2 English Idioms Manners2

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English Idioms & Idiomatic Expressions

Politeness - Manners
black tie event

This expression refers to a formal event at which men are

required to wear a dinner jacket and a black bow tie or a
I need to know if it's going to be a casual gettogether or a black tie event.

bow and

To say that someone is bowing and scraping means that

they are being excessively polite, humble or servile.
The President was greeted with much bowing and
Please don't bow and scrape. We are all equal here.

the done thing

The correct way to behave in a particular social situation is

called the done thing.
Wearing jeans to play golf is not the done thing in
this club.

my French

This expression is used as an apology for using crude or

offensive language.
He's a bloody nuisance, if you'll excuse my French.


If someone gatecrashes, they attend a private social event

without being invited.
We need volunteers to keep an eye out for
gatecrashers tonight.

your language
mind your Ps
and Qs

This is said to warn someone to be careful what they say or

how they behave so as not to upset or offend anyone.
Your grandfather doesn't tolerate rudeness, so mind
your language when we go to visit him!
Politeness is very important to my grandparents, so
mind your Ps and Qs.

overstep the

If you overstep the mark, you go too far and upset someone
by saying something or behaving in a way that is
Jenny is angry with her son. He overstepped the
mark when he called his grandfather an 'old fool'.

speak out of

If someone speaks out of turn, either they intervene at the

wrong moment or they say something tactless or
At the first meeting I was afraid of speaking out of

take French

to leave some type of social event or obligation without

notifying or asking for permission.
Bill was expected to give a speech but he took

French leave.

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