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After reading the case study on Phineas Gage please answer the following

questions in complete sentences. Write your answers in a Google doc and then
transfer them over to submit.


What was Phineas Gages profession when the accident occurred?

Foreman of a crew of construction workers


What was remarkable about Gages physical state just minutes after

the tamping iron passed through his skull?

He was still conscious and able to move and walk

Gages impatience and use of profanity led many to believe the

accident had resulted in __a mental change in his personality__.


Why was Harlows 1848 report of Gages accident met with

It was thought that no one could survive such an extreme injury

Explain the significance of the case of Phineas Gage as it relates to

A change in personality resulting from brain damage indicates that certain parts of
the brain influence personality

The passage states that the frontal cortex is involved in constructing

an individuals personality. In your own words, describe what an individuals

personality includes.
A person's personality includes their levels of enthusiasm, social behavior,
inhibitions, and ambitions

Do some research: What mental processes does the frontal cortex

Ability to see future consequences from present actions. Long term memory,
determines similarities and differences between things
The tamping iron entered the cranium passing through the anterior
left lobe of the cerebrum. Which four lobes make up the cerebrum?
Frontal lobe, parietal lobe, occipital lobe, temporal lobe,

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