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Helicopters can take off or land Vertically. They can fly

forward, backward or sideways. It has long blades that
rotate above it. The rotating blades are part of the rotor.
Shaped like an airfoil, the rotating blades are like wings
that give the helicopter lift.
A blade spinning in clockwise direction would cause the
helicopter to rotate out of control in the counterclockwise
direction. A tail-rotor blade, smaller than the first and
rotating in the opposite direction prevents a helicopter
from spinning. The second rotating blade is at the tail end
of the helicopter.
The blades of the helicopter are inclined with the leading
edge upwards. This increases lift. Even more power is
needed for the helicopter to climb higher. To move
forward, the rotor has to be tilted forward.
Gravity is the force that pulls the flying rabbit to the
ground. As it falls, the rabbit creates an imbalance of
pressure; low pressure above and high pressure beneath.
This is what helps to give the propeller lift. The moving
air alternatively is caught and slips past the ears, setting
up rotation. Increasingly the mass and shortening the
wings are two ways to increase the rotational velocity
(how fast it spins).

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