea things like this are two minds
putting their creativity together to make one thing. Making something with someone having
the same creative goal is what makes me believe that creativity makes us all alike or at least
helps us bond. Creating is the thing thats been done throughout all of time by plenty humans
with the same ideas. But in different times with different materials to make a thing better
such as the wheel do you think we could be rolling on the first wheel ever made?

Peer Pressure

TLauriyon Milliken

How do you define peer pressure? Peer pressure is very deceiving. You can think youre
doing something for the fun of it, or having a good time when in reality you could be
ruining your life! Peer pressure is simply getting persuaded to do something you usually
wouldnt do. Or its the influence you feel from a person or group of people to do
something you might not otherwise consider doing. Sometimes peer pressure motivates
you to do the right thing, but if its something you usually wouldnt do, and doesnt have
your best interest at heart, then dont do it!
For example, smoking. If you usually dont smoke, then dont try to smoke to be cool or
to fit in with a group of people. Its really not worth it! Giving in to peer pressure always
leads to stupid decisions. My best advice for you is to know who you are inside and dont
try to do something thats not who you are!
If your friends really care about you, putting you in a situation like that shouldnt be up
for discussion. They obviously dont have your best interest at heart, so theyre not true
friends! Thats where REAL friends come in. They stand by you and let you know who
really loves and cares about you. Another example is drinking. Dont start because
someone is asking, persuading, or begging you to! Peer pressure sucks because you can
really think that someone is trying to just get you to try something but in reality are
pressuring you.
If you are being hurt or pressured into something you dont want to do, you could talk to
a family member, friend, teacher or counselor. You should most definitely if you feel
Each of us has to learn to make decisions based on what is best for us. It means taking
ownership and responsibility for what you do and how you think, instead of doing whats
cool at the moment to avoid getting picked on. It is okay to not do what everyone else is
doing. Have confidence in the good decisions that you make and dont get pressured into
doing something you shouldnt.

Everything Doesn't Have to Resort to Violence

Tomeikia Gray
Why is it that people turn to violence when wanting to settle matters? Too many people would rather fight than talk
about the situation. Instead of acting mature and responsible, they choose to act childish and irresponsible. It takes the
smallest things to set people off. All of the fights and shootings could easily be avoided if people could control their anger
and actually talk things out.
I have never been in a fight. One reason is because I'm one of those people that gets along with everybody. I
absolutely hate conflict. If there's something wrong that I feel needs to be settled, I talk it out. I'm a really chill and positive
person. I don't easily let things get to me anyway. Most of the time, I just brush it off my shoulders and carry on with my
life. When people go off on me (its rare that it happens), I just stay quiet and don't talk back. If I say something back,
they're going to want to go back and forth, then end up wanting to fight. To me, nobody is worth my time to be fighting.
Fighting isn't worth it period.
I remember a time when I was in the 6th grade. There was a girl named Earlisha. She wanted to fight me. A guy
named Laterrance was supposedly "in love" with me. Earlisha was his girlfriend, and she somehow found out that he felt
that way about me. Word got around that she wanted to fight me. A teacher over heard and ended up telling one of our
counselors. He asked her, "Why do you want to fight her?"
Guess what the girl said? She said, "A girl, not mentioning any names, told me that she (talking about me) said
that she would fight any girl that Laterrance goes out with.
"I'm sitting there thinking, "really? All this over a guy? A guy that I don't even have feelings for? A girl lying to you
trying to start drama?" I asked her, "Why didn't you just come to me and talk to me about it instead of trying to be childish
and fight about it?" She didn't have anything to say but the situation was settled and we never fought. Oh and guess what,
I didn't even know the girl. Never met her, never saw her before, never spoke to her. Isn't that crazy? People will literally
fight any and everybody, and it doesn't even matter if they know them.
I just think it's so stupid that people choose to act immature and fight when all that could be avoided but just simply
talking things out. I feel like things would be so much better if people really took the time to think about what options they
have instead of fighting. Granted, you do have to protect yourself, and may have to throw a few punches if the situation
arises. Is a guy, he said, she said stuff, and other little petty things like that, worth fighting over? I understand that maybe
you just want to prove a point, but is there another way? Whenever we do come across a situation where we're mad at
one another or have a problem with someone, why not just do the mature and responsible thing and just talk it out, rather
than "duke it out." Fighting and shooting each other just because you have a dispute or disagreement is really ridiculous
and pointless. What do you get from doing that? A trophy? No, you get jail time, or suspension, proving that because you
acted foolishly, you clearly can't handle doing what you need to be doing. In the future, how about we stop acting like kids
and start acting like responsible human beings.

The Mayo Clinic Staff offers the following tips for controlling your temper:
Anger management: 10 tips to tame your temper
Do you fume when someone cuts you off in traffic? Does your blood pressure rocket when your child refuses to
cooperate? Anger is a normal and even healthy emotion but it's important to deal with it in a positive way.
Uncontrolled anger can take a toll on both your health and your relationships.
Ready to get your anger under control? Start by considering these 10 anger management tips.

1. Think before you speak

In the heat of the moment, it's easy to say something you'll later regret. Take a few moments to collect your
thoughts before saying anything and allow others involved in the situation to do the same.
2. Once you're calm, express your anger
As soon as you're thinking clearly, express your frustration in an assertive but nonconfrontational way. State
your concerns and needs clearly and directly, without hurting others or trying to control them.
3. Get some exercise
Physical activity can help reduce stress that can cause you to become angry. If you feel your anger escalating, go
for a brisk walk or run, or spend some time doing other enjoyable physical activities.
4. Take a timeout
Timeouts aren't just for kids. Give yourself short breaks during times of the day that tend to be stressful. A few
moments of quiet time might help you feel better prepared to handle what's ahead without getting irritated or
5. Identify possible solutions
Instead of focusing on what made you mad, work on resolving the issue at hand. Does your child's messy room
drive you crazy? Close the door. Is your partner late for dinner every night? Schedule meals later in the evening
or agree to eat on your own a few times a week. Remind yourself that anger won't fix anything and might
only make it worse.
6. Stick with 'I' statements
To avoid criticizing or placing blame which might only increase tension use "I" statements to describe the
problem. Be respectful and specific. For example, say, "I'm upset that you left the table without offering to help
with the dishes," instead of, "You never do any housework."
7. Don't hold a grudge
Forgiveness is a powerful tool. If you allow anger and other negative feelings to crowd out positive feelings, you
might find yourself swallowed up by your own bitterness or sense of injustice. But if you can forgive someone
who angered you, you might both learn from the situation. It's unrealistic to expect everyone to behave exactly
as you want at all times.
8. Use humor to release tension
Lightening up can help diffuse tension. Use humor to help you face what's making you angry and, possibly, any
unrealistic expectations you have for how things should go. Avoid sarcasm, though it can hurt feelings and
make things worse.
9. Practice relaxation skills
When your temper flares, put relaxation skills to work. Practice deep-breathing exercises, imagine a relaxing
scene, or repeat a calming word or phrase, such as, "Take it easy." You might also listen to music, write in a
journal or do a few yoga poses whatever it takes to encourage relaxation.
10. Know when to seek help
Learning to control anger is a challenge for everyone at times. Consider seeking help for anger issues if your
anger seems out of control, causes you to do things you regret or hurts those around you.

Thats Life
By: Elexis Allen
Teens always want to grow up and become an adult, but never want to look at all of the
responsibilities that being an adult requires. Growing older has made me realize that being an adult has its ups
and downs. You have the freedom to go out and do whatever you want, but there are more consequences,
too. You also become financially independent and independent of your family. You are truly on your own from
that point and on, and there is no turning back.
Just a few years ago, I was ready to be out of school and to finally move out of my parents home to
live on my own or with a partner. At one point, I was even ready to start a family. What I didnt realize was
how much responsibility it would be to take care of myself. On top of that, I would still have to save money for
bills, transportation, and more. What I did realize was how much I liked shopping and spending money on
myself, and to have to give it all up would be such a huge change in my life.
Another thing that has made me realize not to rush into adulthood is working a part time job. My very
first job made me realize that I really want to do something else in life. I previously worked at a fast food
restaurant and did not enjoy it one bit. It was a loud, fast-paced, and overdramatic environment. It gets
annoying dealing with customers who are constantly screaming at you for mistakes you knew nothing about,
and employees fighting because of non-work-related issues. What a lot of people dont realize is that you will
be working for the rest of your life, and since I am going to have to work forever, I might as well train to do
something I like.
I want to savor my childhood and the bit of irresponsibility that I am allowed to have for now. It is
something that I will never get back, and I dont want to regret it when its gone. So I am going to enjoy my
last year in high school with no major responsibilities. I want to hang out with friends and become as involved
as I possibly can in school activities and games because once life hits, it hits hard and youll wish you could
rewind time to be a kid again.

It can be expensive to support yourself. Some cities cast more than others
to live in. If you are making $35,000 in Louisville, you would need to make
$90,600 to have the same standard of living in New York City. Thats an
increase of 159%.

Louisville-Jefferson County KY-IN Metro

New York-Jersey City-White Plains NY-NJ Metro Div. - New York (Manhattan) NY

Home Price


Payment + Interest




Apt. Rent

Total Energy

Dentist Visit


Beauty Salon








Men's Shirt

Women's Slacks

News Paper

Boy's Jeans

Hair Cut

Dry Cleaning

T.Bone Steak


Ground Beef




Men of Quality
Antrell Murrell
On March 10, 2014, I attended and participated in the Men of Qualitys 18th anniversary program. The
program was profoundly educational and worth the time spent. While there, I attended two workshops; one of
the workshops was called, The way in, the way of drugs, gangs, and violence, and the other workshop was
called, Bring your A game. Both workshops were great, but the best part of the program was hearing some of
the many men of quality speak.
The workshop called, Bring your A game was about how to be not just an athlete, but an excellent
student, as well. Most of the things that were said in this workshop I already knew, such as: you must pass all of
your core content classes to play sports, you must have over a 2.5 GPA to play sports, and you must be on your
best behavior at all times because people network. One huge thing that I learned in the workshop was about the
online programs that keep track of the courses you take, your GPA, and your grades. The program allows
coaches and scouts from all over to view them.
The title of the second workshop, The way in, The way out of drugs, gangs, and violence, is selfexplanatory. Going into the workshop, I knew it was going to be people speaking about how people enter into
the life of drugs, gangs, and violence, and also about how to get out of the life of drugs, gangs, and violence, but
I did not expect to hear two ex-convicts and two correction officers give their testimonial. The speeches that the
officers made were very informational; their examples from their own personal experience easily convinced the
audience that they knew what they were talking about. The testimonial speeches the ex-convicts gave were even
more powerful. Even though I do not have any behavior problems, drug problems, or gang relations, the four
speeches had a great effect on me. At the end of the workshop the lesson that I learned was that even though I
might be doing positive things with my life, there are still people around me who are doing bad things who will
try to hold me back from my destiny, so I have to distance myself from those people so I wont become one of
I do not remember all of the speakers names, but one man stuck out to me more than the others because
he helped me find a title for myself. All my life, I have felt as if I was different from my peers; I have always
made good grades, I have always had over a 3.5 GPA, and I always knew the difference from whats right and
whats wrong. Many kids didnt like me because of my wise and nonchalant attitude, so I have struggled to
makes friends in the past. Before the Men of Quality program, I always thought that maybe I should change
myself so that I could have more friends, but after hearing the speech from the final speaker, I found the answer
to the question that I have searched for, for years.
As I sat in the auditorium-sized room full of people, I felt as if I was the only one there. The final
speaker asked us, Are you a chicken or an eagle? I was confused for a second. I sat and thought to myself, A
chicken is cooped up, cant fly for long, but an eagle that is free can not only fly, but glide as well, and is iconic
to the great country of America. The speaker then explained to us what he meant; the chicken is a metaphor for
being someone who doesnt want to better their life, and cant do much. An eagle is a metaphor for someone
who is free, and wants to shine above & beyond the rest, and will work hard to do that. After years of honesty,
volunteering, ethically correct decisions, and sticking to my morals, I knew I didnt have to change myself
because I was an EAGLE all along, and I planned to stay that way because I was not made for a chickens life.

Visit the Men of Quality sign up page:

Men of Quality
The Men of Quality Program is a mentoring program for young males grades 9-12. Twice monthly, the men of Omega Psi Phi
Fraternity Inc., men from our community and men within our building will meet with approximately 30 students in hopes to help
them set goals, help them realize their future belongs to those who are prepared, and be role models who can share their time,
resources, and efforts in giving back to the community much of what has been given to them.
Our meetings are the 2nd and 4th Thursdays of the month from 7:50 AM to 8:50 AM in Room 259
We have several men from in the school as well as the community outside of school who dedicate their time as mentors and
attend our meetings. These men are from all different walks of life and have different backgrounds. Below are a list of the men and
their jobs.
History behind the MOQ program

Theta Omega Chapter of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity Inc. in Louisville, Kentucky made a presentation to the Jefferson
County Board of Education to begin Men of Quality Program in its schools.
In 1995, the endorsement was granted and Men of Quality was adopted by JCPS.
Over 3000 Young men have been involved in the program since its start.

Below are our focus and goals that we set and try to instil in our gentlemen through every meeting, and every trip that we take.
To help young men

Learn about leadership

Believe in themselves
Meet the challenges of this world AND achieve in school


Help students raise their level of expectations in the classroom

Help students build self-esteem
Encourage students to set realistic short-term and long-term goals
Help students make a successful transition into postsecondary institutions, the work force, and/or military
Increase the students circle of support
Increase civic awareness through service-learning experiences, volunteer through community agencies, nursing homes,
younger children, etc.

Whats Offered

Meetings (twice a month)

Incentive Trips- College Visits, Muhammed Ali Center, etc.
Men of Quality Conference- Lifestyle Choices Forum

Last year we visited KSU and went to the Muhammed Ali center.

GPA - after entering the program they have to try to maintain a 2.5 GPA
Attendance- (schoolwide and meeting) They must have a 90% school attendance, and can't miss over 3 MOQ meetings
Behavior- They must get less than 3 behavior referrals or miss incentive trips
Zero drug policy
Adhere to Dress Code- wear shirt and tie one meeting per month
To demonstrate appropriate behavior and use appropriate language while in the school building or at school functions.

(Students chose the requirements GPA, Behavior and attendance requirements that they abide by)


Dionte Lewis

PRACTICE- I know youre probably thinking, I need to

practice, but how I do it? You have to be the first person on
the field and the last off the field. When people are leaving,
run an extra lap, throw the ball up and catch it, throw the
ball up and hit it, go to the batting cage; hard work pays off. Baseball may be a team sport,
but that doesnt mean that you need a whole team to practice. Working on your own to
hone individual skillssuch as speed sprinting, throwing accuracy and precision hittingcan
make you a better performer and athlete when it comes to game time. Using everyday
items, you can do some simple activities at home and on your own that can improve your
skill as an athlete and this is with any sport. You also need to practice on running speed, arm
strength, hitting for average like at batting cages, and fielding.
HELP YOUR TEAM- Motivate your team, cheer up your team up when theyre feeling down.
When I see my team not cheering in the dugout, I hype them up. Give them good credit
when they do a good job. If they do something wrong, I give them advice for next time on
the field or when we are batting the ball. If its a close game or youre losing, tell your team
its going to be okay and tell them to never give up!! Thats what I do, and trust me, it works.
Dont put pressure on them, but explain what it means to you. Not every player on your
team will be motivated to work hard, and some of your teammates may need some
encouragement to practice and get better.
FOCUS- My most important tip is to focus, you have to listen to the coach, and when you
first touch the field, its baseball time. Dont worry about the crowd; make sure you know
what youre doing, and when you get the ball, make sure you know where to throw it. Focus
really hard. When youre in the game, dont let the audiences or the other team get you out
of your game mode. Make sure you focus when youre defense, because if you dont, then
you can miss the ball. Youve also got to be focused on offense; watch the pitcher if you on
base. Watch the ball if you about to bat so you can time the ball and see how the pitcher
throwing the ball. If you focus, you will hit the ball. You also help your team, because you
know what is going on during the game. Do warm-ups to relax your mind.
PREPARE- Read and watch everything baseball. Read books, videos, watch games; go to
games and ask for help from coaches and good players.

Time is the Best Healer

JaQuaz Terrell
Athletes always wants to take the easy way to a quick recovery by taking
cortisone shots. Every player wants to get back to their team. Its hard to watch
your team go on without you. Is it smart to have a fast track solution? Athletes
should let nature take its course and heal the injury on its own.
Cortisone shots are used to treat serious inflammation or to modify effects
on the immune system. This can help a variety of conditions, such as arthritis and
common sports-related injuries. Injecting cortisone into or around joints or soft
tissue can reduce inflammation and pain in the affected area for up to several
weeks or months. A cortisone shot may seem like a fast-track solution to your
injury, but it isnt the be all and end all of treatment. According
to, In fact, corticosteroid injections in
the long run may actually do nothing or even worsen some injuries, despite the
positive short-term effects.
Getting the shot isnt such a good idea. I say this because youre harming
your tissues and bones. Yeah, you might have to have therapy, but its better to let
nature take its course. Weakening or rupturing of tendons in the affected area has
been reported, and repeated use may contribute to death of bone near the injection
site, and eventual destruction of cartilage in joints. There is a lot of danger with
taking the shot.
There are limits on the number of cortisone shots doctors will inject into a
joint. In general, cortisone injections should not be given more often than every
six weeks and usually not more than three or four times a year, according
to Your recommended dosage will depend on your overall health status
and the disease or condition for which cortisone is prescribed.
I tore my calf muscle once and it was so painful; I could barely walk, or sit
down. I thought that I let my football team down waiting for it to heal. I knew was
going to be ok eventually, and. I decided to let nature take its course because it was
the best for my muscle, my leg, and also the best for me. I knew getting a cortisone
shot would damage my tissues. I didnt want to have problems later down the
Dont risk your health for a game. Get yourself together before returning to
play. Take your time and let the wound or injury heal. The shot can make it
worse. A cortisone shot is not the best idea. A cortisone shot may seem like a quick
solution to your injury, but that isnt always the case. Be patient; time is the best

Prevention. Its always the best treatment. Here are a few

key tips:
Work yourself into shape slowly. Its the most important
element of prevention, particularly for weekend warriors who
may be tempted to go all out without preparing themselves
properly. Its a growing problem, particularly for the baby boom
generation; in fact, doctors have coined a new diagnosis,
boomeritis, for the phenomenon. Use a graded exercise
program to get into shape gradually, and then stay in shape the
year round.
Warm up before each exercise session and cool
down afterwards.
Stretch regularly; exercise makes muscles strong, but they also
get tight and short stretching preserves flexibility and
reduces the risk of injury.
Use good equipment; its particularly important to have
supportive, well-fitting shoes for weight-bearing activities.
Use good technique; a few lessons or a little coaching can
improve your mechanics as well as your performance.
Dont overdo it. Fatigue and dehydration impair concentration,
often leading to a misstep or fall. Overuse is the major cause of
injuries; give your body a chance to rest and recover after
workouts, particularly when youre first getting into shape.
Alternate hard sessions with easier ones. Vary your routine so
that you use different parts of your body; some people, for
example, might walk one day, play tennis the next, and garden
the third. A day off now and then doesnt hurt, either.

Sex Ed for Kindergarteners

Is it the right thing to do?
By: Tomeikia & Gia
On July 17, 2007 a teenage girl asked President Barack Obama what he would do to encourage all
teachers to implement Sexual Education instruction into grades k-12. Mr. Obama first noted that he tried to
push a sex education bill when he served in the Illinois state legislature to provide age-appropriate sex ed and
also science-based sex ed in schools. We asked some teachers at Central what they thought about this idea. We
theorized that all the teachers would have pretty much the same opinion about this issue, instead we had some
interesting results.

English point of view: I strongly disagree with having a sex Ed class for Kindergarteners. I feel as though the
child is too young to be introduced to the concept of sex. Just think about the questions that would arise in a
young childs mind. You also have to take into consideration that with the sexual information they are provided,
they may take it as being okay to become sexually active at a young age. Honestly, none of this should be
introduced to a child until the age of 9 or 10 years, around the 5th grade. Then I think that males and females
should have separate classes when this subject is being introduced. Kindergarteners are just way too young.
The parents should at least be able to have time to explain to their child first, before they are introduced to such
a thing in school. Part of the job of a parent is to guide and help their child in the direction that would be
appropriate for them to follow. When they introduce this at school, the parent should be confident that their
child has the right tools from home to be comfortable to handle such a mature topic at school.

Science point of view: I totally agree with having sex Ed class for Kindergarteners. I believe that if taught
properly, a child can learn more about their body. The class wouldnt be about sexual activities, it would be
about how to navigate the human body, and learning the responsibility of what comes with us. This would
educate kids about puberty so they can embrace the change in their body and not be afraid. Even though there
are some people that would want to shelter their child, it is important to understand that sheltering your child
does not provide the guidance that they will need later on in life. Kids needs to know these things so they wont
be lost in this world and get influenced by the wrong people. Others may say that the childs parent, or
guardian should explain the subject to the child before its introduced in school. I believe that some parents
dont know how to talk to their child about the subject, are is scared to talk to their child about it, so they will
end up avoiding the whole conversation. At the end of the day, no one is telling Kindergarteners to go out and
have sex. The sex ed teacher is simply explaining to them about their body, puberty, and teaching little boys
thats its not ok to touch little girls in inappropriate places.

We found it interesting that the differences in opinion were strongly related to the discipline of the
teachers. Furthermore, all of the English teachers we talked to were in agreement among themselves, as were all
of the Science teachers in agreement among themselves. Science teachers think sex is a part of science and
should be taught in a scientific manner. The English department, however, could not really answer our question
without asking more questions. Notably, the teachers in the Social Studies department totally disagreed with
each other.
In the end, we decided that teachers might have not been the best test subjects, even though it was cool
to see how their profession influences the way they voted.

Profiling and Disabilities

Natalye Gividen
A 42 year old man walks down three streets every day and then goes home. He has been doing
this for two long years, and has only began to get over a deep rooted fear of cars. This man was
hit by an elderly woman when he was walking home from a bus stop when he was a teenager. He
was in a comma for three weeks and has suffered brain damage because of this accident. For a
long time, he had no independence and felt less than human because of it. Two years ago, he
found his independence, and it was ripped away in a minute by a police officer. This man is my
Uncle and he has been taken advantage of.
People with disabilities have all kinds of social stigmas around them. When someone is
depressed, they may become suicidal; they have anxiety and become easily stressed. If someone
has suffered brain damage, as well, they may be mistreated. My uncle is taken care of by his
elderly parents, and does not understand 'adult' concepts; he is, essentially, a teenager in a grown
body. It is clear to anybody who meets him that he is disabled, and to passersby, this is made
clear by the way he holds himself.
My uncle did not disturb anyone; he was not close to the road. He was walking. There was no
reason for a cop to stop him and ask for his social security number or any other information.
Even if he had committed a crime, my uncle does not have the mindset to answer these questions
like many other people with mental handicaps. He was terrified of what was happening, because
he was treated like he was a criminal. Every day, people with disabilities like my uncle, are
treated in a degrading manor. They are easily scared of doing the things they love because of
something that was said to them without regard to their circumstances.
This cop has scared my uncle from ever taking another walk. It is important that police officers
receive training to learn how to treat those who suffer from brain damage and other disabilities
like it without upsetting them. Instead of treating victims like a child, they should be treated with
respect. Processing information takes time, and questions should be phrased carefully and
politely. Words must be chosen carefully. In this case, the police man was the true criminal.

What should I say when I encounter someone with a disability?

Be sensitive when choosing words you use. Here are a few guidelines on appropriate language.

Recognize that people with disabilities are ordinary people with common goals for a home, a job and a family.

Talk about people in ordinary terms.

Never equate a person with a disability such as referring to someone as retarded or epileptic. These labels are
simply medical diagnoses.

Use People First Language to tell what a person HAS, not what a person IS.

Emphasize abilities not limitations. Say, for example, "a man walks with crutches" instead of, "he is crippled."

Avoid negative words that imply tragedy such as afflicted with, suffers, victim, prisoner and unfortunate.

Youre No Longer in Control

Angel McCoy

Addiction is a disease. People that are addicted have no control over the things they do or say.
They do not even have control of what they are doing. Addiction changes the persons priorities and their
mind set. When youre addicted to something, your mind and body crave more. When a person is addicted
to something, they cannot control what they use or how much of it that they use, and they become
dependent on these substances to cope with their daily life. To them, it seems physically and mentally
impossible to stop.
Being an addict can ruin your life. When your addiction first starts, its not that bad and you think
you can stop it, but you tell yourself you dont want to, so you dont. Soon though, you become dependent
and start to do things that are morally wrong. Addicts start to steal things that dont belong to them from
stores and people they know, to sell them to get money to buy drugs. They start to lie to the people they
love. Addiction will slowly rip your life away from you right in front of your eyes, and even if you want to
stop, you cant. Addiction controls your emotions so that you cant care about anything except using more
of the substance.
Addition doesnt just go away. You need help, but most people dont want the help; they like the
high. They use it to run away from their emotions and problems. They dont want to deal with the physical
pain they will encounter while trying to stop. People like this have a bleak future; jail time is coming; your
family will be destroyed. Addiction drives your family to hate you. It breaks your life away piece by piece,
and makes everyone around you miserable. When youre addicted to something, you learn what its like to
run out of chances, what its like to hit rock bottom.
Even if you try to rehab, you almost always relapse and start to use again. Addicts dont want a
normal life; they dont want to deal with the problems they caused. They only want an escape from it all of
their problems. One of the reasons almost everyone relapses is because their emotions return and they
cant face the pain and destruction that they created. Being an addict doesnt mean you were always a bad
person, but that something bad happened to a good person. Overcoming an addiction takes an incredible
amount of strength and determination. Its easier not to start than it is to quit.

Emotional Withdrawal Symptoms






Poor concentration


Social isolation

Physical Withdrawal Symptoms


Racing heart


Muscle tension

Tightness in the chest

Difficulty breathing


Nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea

Dangerous Withdrawal Symptoms

Alcohol and tranquilizers produce the most dangerous physical withdrawal.
Suddenly stopping alcohol or tranquilizers can lead to seizures, strokes, or heart attacks in
high risk patients. A medically supervised detox can minimize your withdrawal symptoms
and reduce the risk of dangerous complications. Some of the dangerous symptoms of
alcohol and tranquillizer withdrawal are:

Grand mal seizures

Heart attacks



Delirium tremens (DTs)

Adulterated Food
Angel McCoy
If youre a person who likes chocolate, heres a question for you. Do you know what it
contains? Are you aware of the things that factories leave out of the ingredients on the
packages? The delicious Snickers and Reeses, that you love so much, contain fragments of
insect and rodent parts. Did you know that you were eating rats and bugs?
According to FDA testing, there are 60-90 insect fragments per 100 grams of chocolate.
But that isnt the only food that has unexpected ingredients. The FDA actually allows some
contamination of
foods: Action levels and
tolerances are
established based on the
unavoidability of the
poisonous or deleterious
substances and do not
represent permissible
levels of contamination
where it is avoidable.

If the FDA
thinks that it is okay to
allow these disgusting
things to remain in our
food, they should at
least list the
ingredients so we are
aware of what we are

Crushed beetles in Starbucks drinks

Rat hair and insect fragments in chocolate
Beaver's anal secretion and urine in ice cream
Fish bladder in beer
Sheep's wool residue in chewing gum
Duck feathers in baked goods
Toilet bleach in potato chips
Sawdust in grated cheese
Maggots in mushrooms
Sand in Wendy's Chili
Pig skin in jello


If more people
were aware of this problem, they would be less likely to buy contaminated foods.

No one in their right mind would

knowingly buy foods with some of the
ingredients that are listed below!

Here are some common foods and the amount of insect

contamination the FDA allows:

Type of insect

Insect larvae (corn

Canned sweet
ear worms or corn
Canned citrus Insects and insect
fruit juices
Insect filth
Chocolate and
Insect filth
Peanut butter Insect filth
Wheat flour

Insect filth


Insects and mites




Insect filth
Insect filth
Insect filth
Insect filth

Level Allowable Before Action

2 or more 3 mm or longer larvae, cast
skins, larval or cast skin fragments, the
aggregate length of insects or insect
parts exceeds 12 mm in 24 pounds
5 or more Drosophila and other fly
eggs per 250 ml or 1 or more maggots
per 250 ml
Average of 2% or more by count has
been damaged or infected by insects
Average is 60 or more insect fragments
per 100 grams (when 6 100 g
subsamples are examined)
Average of 30 or more insect fragments
per 100 grams
Average of 150 or more insect
fragments per 100 grams
Average of 60 or more aphids and/or
thrips and/or mites per 100 grams
Average of more than 2,500 aphids per
10 grams
Average of 925 or more insect
fragments per 10 grams
Average of 100 or more insect
fragments per 10 grams
Average of 400 or more insect
fragments per 50 grams
Average of 800 or more insect
fragments per 10 grams

Guidance for Industry: Action Levels for Poisonous or

Deleterious Substances in Human Food and Animal Feed

Do the Right Thing

Demiele Lindsay

Step two of a one step process is always pointless right? Exactly, so why put a patient through
unnecessary steps. I have a patient in tremendous pain looking for someone to help her. I refer her to an
endodontist who performs an incomplete job on her $800 root canal. She comes back to me indicating shes
still in pain and her tooth has now become abscessed. Now Im asked to treat and perform the procedure again,
but do I charge her once more is the question? Taking a step back and putting myself in her shoes ultimately
led me to realize I could never recharge her for the procedure, and heres why.
The patient is not at fault, so who am I to make her pay a whopping $1,600 bill for a failed procedure?
Looking at this situation from an ethical stand- point, thats just ridiculous. The patient has been through a lot.
From the pain in her tooth, to the problem not being fixed after having high expectations, then having to turn
around and pay again for the same root canal she had to pay for out of pocket once already. I will not make the
client pay again.
You first have to look at it through the patients eyes. You may feel like youre giving out hard work and
services for free. It was all beneficial to the endodontist who completed the work and got paid, but you get the
short end of the stick. Unlike the endodontist; youre not just getting paid a measly $800. If the patient trusted
you enough to carry out her root canal, think about all the other processes shell be comfortable letting you do.
Shell become what dentists love most a returning client. You cant possibly think charging her again will start
you off on the right foot!
According to research done by James Quiggle, a spokesman for the Coalition Against Insurance Fraud,
"The most frequent dental scams are inflating claims, delivering worthless treatment that patients don't need
and billing insurers for phantom treatment that the dentist never delivered," he says. "Dentists also may have a
staffer do procedures that only a dentist is licensed to perform, yet bill as if the dentist had done the work."
Dental scams can cost the patient wasted money and time. You can walk in expecting your pain to soon cease,
but later realize the same problem is still just that a problem.
Mindy Weinman, dentist and professor at SUNY Buffalo dental school, told Vox, A pretty egregious, but
not uncommon, scam is for a dentist to charge you for procedures that were never performed in the first place.
This can sometimes happen when you get one treatment and then another phantom treatment is added to the
bill, such as X-rays you turned down. Its important to check each bill carefully to make sure you and/or your
insurance company isnt paying your dentist for services that were not rendered. You just never know the
intentions of professionals and it reflects poorly on the unaware dentist who referred the patient.
Its not just older patients that are being taken advantage of, unaware parents and their children are
victims too. Some corporate dentists appear to have crossed the line into fraud. In 2010, Small Smiles, a
venture-capital-owned chain with offices in 20 states, was ordered to refund $24 million to the government
after an investigation found that its dentists had been performing unnecessary extractions, fillings, and root
canals on children covered by Medicaid. A new lawsuit alleges that some toddlers it treated underwent as many
as 14 proceduresoften under restraint and without anesthesia. (The group was banned from Medicaid this
year.) Several other pediatric dentistry chains have been sued over similar allegations. It leaves the patients
vulnerable and this is just unethical. Precautions need to be taken to ensure the patient is not spending more
than they have to.
Sometimes you have to take into consideration how the patient feels and predict how the situation can
be flipped into a positive one. Making her pay the extra money paints a poor picture of your morals and what
you view as right and wrong. You could use this to your advantage by making this patient a loyal one. Doing the
right thing could lead to a great flourish in your business.

Specialized areas of Dentistry:

Dental public health: Prevention and control of dental disease and promotion
of community dental health
Endodontics: Prevention and treatment of diseases of the root pulp and
related structures (root canal therapy)
Oral and maxillofacial pathology: Diagnosis of tumors, other diseases, and
injuries of the head and neck
Oral and maxillofacial surgery: Tooth extractions; surgical treatment of
diseases, injuries, and defects of the mouth, jaw, and face
Orthodontics and dentofacial orthopedics: Diagnosis and correction of tooth
irregularities and facial deformities
Pediatric dentistry: Dental care of infants and children
Periodontics: Treatment of diseases of the gums and related structures
Prosthodontics: Treatment of oral dysfunction through the use of prosthetic
devices such as crowns, bridges, and dentures

According to
Good dentists take a personal interest in patients and their health. They are prevention-oriented
but not faddists. They use x-ray films and probably suggest a full-mouth study unless suitable films
are available from the patient's previous dentist.
A small percentage of dentists espouse or engage in unscientific practices. You should avoid any
dentists who:

Sell vitamins or other dietary supplements

Automatically recommend replacement of amalgam fillings or removal of teeth that have
root canals
"Specialize" in treating headaches, backaches, myofascial pain, or TMJ problems
Allege that fluoridation is dangerous
Identify themselves as practicing "holistic" or "biological" dentistry
Diagnose neuralgia-inducing cavitational osteonecrosis (NICO)
Go beyond dentistry by diagnosing "heavy metal toxicity" or diseases other than those of
the mouth, gums, teeth, and associated tissues.

Have Colleges Become Too Left or Right Wing?

Madison Mayes
Are colleges being too conservative or liberal in the things they expose their students
to? Meaning, are students being exposed to too much in regards to religion, culture, political
views, etc., or not enough. In April of 2014, Brandeis University canceled their plan to give an
honorary degree to Ayaan Hirsi Ali for being a harsh critic of Islam. They said that they
couldnt overlook that certain of her past statements are inconsistent with Brandeis
Universitys core values. In other words, they denied her this honor because her religious
views were too radical, and they didnt want to be criticized for it. However, even though she
may be radical, she and her supporters believe that she has good grounds to be so outspoken.
She has been a victim of genital cutting, family attempts to force her into marriage, as well as
receiving numerous death threats for speaking out. So, although her belief may be seen as
blasphemous to the Islamic religion, should the colleges really pass judgement?
Many people believe that having a more liberal college is essential to becoming a wellrounded person. President Obama gave his opinion on the new political correctness at
college campuses. He stated that hes heard some college campuses where they dont want to
have a guest speaker who is too conservative or they dont want to read a book if it has
language that is offensive to African-Americans or somehow sends a demeaning signal
towards women. I dont agree that when you become students at colleges, have to be coddled
and protected from different points of view you shouldnt silence others with differing
opinions by saying, You cant come because Im too sensitive to hear what you have to say.
Thats not the way we learn. Like Obama, I believe that once you go to college you shouldnt
have limited access to the world. You should experience many different points of view as a
way to develop your own opinions, and grow as a person.
When looking into conservative colleges, some interesting things come up.
Collegexpress.coms conservative campuses section said, Although not necessarily religious,
these are colleges where values and morals are prized. There is less partying and more sexual
abstention, less diversity in clothing styles and more traditional attitudes among students
some of these colleges have a rigid core education with required classes instead of
electives. At these campuses, people hold tradition near and dear. It seems as though they
dont necessarily like the changes/acceptance of things liberal schools call normal. Gloria Kim
is a freshman at Swarthmore College (a liberal arts college in Pennsylvania) and is a
conservative. In her essay, Life as a Conservative at a Liberal College, She explained the
view conservatives have. Originally choosing to attend a liberal school to become more
poetic, sentimental, or philosophical, she was met by rigid and inflexible radicalism.
Being so right-wing, she was met by opposition for not being open too many of the policies
that liberals strongly believed in (Obamacare, LGBT, etc.). From a conservative view, she
believes that colleges are becoming so liberal because students who wish to remain on the
sidelines or express a different view are often socially pressured to become liberals. Colleges
are becoming too liberal because society is pushing this as the social norm. She feels that for
colleges to be more diverse, sophisticated, and academic, they need to have a true
bipartisanship comprised of multiple viewpoints.
I think that colleges should be evenly balanced. I think that there is good in both views.
Having liberal views means to be more accepting of the changing society. It means support for
anyone, no matter what differences we may have in political views, sexuality, or religion.
However, being religious, I am also fond of some conservative views. I believe that it would
benefit most people to abstain from some of the things that liberal colleges may not
necessarily frown upon, like sex and going to parties. From an educational/political
standpoint, I do however, tend to lean left. I believe that you can never be too liberal with in
the best way possible.

Find out where the college of your choice stands.

The Terminally Ill: Go the Distance or Take the Back Seat?

Sydney Simmons
Veterinary medicine is making progress in making all surgeries minimally invasive, and has been
successful in doing so with many different operations that were once very dangerous and risky for an animal.
Some procedures, typically the ones used to fix the more severe problems, have no simpler, less dangerous
alternative. But the question is, is an invasive and risky procedure appropriate when the chances of success are
slim and the prognosis of the animal is already not good? There are many ways to look at this issue: there are
those who feel like the Veterinary team should keep the animal alive no matter what, burdening the client with
high costs, and putting the animals emotional well-being aside. There are also those who feel we let nature
take its course. Its an ethical quandary that has troubled families for years.
Its becoming more common (2 out of every 3 pet owners to be exact) that animals are considered part
of the family, and the advances in modern veterinary care can make it near-impossible for pet owners to know
when its the right time to let the animal go. 42% of 1,000 animal owners surveyed said that they would be very
likely to spend at least $5,000 on their pet in one hospital visit if it would be beneficial to the animals health
and the pet owners income did not make a difference in their answers. Bernard Rollin, a professor of
philosophy and animal sciences at Colorado State University said, Once, the biggest dilemma veterinarians
faced was that pet owners were hasty and thoughtless in their decision to euthanize, requesting the procedure at
the first sign of age, illness, or mere inconvenience. Now its often the opposite extreme. Depending on the
operation at hand and the state of the animals health, an invasive and risky procedure may be a positive effort.
Theres always a chance that the Veterinary team may pull the surgery off and prolong the animals survival.
But, if the animal is already terminal, is that the morally correct thing to do for the animal?
Those families that have gone to these extremes to prolong their animals life often times regret their
efforts once the animal is gone because of financial strain afterwards. Americans spent $56 billion on their pets
in 2013, according to the latest figures of the Federal Trade Commission. The riskier the procedure, the more
likely the animal is to suffer complications or even death, and the state of the animals health must factor in as
well. Some people feel like thinking logically with numbers is a better approach to these situations than thinking
emotionally because doing so will give the animal a happier life. The Veterinary team may be able to perform
the surgery, but may be unable to succeed and make it harder and more painful on the already ill patient if
he/she isnt killed in surgery itself. Ultimately, is the possible reward worth the risks?
The social structure in families has changed because of the rise in cohabitation and childlessness among
families, those who are putting off marriage or are never getting married at all. There are more ways to develop
families these days, and animals are filling the role of those absent people. Because of this, people are often
times willing to invest in the same level of care for their animals as they would be for their human family
members. Its hard to know the difference between decisions you should make from the ones you want to make.
Pets cannot comprehend the idea that the pain and terror theyre enduring through medical treatment may result
in more time to live later. All they comprehend is that they hurt and they dont feel well and frequent visits to
the vets office to be poked and prodded isnt pleasant. Animals lives do matter. If the animal is in critical
condition and already on its deathbed, it would be more humane to euthanize than to make a desperate attempt
at prolonging the animals life with thousands of dollars in surgeries and medications that cause suffering to the
animal and the wallet of the owner.

If our fathers were in the hospital with stage 4 colon cancer and only had a few months to live, would we
force him to spend his last days sitting in pain from the countless numbers of surgeries we have made him
endure? Chances are we would take him home, make him comfortable and spend time with him until his time
came. Why should animals be treated any differently? If the animal is going to die from a disease, and no
amount of medication can treat them, is it morally right to put them through surgery after surgery when all it
does is prolong their painful life and strain your bank account?

Facts about U.S. animal shelters

Approximately 7.6 million companion animals enter animal shelters

nationwide every year. Of those, approximately 3.9 million are dogs and
3.4 million are cats.

Each year, approximately 2.7 million animals are euthanized (1.2 million
dogs and 1.4 million cats).

Approximately 2.7 million shelter animals are adopted each year (1.4
million dogs and 1.3 million cats).

About 649,000 animals who enter shelters as strays are returned to their
owners. Of those, 542,000 are dogs and only 100,000 are cats.

Of the dogs entering shelters, approximately 35% are adopted, 31% are
euthanized and 26% of dogs who came in as strays are returned to their

Of the cats entering shelters, approximately 37% are adopted, 41% are
euthanized, and less than 5% of cats who came in as strays are returned to
their owners.

About twice as many animals enter shelters as strays compared to the

number that are relinquished by their owners.

Facts about Pet Overpopulation in the U.S.

It is impossible to determine how many stray dogs and cats live in the
United States; estimates for cats alone range up to 70 million.

The average number of litters a fertile cat produces is one to two a

year; the average number of kittens is four to six per litter.

The average number of litters a fertile dog produces is one a year; the
average number of puppies is four to six.

Owned cats and dogs generally live longer, healthier lives than strays.

Many strays are lost pets who were not kept properly indoors or
provided with identification.

Only 10%of the animals received by shelters have been spayed or

neutered, while 83% of pet dogs and 91% of pet cats are spayed or

The cost of spaying or neutering a pet is less than the cost of raising
puppies or kittens for a year.

Jurnee Roberts
Have you ever thought about the average American school book being turned into a tablet? Thousands of pages,
from your usual Math, Science, English, and History books being converted into one simple 9.7 inch, 0.96 pound tablet.
The average weight of a textbook is three and pounds. Just imagine carrying four, sometimes even more, of those a
day; add the abundant notebooks, binders, reams of paper, folders, and other stuff the average student needs for a day
in school, and you have plenty of back problems. With all of that weight on your shoulders, even with the best backpack,
there is a chance you will still experience horrific back pains and problems in the future. The average books, paper, and
assignments in school should be replaced with tablets.
According to, Lugging them [backpacks] can also lead to chronic back pain, accidents
and possibly lifelong orthopedic damage. If people knew about the damaging problems that backpacks cause, they
probably would be more careful about how much they put in them. The human back and spinal cord play a very
important part in our daily lives. Without a spine, humans will become unstable, or even paralyzed. There was a study
led by David Siambanes, DO, of the Inland Empire Spine Center in Riverside, Calif. Participants were 3,500 students aged
11 to 15 at four middle schools in Riverside and San Bernardino counties. Researchers weighed the kids backpacks and
then asked them how bad the back pain they had was, if they had any. According to, most students
said they hurt, at least a bit, from their backpacks; and 64% reported having back pain at some time. Two of every five
children said they felt pain while wearing their backpacks. In students reporting pain, about 12% said it was "not bad,"
while almost 90% said their back pain was "bad" or "very bad. Replacing tablets as a students books will lessen back
pain by loads.
Once a person has spinal injuries, it affects them for the rest of their lives. Some people get put into
wheelchairs, some have to be kept in bed, and some might never see the outside of a hospital again. Can you imagine
the depressing state that people like that can be in? Not being able to move from the neck down or the waist down
having someone help you for the rest of your life with something that you could do before, perfectly fine by yourself,
but now, its impossible. And the fact that this might affect children so early in life, is sad. For the rest of their lives, they
are going to have to live without walking, lifting, holding their first child, giving their mother, father, and other family
members a hug. Imagine, your mother laying ill on a bed, saying her last words, and her last wish being you to wrap your
arms around her one last time, but you cant. Backpacks can cause serious spinal problems for youth, and we can
prevent it if we replace school books with tablets.
Tablets should be the new modern textbook to students. 81% of K-12 teachers believe that "tablets enrich
classroom education, and I can back them up on that. Students dont want to sit down in a class for an hour and 30
minutes, listening to some teachers talk about the same boring stuff, and more than half of it wont be used by some of
us in the future. Students want to be hooked onto what the teacher is talking about, and the best way theyre going to
get students of our generation to learn is through electronics.
For those who think tablets will be a distraction because
Some 28% of Americans read at least one estudents will download games, there are restrictions that you
book in 2013 up from 23% the year earlier,
can set on the tablets for which apps you want to keep locked
according to a new survey of more than
so no one can get in except the person with the password,
1,000 adults from the Pew Research Center's
which will be the teacher. More than half the nation is already
using tablets in school, and they have seen an increase in the
Internet & American Life Project. But the
students paying attention in class. Even in Dubai, students and
percentage of people who read print books
teachers use textbook tablets in class.
increased as well: 69% said they read at
Lets be real, electronics are slowly, but surely, going to
least one print book, up from 65% the year
take over soon; we might as well replace the books and
notebooks in school with them now. It will take some
investment, but before you know it, the schools will be filled
with tablets instead of heavy duty textbooks; tests will be
taken on a thin screen instead of paper; and students will be
way more fascinated about learning. We will also see a strong
decrease in chronic back pain in kids. Lets make a change to the tablets.

Matthew Ison

Smoking cigarettes is bad for your health because

It can cause health problems. According to the Freedom from Smoking online web page,
smoking cigarettes is the number one cause of deaths due to lung cancer, emphysema
and all other kinds of health problems. For every one person who has died from smoking,
there are 20 people suffering from chronic disease due to smoking. Why would you
basically kill yourself over something so stupid?

The cost of the cigarettes. According to, the average cost of a pack of
cigarettes in Kentucky $5.40 and most smokers smoke at least one pack a day. For
example one weeks worth of cigarettes cost $37.80 and the amount to pay for
cigarettes in one year is $1971. You could be paying for bills and other expenses other
expenses that are important for survival.

Smoking is an addiction. According to the Science Daily website, the signs of addiction
can start as early as a few days into smoking, both physical and mental. The physical
part includes withdrawal and the mental includes depression. Even if you are addicted to
cigarettes you can still quit. Take yourself slowly off of them so you dont go through the
long process of withdrawals or depression.

Smoking becomes a habit, and smokers smoke just because they do. My aunt used to
smoke, and she told me she smoked because there was nothing else to do. People who
suffer from boredom will pick up smoking because it takes their mind off of sitting
around and doing nothing. Take up new hobbies to stop the boredom, like hiking,
fishing, or even swimming.

Second hand smoke harms others. According to, Non-smokers who breathe
in SHS take in nicotine and toxic chemicals the same way smokers do. Secondhand
smoke is known to cause cancer. It has more than 7,ooochemicals, including at least 70
that can cause cancer. People need to make a change in their lifestyle and quit smoking.


Avg. Price per Pack

Cost Over One Year

Cost Over 20 Years









District of Columbia
















New York




Go to for these helpful aids to quitting smoking.

Your eyes are the window to your soul, your

teeth are the window to your health."
Should a Dental Hygienist Inform a Patients Spouse about a Communicable Disease?
Leydis Aguillera
A dental hygienist is a person that works in the mouth and specializes in the prevention
of dental disease. But, why is a clean mouth so important? It is not important only because it
looks good. When we think about it, one of the things that causes the mouth to be dirty is
bacteria and bacteria is not always beneficial, especially in the mouth. They can cause many
diseases. That is why dental hygienists are responsible for a thorough extraoral and intraoral
assessment and the detection of any malignant lesion on every single patient; this can save
their life. People might think that the job of a dental hygienist is very easy, and that they dont
face difficult decisions as other dental providers do. The question following that statement is- Is
it really true?
One of the situations which a dental hygienist could face is treating someone and
realizing the patient has a disease that could be easily spread, such as oral herpes. Should the
dental hygienist inform the spouse or other family members? Many people would conclude
that it is the right thing to do, and if we put ourselves in the patients or the family member
shoes, we can imagine how it would feel to be in that position. If only the dental hygienist
would inform the spouse about the patients condition, the dental hygienist could prevent a lot
of issues, such as the chance of the spouse getting infected as well. lf the hygienist were to
inform others right away, they could start treatment earlier and prevent things going any
further and getting more serious.
On the other hand, there has to be an understanding of the law. By law, the only one
who can inform patients about something they see if it looks like something that can be really
bad is the dentist. The reason is because the dentist is certified to do so, while the dental
hygienist is not. When a hygienist detects something that looks like it might be malignant,
his/her responsibility is to let the dentist know and then steps will be taken. What would
happen if the hygienist detects a cancerous tumor on a patients mouth and then tells the
patient about it? The patient will probably panic and ask the hygienist to do something about it.
But can the hygienist do something about it? The answer by the law is no. In other words, by
not telling the patient and instead letting the doctor handle it how it is supposed to be, a dental
hygienist can actually prevent issues or dilemmas.

The Effectiveness of Stop and Frisk

J'Vontaye Bartee

Do you as a U.S. citizen want to be safe of crime or have gangs run

the cities? The answer to that is you want to be safe, and you do not want
gangs running the city. If we want guaranteed safety, then promote the
Stop and Frisk Law. The stop and identify law should be passed to enhance
crime prevention practices from law enforcement officers and permit law
enforcement officers to stop citizens in public at any time. The basis of this
law being put into action is that it will assist in lowering crime rates, lessen
illegal drug activity or trafficking and make communication safer in our
The stop and identify law is a very key crime deterrent. Major cities
such as New York City, Los Angeles, and Philadelphia have seen lowered
crime rates as a result of the law. In 1990, New York had 527,257 victims of
"serious crime," there were 106,064 in 2011 and the rate of murders
dropped in that period from 2,262 to 504. The statistics show that stopping
and questioning is an effective crime deterrent. A Harvard study of policing
in Los Angeles under William Bratton, when the crime rate dropped
significantly, reported a surge in stops by the L.A.P.D.
Following a legal challenge in 1968, Terry vs Ohio, the Supreme Court
ruled that police do not have to wait until a crime has been committed, but
can make stops based on suspicion that a crime is about to occur. The police
have a great discretion to deal with behavior that arouses their suspicion.
Such stops have been shown to be an effective tool for reducing crime.
There is not one other clear prevention alternative to these stops.
There were more than 26,000 stops were made last year for alleged
marijuana offenses, leading to a decrease in drug trafficking. Most drug
dealers are on the streets, along with guns and other crime. Those streets
are safer because of the stops and frisks. The law will also make
communities safer by targeting crime hot spots. This is most beneficial for
Black and Hispanic communities that experience the greatest victimization
rates, and particularly for young Black and Hispanic males, who, according
to Dennis C. Smith is a professor of public policy at the Robert F. Wagner
Graduate School of Public Service at New Your University, they are
disproportionately victims and perpetrators of violent crime. As a result of

active crime prevention techniques like stop-and-frisk, they are being

arrested and imprisoned at a drastically lower rate. The number of inmates
from New York City in state prisons is down 42 percent since 2000, while the
rest of the state showed at 17 percent increase. This too is an important
claim for the effectiveness of police stops.
While the law has been very effective, you should always know your
rights when dealing with police. The website, Know Your Rights, provides
the following information:

What you should know about stop and frisk laws:

The Courts ruling in Terry v. Ohio has been understood to validate the practice of
frisking (or patting down) suspects for weapons under diverse circumstances. Generally,
law enforcement officers will perform frisks at their discretion, regardless of the
reasonable suspicion standard established by the Terry ruling. Thus, it is not
uncommon for frisks to be conducted for investigatory purposes where no actual
evidence of a threat to officer safety exists.
Due to the prevalence of police frisks it is important for citizens to understand the
rationale behind police authority to pat down suspects and the limitations the Court has
placed on that authority:
1. After initiating contact, police officers may pat down criminal suspects for weapons in
order to provide for their safety and that of the public. This police practice is rarely, if
ever, a violation of your constitutional rights.
2. If you are frisked, any hard objects the officer detects can be removed from your
pockets and inspected.
3. You can be charged for possession of illegal weapons discovered through a lawful
pat down.
4. Though your proximity to the officer creates a limited window of opportunity in which
to assert your rights, you may verbally state that you do not consent to a full search of
your person. If you do not wish to be searched following the pat down, verbally state your
refusal to be searched as soon as possible in order to avoid any misunderstandings.
5. Police cannot conduct frisks for the purpose of discovering evidence other than
weapons. The Supreme Court has ruled that suspicious items other than weapons retain
their Fourth Amendment protection during a frisk. This means that if a police officer
claims that soft objects in your pocket feel like drugs, the objects cannot be further
investigated without your consent.

Mustafa Ali

We all tend to be successful, yet we dont give enough to others. We think that success is about having
big houses, nice cars and a lot of money; to me success is about helping people in need of care. In other words,
giving back. In my home country, Iraq, there are doctors and nurses, but most lack a lot of the education needed
to provide efficient treatments for patients. I want to use my favorable circumstances and immigrate back to my
mother country as a nurse and use my knowledge to help the people there.
They say that genes are passed from two parents to their offspring, the same eye color or the same nose
for example, but a certain mutation can change the course of that offspring. That mutation happens to have
occurred within me; I got something far from color or shape. Ive acquired a curious mind, a mind that feeds its
hunger with education. By the time I was about ten months old, I had learned how to talk using a handful of
words I picked up from everyone around me; at least this is what my mother told me. That is quite a young age
for a baby to speak actual words. But what does all this have to do with what I want to become you might ask;
the answer is fairly simple, a toy.
I was six years old when I had my first real birthday; this birthday was nothing like the past birthdays I
had had, this was a very special one. As my father, mother, my two uncles and their wives gathered around to
help me blow out the candles, my father walked in with a giant box wrapped in a colorful paper. I blew the
candles so hard that water came out of my little mouth. Although I had no idea what was inside of it, I knew the
package was mine. I jumped off my chair and raced towards the box, leaving the rest of the family as they
continued celebrating, I tackled the box out of my fathers hands to the ground while unwrapping it. As I
opened the box, I saw a picture of a man with what seemed to be a doctors outfit on standing next to two other
men that were wearing blue. I knew what this was, I had seen it in TV commercials all the time. It was a mini
doctor/nurse kit that came with an outfit and a toy patient that had to be assembled. I ran towards dad hugging
him tightly and thanking him; this was a toy Id been wanting to get for a long time. I was very interested in the
medical field as a young kid after having to go to doctors so many times for flu shots. I liked what the doctors
did, but I was more interested in the nurses that would give me stickers and toys to stop me from crying after a
shot. I loved everything about them, the way they dressed, the way they treated patients with such care. I set a
goal in my life at that point to become a nurse.
Here I am 11 years later, living in the United States of America, land of the free. I didnt always live in
America; I was living in my homeland till the war happened and ruined what once was a beautiful country. As
for my toy, it was left behind in my devastated home. Instead, I was given the opportunity to pursue my dream;
my father registered us for a refugee program that brought us to America. This does not happen to everyone; I
was a fortunate child, because unlike people whose lives have been destroyed by the aftermath of the wars, I
was given one more shot. I took the shot and success is mandatory to me. I will not forget about my people; I
will not forget about the people I lost because of the war; this is a chance for me to give back to my country and
I am willing to do everything it takes to do it.
America gave me hope to strive for my dreams once again. I am working really hard at school because
education is the key to everything. I have received a lot of awards as I have excelled in my educational journey,
but it is not enough. Receiving my nursing degree is the only reward I want. Receiving my degree will help me
pay back my family; it will help me go back to my homeland and help people who need me. This is my dream. I
am willing to stay up nights studying; nothing is more important to me than education. My journey and country
have affected my life in tremendous ways, its time for me to affect them for good.

Work Harder and Stay Later

Kirk Miller

There isnt a community in Louisville I havent lived in; Black, White, Latino. Ive lived
in them all. Understanding each of them. Allowing them to break me down socially and
build me up again and always giving me insight on the right way to do something.
It has helped me not judge people, but understand them and respect them, instead. As a
kid, this was easy because learning about and meeting new people is fun. Especially
when they teach or show you new things. When I was six, I had a Mexican friend named
Carlos. We lived in the same apartment complex so it was easy for us to spend the night
at each others houses. Every time I came over, Id be exposed to different entertainment,
food, music, etc. It was the little things that amazed me, and still do, like the different
things you could put in a taco or how to correctly roll a burrito.
These experiences really stuck with me as I grew up. However, these arent the only
things to shape me as a young man. Why didnt you hold the door for that lady? my
dad would ask me. Then he would go on for what seemed like forever about how his son
will always be respectful to women, especially my mother. On a regular basis he gave me
these speeches. This taught me a lot about what to expect in the real world and how to
survive. The real world tip he pressed the most was hard work and determination: doing
things most people wont do to gain the advantage, being early and staying late, and
working twice as hard. One of his favorite quotes is, If youre on time, youre late. That
really inspires me to do my best and work my hardest.
The speeches he gives me really motivate me, but what drives me the most is an
understanding of myself. I know what I am good at and what needs work. I came to know
these things through trial, error and guidance. When I was in elementary school, I was
never quite at the reading level I was supposed to be, but I felt like I wasnt the bad
reader my teachers and mother thought I was. The books they gave me, Junie B. Jones
and Harry Potter made me so bored Id fall asleep. When I finally found books I liked to
read, I couldnt put them down; for example, the autobiography of Malcolm X, by Alex
Haley, is my favorite book. Ive read it four times since 6th grade and I have a better
understanding every time I read it. Through trial and error, I was able to figure out why I
was not really enjoying reading and fix it.
Ive had a lot of things that make me the young man I am today: meeting and learning
from new people, getting lectures from my dad about the real world, and being honest
with myself to know what Im good at and what needs work. All of these have helped me
view my future with the promise and excitement that I can achieve whatever I choose to

Education is the Gate

Ler Eh Paw

After the next four or more years, I want to be in a position to where I can
change the world for the better. My goal is to work hard to achieve world peace.
Changing the world is an easy thing to say but a hard task to do, and if changing
the world is that easy, then this world wouldve been a peaceful place, but its
not. Real life cannot be compared to the game of Life where everything is
beautiful. Gaining knowledge and wisdom is my only way to make a difference in
the world. What motivates me to yarn for education is what Ive been through,
and what I see around me.
I grew up in a bamboo house in Thailand. My family and I were not scared
of the big snakes or wild animals with sharp teeth; what we were scared of every
day and night were the soldiers. Sometimes, I wonder why folks of the same
species lack sympathy for each other and will go as far as to take the life of
another, because, from my experience, animals are much more humanitarian.
This problem still exists today where humans are tortured mentally and physically
by other individuals. There are many people around the world that are working
hard to help countries ruined by war; however there are even more people who
are turning a blind eye. People often do not take a problem seriously until it hits
Nonetheless, for me, getting an education is a top priority and the most
crucial mission. I've already wasted half of my life on running away from soldiers
from one place to another. In my town, getting an education was expensive and
rare. However that's not the case anymore, that was the first half of my life, but
the other half is different. The other half began when I came to America, where
there are opportunities to change my future.
After coming to America, life wasnt as easy as I thought it would be. I
encountered the language barrier, experienced bullying, and have very low selfesteem. I felt like I was trapped in this world with nowhere to go. There was no
such thing called home, so I did not know where to run to. Therefore, I stopped
myself from being overwhelmed by everything and started to adapt to the foreign
Education is the key to success, especially for someone like me because it
would mean I will have chances my parents never had. They have done so much
to get me to this point and I will make sure their efforts were not in vain. I am
determined to make a difference for those in need of help, those who are in the
same circumstances as I was, those in need of peace.

More than 43 million people worldwide are now forcibly displaced as a

result of conflict and persecution, the highest number since the mid1990s. Several million people remain displaced because of natural
disasters, although updated statistics are not available.
More than 15 million of the uprooted are refugees who fled their home
countries, while another 27 million are people who remain displaced by
conflict within their own homelands -- so-called internally displaced

Location of largest refugee camps globally. Little or no education is available to the inhabitants.

Antonio Blackburn
A vast majority of people have made poor decisions; things they look back on after many years and ask,
"What was I thinking?" It's destined to happen, and you can learn and grow from those decisions. That event
in my life was when I broke my wrist. I've always wrestled and frequently argued with my brother. Despite the
eight year difference between us, I always plotted and waited for that moment when I could do to him what
he has done to me for the past 17 years of my life. I wanted revenge, to make him realize he won't terrorize
me anymore, that those days are over.
I thought long and hard about how I would follow through with my plan. So many merciless ideas were
storming through my mind, "Should I go the basic route and wait till he's asleep and pounce like a wild dog?
NO, NO, NO! You have to be more innovative; do something that will always remind him youre not the same
human punching bag he's seen you as for all these years!" This wasnt as easy as I thought, and I shortly
discovered I shouldnt have gone with through with this.
My first attempt wasnt so well thought out; I waited inside while he was outside with some friends
playing basketball. I saw the cup that he was drinking out of and poured hot sauce inside his Kool-aid. I
thought, "This is going to be great." I knew he was going to come storming in from exhaustion and go right to
the cup. Sure enough, thirty minutes later, he came like expected, and as I watched from the living room
couch, he chugged It all down. I laughed uncontrollably on the inside.
He spit it out and knew I was responsible. He beat me up right there without any questions asked, not
even giving me a chance to run this time. I thought, "Wow! How could he always do this and not feel bad, does
he not have a heart?" But he sure had a sense of humor while he laughed and continually frogged my arms
and legs. After the beating came up with other ideas as if I was a mad scientist.
By the time I had developed my next attack, I was sure Bryson was on to my scheme. It was as if he was
always a step ahead of me and was always watching his back, and not so easy of a target anymore. I tried
hiding things like his game system, but he always found it. I tried putting things in his clothes, but he somehow
always knew and dumped them out. Failed attempt after failed attempt I was at a dead end, I didnt know
what to do next. I had to get him back, but how? Then I thought, "Maybe I should bring in some help."
I and my cousin, who is around my age, decided we should both team up on him, because just like me,
my cousin had experienced some of the abuse I had, whenever he was given the unfortunate opportunity to
spend the night while our moms went out and my brother had to watch us. It was clear that Bryson could
easily overpower us separately, but what an about if we worked together. In our minds, two was going to be
too much for him. I had the power and Juan had the speed, so we could show him what an old fashioned beat
down would really be like. What we didnt realize was that we were in wat over our heads.
The day came and I couldnt have been more prepared. We met at my house and waited for Bryson; he
got home from boxing practice and we knew he would be too tired to withstand our fury. I started throwing
insults to get him to react, and once he did, Juan joined and we both took shots at him. It was soon clear that
Brysons boxing paid off after he hit Juan Juan fell like a drop of a dime. I tried jumping on Bryson, but he
slammed me onto the grass, and thats where things went wrong. I felt an instant pain in my arm and couldnt
do anything but scream. "MY ARM!" I yelled, and Bryson soon realized it wasnt all fun and games anymore.
My Mom came out and saw me; we went to the hospital and what the doctor said I broke my arm. This upset
me because I was going to have to go through the next six months in a cast, I was joyous because I knew I
finally got Bryson back even though not in the way I anticipated. I finally got him. He had to deal with my
mom, and that was worth it all when we got home.
Many people make poor decisions, but it's important you learn from those poor decisions to make
better ones in the future. I realized that the worst decision I ever made was ever contemplating to fight
Bryson. Having a broken arm made me realize I have to cope with the fact I couldnt get back at Bryson how I
wanted. Who's to say as I reach adulthood, he will still be able to push me around and get away with it. Maybe

Life, What Is It?

TaiNesha Hines

Life is different depending on the angle you have. Life is what you make it, honestly. Life is a game for
the fool. A comedy for the rich. A tragedy for the poor. A dream for the wise.
Life is a game. I played before; you win some, and you lose some, right? When you almost lose your
life, you notice its not a game anymore. Only a fool will continue to play as if life was actually a game. I have
tried things no young lady should have tried. Just a young girl that did not have a fathers point of view in life.
Growing up, all Ive seen men, foolish ones, hustle people, manipulate people, and try the fast way through
life. Thats a fools living. I understand why they do what they do. They are trying to get by in life, but not
trying to do anything else except get by. These men taught me that disrespect is cute, as long as its not to
them. They taught me that manipulating is cool as long as youre not the one that gets manipulated. They
taught me having many mistresses is cute, and I needed to have a lot of dudes on my arm. Looking at their
lives, I know there is no good at the end - dead or in jail. Life is a game only to fools.
If I was rich, Id think life is funny. Everybody has the chance to work hard and get rich. A few people
are dealt better hands than others, but everybody has the chance to be better. If your hand is bad, all you do
is bluff till you get to the top. Play your hand, because no one knows what you have in store. For the rich, its
just easier to play their hand because they have help and they can use insiders to assist them to the top. The
rich will help the rich because the rich will want to continue to be rich. But whats funny is, if you are dealt a
bad hand, and you choose to forfeit before your turn comes around, then thats your fault. That is funny
because you didnt give yourself a chance; the rich have the right to laugh because they see your hand and
they knew you had the chance to win. But you prove them right again, that you dont know how to play your
cards and have little ambition, too. The rich will continue to laugh about how funny life is. They drink their
champagne and tip their glasses to the qualities of their good life style. They sit around and drink their tea or
coffee, or whatever steamed drink, in the afternoon with little hors doeuvres, while they relive teenage
memories, of the excitement and rush when they were teens, which they were forced to leave behind. They
have to set an example; they have to be front page ready. In their world, everyone is watching. Their world is
easy, sit, toast up and smile. Either if its real or fake. Sit up and laugh. The rich will remain rich.
The poor will remain poor. I know an associate, god handed her a bad hand being born to a mother
who doesnt care. All her boyfriends touch her or try to touch her. She tried to run to her mother, her
supposed protector in life, but her mother just exclaimed, He dont want you girl. Why would he want you
when he has all of me? My friend just shook her head and ran to the only place that felt the safest to her, her
good friend, Angels, house. Angel lived just across the yard in the other apartment complex. She was always
daring and outgoing; she was lively for both her and Faith. Faith has the most beautiful voice, every time she
was down and out or needed something to concentrate on, other than her hard life, she sang. Angel always
encouraged her to do her best. One day Angel got stabbed in a fight that had nothing to do with her, just a by
stander. It hit her major artery; all Faith could do was cry and sing to her in between the sobs. After that, Faith
lost all the little ambition she had. She ended up in a group home for teen girls because her mother couldnt
win the social worker over this time and Faith had enough. She worked a nine to five and that was her life. But
I bet you can figure the end of the story. Theres only two ways it can go; either she moves beyond what
happened to her and she succeeds, or she just gets by and remains poor because thats the way the rich play;
they arent going to reach their hand down and get it dirty even for a little bit.
Life is crazy depending on the angle you have. Thats why life is a game for a fool. A comedy for the
rich. But a tragedy for the poor. The wise know that its only for the moment, a dream.

Yusimi Sollet
I believe life is like math; if it goes too easy, something is wrong. I cannot
get to the top if I do not sacrifice things. To be successful in life, I have to live
outside my comfort zone, create my goals, and commit to them, have motivation.
The road to the top is not easy. Once I am at the top, it will be more stable.
As I entered the second grade in Guantanamo, Cuba, math was a topic I
excelled in. I felt unique among the other students on numerous occasions; for
example, when classes were dismissed, the teacher would make us get in a line at
the classroom door and answer questions about the multiplication table. Many
students would respond incorrectly and they had to go back to their seats to study. I
was consistently answering correctly, like a few other students. We had the
opportunity to go home the second we answered right. But the others had to stay
until their parents became too worried and went for them, sometimes for hours.
This was the beginning of my choosing a career that I wanted to pursue.
My dream became to own a small business. I knew it would be hard to carry
on my dreams in Cuba. I had to make sacrifices, leave behind my sisters, my
newborn nephew, aunts, uncles, cousins and friends. It was going to be a drastic
change but I was ready to take the challenge. The road ahead was filled with many
opportunities. Moving to a new country, like the United States, was a dream come
true. I was moving to the land of freedom. I was filled with excitement, but at the
same time I was worried because I was about to set foot on a new land.
The United States, unlike Cuba, has many career opportunities in the fields
of Business and Finance. There are many options for me to choose from. I want to
work at a bank or be the secretary of a business. My goal is to gain knowledge and
experience so it will be easier to accomplish my dream. I want to make my parents
proud of me; I dont want their sacrifice of coming to the U.S. to be worthless.
Moving to the United States was difficult for my parents. They moved to a country
where they could not speak the language; they left everybody and everything
behind. We started from zero. We had no clothing, no housing, nothing. My
grandparents had lived in the United States for a while and they offered us
guidance and support through our first year.
Now, I am ready to start taking big steps, and put effort into what I love. In
the land of the free, United States of America, it will be attainable. I am ready to
face life and all of its obstacles. I am ready to make things happen, because I know
actions speak louder than words.

balancing a checkbook
figuring interest payments on a loan
leaving a 15% tip for your waiter
figuring out your car's highway MPG to see if you're going to get stranded before the next
baseball/football stats
figuring out how much more you're going to earn with the next 5% raise
planning how much time it will take you to get somewhere on vacation
figuring out if you have correct change for the bus/vending machine
figuring out if you have correct change with sales tax if you're short on $
dividing up your money in your will
counting change from customers at your "Do you want fries with that?" job
figuring out how much you'll have to pay in inheritance tax when your rich uncle dies and
leaves you his estate
income taxes
figuring out how much you owe if the people who did your income taxes did them wrong
keeping track of your athletic accomplishments (I rode my bike at an average speed of 24
mph, when last week I could only make 21)
if your plane leaves X time zone at 8:00, what time should the relatives meet you in the
airport in Y time zone

I Miss You
Tiffany Malone
Life is pleasant. Death is Peaceful. Its the transition thats troublesome.
Isaac Asimov
The wind was blowing through my two ponytails. The warm breeze was blowing across my face.
While I look out the window I see the navy blue sky. The sky is so vivid at this point it looks like a silk
ribbon. The stars are glistening so bright that they look like little diamonds glued on the ribbon. For
some reason, the sky this night remind me of your eyes. Dark color like mysteries lie behind them but
shine so strong that you overcame every obstacle. We were riding to the waterfront I could never
forget, the music was blasting so loud. You always liked your music loud. But for some reason I can
remember this day like it was yesterday, the music plays low in the background like a distant memory.
Like how youre in my memory.
I miss you. But who doesnt miss a loved one thats now gone? I knew youd be ashamed of the
person that I once was. Without you, I decided, Why should I care about anything when god didnt
even care enough to keep you here with me? He didnt let a mother teach her daughter like she is
supposed to. I would yell alone to myself. My heart grew so cold with hatred and anger. I need you
and you werent there when I needed you. But I know it wasnt your fault. It was his. He took you from
me. I continue to yell when I was alone. I had nobody that understood what was happening. Nobody
understood the pain of an eight year old that doesnt have a mom. I go to school and I see every other
kid with their mom, and I dont have one. I was too young to understand that just having people care
about you is enough. But to me, a kid without a mother, that wasnt enough. I wanted you and you were
not there. I began to show out and I continued to show out since then. Then I was old enough for boys,
which just made everything worse. Nobody was there to tell me about sex. Nobody was there to tell me
all the games little boys run to take advantage of you. I was alone with no one.
Growing up without you. That is what influenced my thought process, because nobody told me
any better. But then life started to get really rough; I was hanging with the wrong people and ending in a
lot of drama that had nothing to do with me. I reevaluated myself, and with help from a bird I know, Im
getting together. They told me that you wouldnt want me to go through this pain, to make it rough on
myself. You would want me to be happy and to do my best. Nobody is perfect, but I try my hardest to
just have you smiling down on me. Knowing that youre watching and smiling is enough to keep me
moving to become even better than I was yesterday. I still have a little trouble holding my anger but Im
way better than I was. I know you see the change and I hope youre proud of me, momma. I love you.
The tragedy of life is not death but what we let die inside of us. While we live.
-Norman Cousins

Joes Crab Shack

Alexis Adams

Everyone has a restaurant that they like to go to. Mine is Joes Crab Shack. I love it there; they
have the best seats, the best waiters, and the best food! Some of my favorite things they have on the
menu are crab, lobster, and shrimp. Some other things on the menu that are not my favorite, but I
still recommend are the artic bay steam pot, the ragin cajuan, and the sunset fire grilled. They have
some of best crab I have ever had and some of the best service ever!
Joes Crab Shack is located on the river of downtown Louisville; its scenery is amazing. No
matter what seat you get, the view is great. The waiters are always in a good mood and happy to
serve you. You can tell they love their job and theyre confident in the food they provide.
One event that made me sure Joes was my favorite restaurant was on mothers day. We
usually go to Joes for family outings and for holidays, but this time we decided we didnt want to
drive that far, so we went to Logans and thats where our night got bad.
We all started off with tea, me, my sister, my mom, and my three grandmas (the oldest one is
87 and me and my sister are both well under 21.) The tea they served us was alcohol, and my mom
had them it back and bring us coke; that took another 30 minutes. After that, no one was even
hungry any more, but we still sat there just to get our food.
My sister and I ordered a well-done steak and everyone else ordered a rare one. Finally, 30
minutes later, they bring out my steak and my moms and told everyone else theirs was not ready
yet. So my momma and I didnt start eating. What made no sense was that my well-done steak came
out before the rare ones. We got up to walk out, but my mom talked to the manager and they finally
came out with everyones food.
After that experience, we always went to Joes and weve never had this problem. Joes is the
best restaurant in Louisville, and if you havent been, I highly recommend that you go. My family
loves it; there is no other restaurant for us!

Steampot Menu
Artic Bay Steampot
Queen crab, shrimp, a whole Maine lobster and smoked sausage all boiled in a garlic bath and topped with Old Bay

The Ragin' Cajun

This crazy Cajun flavor packs a punch! Pacific Dungeness crab, Queen crab, shrimp and smoked sausage.

Sunset Fire Grilled

It's the classic, but it's spicy like a beachside barbecue. Queen and Snow crab, shrimp and smoked sausage. For double the crab
& the flavor, try our steampot for two. Sharing tastes better!

The Bean Town Bake

2 whole Maine lobsters, 1 pound clams, shrimp and smoked sausage with Old Bay Seasoning.

The KJ Steampot
Snow crab, seared scallops and mussels in a light Kendall-Jackson wine sauce with hints of garlic, pepper and notes of citrus.

Samuel Adams Steampot

Sweet Snow crab, 1 pound of clams, meaty lobster claws and smoked sausage all boiled in Samuel Adams Lager.

The Orleans
1 pound of crawfish, a dozen shrimp and smoked sausage all spiced up.

Joe's Classic Steampot

Large Queen crab, sweet Snow crab, shrimp and smoked sausage. Traditional, unforgettable. For double the crab, double the
fun, try our steampot for two. It's plenty to share.

Pipe Dreams
Denzel Dapremont
Stuck on this planet
Composed of water and granite
People wander this earth to live life
and while living it trying to understand it
So to help themselves to learn how to live right
they find a role model thats immersed in light
While some lights are bright or dim
people use them as a structure so that their dreams won't be based on pipes
One kid found a light that lived close to home
A light that seemed close but would imprint severely on him
To him this star was the brightest he'd ever seen
He'd start mimicking the light
So he would be just as bright
As the star that shined before him
In the sky that started to look dim
So he would vow to go up to space so the star wouldn't be alone
As the kid got older
he wondered how that star was growing closer
or was it growing bigger
it was the latter he figured
but he'd figure wrong
The star that he'd gazed upon wasnt a star all along
It was an airplane instead of a comet,
and what the plane did made him sick to his stomach
if any sicker he'd vomit
Feeling deceived, because that "star" wasnt all that it cracked up to be,
but he could salvage the rest of his shattered hopes and dreams
that the false comet helped him perceive
And be brighter than that faux comet could ever dream to be

Leaping into a New Year!

Denzel Dapremont, Darion Moore, Alex Smith





Man shaped cookie

People gather here in NYC
Famous holiday ballet
Count down to...
Last month of the year
Cold vanilla (opposite)
Winged images in the snow
A place to warm up
First month of the year
Christmas, 4th of July & others
Made from grapes

The night before a holiday

Smiling is a _ expression
Warm piece of clothing
Frozen Rain
Lights the sky
New Year's promises
Mini colored paper
Winter sport on ice





Equal Opportunity Policies

Equal Employment Opportunity

The Jefferson County Public School District shall not discriminate in recruitment
or employment on the basis of age, color, creed, disability, marital or parental status,
national origin, race, sex, sexual orientation, veteran status, religion, or political opinion or affiliation. The District shall promote equal opportunities through a vigorous
affirmative action program as an integral part of personnel policy and practice in the
employment, development, advancement, and treatment of employees of the Jefferson
County Public Schools.
In the Event of Questions
Employees or applicants, report to immediate superior, appropriate personnel
administrator, the Compliance and Investigations Office, or the appropriate enforcement agency if you believe you have experienced harassment/discrimination.

Equal Educational Opportunity

Students/Parents or Guardians
No student shall be denied equal educational opportunity for any reason by the
Jefferson County Board of Education because of his or her age, color, disability, parental status, marital status, national origin, race, religion, sex, or veteran status.
Harassment/Discrimination of any type is not permitted. A student has the right
to attend school free from harassment and should not be subjected to discrimination
for any reason. Schools will strive to ensure that these rights are protected and that
appropriate consequences are provided to offenders.
In the Event of Questions
Students and parents/guardians, report to principal, the Compliance and Investigations Office, or the appropriate government agency if you believe you have experienced harassment/discrimination.
Noncompliance with the above policy and procedures may result in disciplinary

Discrimination Grievance Procedure

The Jefferson County Public Schools Discrimination Grievance Procedure is available at local schools, on the Jefferson County Public Schools Web site at www.jcpsky
.net, or in the Compliance and Investigations Office, C. B. Young Jr. Service Center,
3001 Crittenden Drive, Louisville, KY 40209. Contact Cheryl Walker, Compliance and
Investigations director, at 485-3341, or call or write one of the following enforcement
Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
600 Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., Place, Suite 268
Louisville, KY 40202
(502) 582-6082
U.S. Department of Education, Office for Civil Rights
Wanamaker Building, Suite 515
100 Penn Square East
Philadelphia, PA 19107
(215) 656-8541
Kentucky Commission on Human Rights
The Heyburn Building, Suite 700
332 West Broadway
Louisville, KY 40202
(502) 595-4024
Louisville Metro
Human Relations Commission
410 West Chestnut Street, Suite 300A
Louisville, KY 40202
(502) 574-3631

Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action

Employer Offering Equal Educational Opportunities

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