Meditrack November 2015

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MEDITRACK Ist NOVEMBER 2015 MIS DEITIAHK Single Copy: Rs. 5/= MONTHLY MEDICAL MAGAZINE VOLUME Pen pated XX, NO. XI PERSONALITY destroys a PRETTY FACE ere tg TCT CNS , I Dr. Rajeev Gupta Dr. Atima Gupta Dr. Anshul Mahajan itor's a . ees tans oe Message SHORT ESSAY ON PERSONALITY In daily life the term personality is very freely used by people with different meanings. Some people refer to the physical appearance like height, weight, colour, body built, dress, voice, etc. Some other people refer to intellectual qualities like intelligence, activeness, way of speech, thinking and reasoning abilities, etc. Iis also referred to social characteristis like sociability, generosity, kindness, reservedness, etc. On. the basis of these characteristics they judge people as strong or weak personalities, good and bad personalities, ete In this way we all make personality judgments about the people we know. A major part of coming to understand ourselves is developing a sense of what our personality characteristics are. We even form impressions about personalities of people we do not know, but have only read about. As we shall see, these everyday uses of the termare quite different from the meaning psychologists give to the term personality The term personality has been derived from a Latin word “persona’- means ‘mask’, In olden days, while playing dramas, in order togive good effects to the roles played by them, the Greek actors used to wear masks, Personality disorder is a maladaptive enduring pattern of behaviour that deviates from cultural standards, are rigidly pervasive, have an onset in adoles sence or early adulthood, relatively stable and lead to significant distress and impairment in life. Borderline personality disorder is characterised by vacillation of emotions between two extremes i.e. highly compassionate or possessive to coldness or heartedness. A person is usually having unstable interpersonal relationships, behaviour, mood and self image manifested in frequent anger, self stimulated and self destructive behaviour. These personalities have great difficulty with their own sense of identity, unable to decide what they want and expect from life. They view world in extreme as either "black" or “white”. They often form intense personal attachments, which do not sustain for longer period of time. A person with borderline personality disorder has consistent problem in thinking, feeling and interacting with self and others. Following are the symptoms of this, personality disorder: - Instability in self image career choice - Unstable and intense short term relationships or sexual orientation and emotions - Impulsivity - Repeated suicidal, self harm or self stimulating behaviours - Feelings of emptiness, loneliness Pleo EEA LNT BORDERLINE PERSONALITY DISORDER + Abruptanger - Attention eeking behaviour - Incongruent with internal feelings and overt behaviour This personality disorder has long term consequences which affect various domains of personal, psychological, social and, occupational life. These individuals face persistent difficulty in handling job/ career, close intimate relationship, having conflicts with family, spouse, parents, siblings and children that lead to depression, anxiety, alcohol and drug use, suicidablity, loneliness, risky sexual and social behaviour. Psychotherapy and long term counselling is the only treatment for personality disorders. In severe cases, a psychiatrist can prescribe anti depressants, mood stabilizers and antipsychotics medication based on the symptoms of the patient. PSECU RUA as In psychology today, there are four major recognized parenting styles: i) Authoritative, ii) Neglectful, iii) Permissive, and iv) Authoritarian Each one carries different characteristics and brings about different reactions in the children which they are used on. Itis important to keep in mind that every parent child relationship is different, so there is not one sure fire way to go about parenting, This is a simple guide to help decode your parenting style and provide general suggestions on how to raise a happy, responsible, productive member of society. AUTHORITATIVE Authoritative parenting is widely regarded as the most fictive and beneficial parenting style for normal PARENTING STYLES, IDENTIFY YOURS Ms. Shivani Kakkar children, Authoritative parents are easy to recognize, as they are marked by the high expectations that they have of their children, but temper these expectations with Researched for you, understanding a support for their children as well. This type of parenting creates the healthiest environment fora growing child, and helps to fe relationship between parentand child, ter a productive Identify if you are an authoritative parent: + Does your child's day have structure to it, such as a planned bedtime and understood household rules? + Are there consequences for disrupting this structure orbreaking the household rules? + Does your child understand the expectations that you have for their behavior, and are these expectations reasonable? + Do you have a healthy and open line of communication with your child? That is, does your child feel that they can speak to you about anything without f judgment? One of the most important traits to emulate in the authoritative parenting style is the open communication style with the child. If parent can foster the ability to speak to their child without judgment or reprimand, they wr of negative consequence or harsh will be more likely to have insight into the child's life and understanding, providing the child with a deeper understanding of the world around them, NEGLECTFUL Neglectful parenting is one of the most harmful styles of parenting that can be used on a child, Neglectful parenting is unlike the other styles in that parent srarely fluctuate naturally into neglectful parenting as a response to child behavior. If a parent recognizes themselves as a neglectful parent, or if a friend tae age OU aOR ea MEDITRACK, recognizes that they may know a neglectful parent, it is important to understand that those parents (and the children involved in the situation) need assistance so that they can get back on track to having a healthy and communicative relationship within the family Identify, if you suspect you or a friend may be a neglectful parent, consider the following: + Do you care for your child's needs- emotional, physical, and otherwise? + Do you have an understanding of what is going on in yourchild's life? + Does the home provide a safe space for the child where they can share their experiences and expect positive feedback rather than negative or no feedback? + Do you spend long periods of time away from home, leaving the child alone? + Do you often find yourself making excuses for not being there for your child? + Doyouknow yourchild’s friends or Teachers? + Are you involved in your child's life outside the home? If the above describe you or someone that you know, a child is at risk of being damaged by a neglectful household. Parents who tend towards neglectful parenting styles can be easily helped through education; this education can be found by talking to your psychologis , or going toa therapist or counselor. Neglectful parenting is damaging to children, because they have no trust foundation with their parents from which to explore the world. Beyond that, children who have a negative or absent relationship with their parent will have a harder time forming relationships with other people, particularly children their age. Ifyou suspect that you ora friend of yours may be a neglectful parent, itis important to seek help in a way that does not damage the child further or intrude into their life in a disruptive ‘manner. PERM| Permi SSIVE /e parenting, also known as indulgent parenting is another potentially harmful style of parenting, These parents are responsive but not demanding. These parents tend to be lenient while trying to avoid confrontation, The benefit of this parenting style is that they are usually very nurturing and loving. Few rules are set for the children of permissive parents, and the rules are inconsistent when they do exist. This lack of structure causes these children to grow up with little self discipline and self-control. CHILDREN LEARN MORE FROM WHAT YOU ARE THAN WHAT YOU TEACH Pleo EEA LNT Identify, i You a Permissive Parent + Do younot have set limits or rules for your child? Do you often compromise your rules to accommodate your child's mood? + Doyouavoid conflict with your child? + Do you have a willingness to be your child's best friend rather than their parent? + Do you often bribe your child to do things with large rewards? It may seem as though this would be a child's favorite parenting style as it provides a sen: however, children crave a sense of of freedom without consequences, structure to make them feel safe , Permissive parenting, can have long-term damaging effects. Damaging effects of permissive parenting include: + Insecurity in children from of lack of set boundaries + Poor social skills, such as sharing, from lack of discipline + Self-Centeredness + Poor Academic success from lack of motivation + Clashing with authority It is important for the permissive parent to begin to set boundaries and rules for their child, while still being responsive before itis too late. AUTHORITARIAN Authoritarian parenting, also called strict parenting, is characterized by parents who are demanding but not responsive. Authoritarian parents allow for little open dialogue between parent and child and expect children to follow a strict set of rules and expectations. They usually rely on punishment to demand obedience or teach a lesson. Identify, + Do you have very strict rules that you believe be followed no matter what? + Do you often find yourself offering no explanations forthe rules otherthan "Because I said so?” + Do you give your child few choices and decisions about their own life? + Do you find yourself utilizing punishment as a me: ‘of getting your child to do what you ask? + Are you reserved in the amount of warmth and nurturing you show your child? urs is authoritarian style: While the structure and rules of an authoritarian parent are necessary for healthy child development, all good things can be overdone. It is important to balance out the provided structure with open communication so the child knows exactly why it is important for them to follow the rules placed in front of them. Children of authoritarian parents are prone to having low self-esteem, being fearful or shy, associating obedience with love, having difficulty in social situations, and possibly misbehaving when outside of parental care. A therapist can once again bbe contacted if adopting open communication proves to be too difficult to achieve by oneself a UO _ ane fea gfes ns) sete wys nyc 2 3 Gn fea ine Pleo EEA LNT A rawhy fiw, 302, frweret sare, after 9888126690 Neat) Bras (weaeTC) & tafe der was wgSt D1 a fas eee fom a2 wed ehusa 8S Ezz, aren che Btwn i ot few rte ew fafoors Se 31 mh Ae 3d ot Go few a a Aafen $3 9 7 fas few ners fone & aw dh org as ford 3 ation 88 v6, mg Gow 22 v5 | Cowe® fag weee! 2 we fier awed a one fen few rreardh der ne ae ore Fefomors seas Stoned fos Hh & feat meen as a we 2 ae oot wk ayes F frwrer wre ares Guba a | need Baro @ eéis few Bar—ags HEI aa igteslntea 3 fronie you (sete) w rae ot rs we gu few wakes, ets 3 Bz wets § few & xeee (fo@edins) Ter Qa FF fimrer agdt 31 ine edt ries wifes atic a1 was eT @ 1 aw ar nrra:= eh Base we fears BoE H mow a! 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Sauwsates ids gus wetveisse Sam Hactmarot east, weewor at am Fes 3 f mS aot fev IE an! TA Ment 3 aot G Ave, Ranh, AUS ARS aio A ar ages more 88, Hs8, 98 28, Home 3 Br fe iar rte" Fe), Me eho Sm negara ne fea 2 eas wet ws few zat 3a, ate, eof dts & gs echo Hs 761 feugt feo emaaR, | feorrmr aan Ful mits) ms NU UA AgES MOS Te ST tot yt -28, Bs wer ward Astacs aren of she sretchirs RITU SUDHAKAR mare front § wretacha, Ue wt fos Hh deh ition 3 at Gu sre ¥orele wae weed Cr mgWT ETE aa | aS a tS Since the emergence of Psychology, its focus remained limited to study the various mental phenomenons that tell us how and why a particular behaviour occurs. It clinical implications were to understand cause of mental disorders and its treatment, Earlier schools of Psychology like structuralism, functionalism, psychoanalysis, behaviourism, gestalt etc. all were based on these propositions. No doubt, these schools, contributed significantly in destigmatize mental illness and produced revolution in understandings its treatment methods. However, it does not answer some of the basic questions related to human life like what is the purpose of human existence and how a person ean fulfil orachieve some higher personal goals, In last three decades psychologists tried to focus their attentions on these questions. Results of this quest is, emergence of two new schools of psychology namely:- Existential and Humanistic Psychology. Followers of these schools researched on various topics like:- self actualization, self monitoring, self esteem, self understanding, introspection ete. Key assumption of (One Year Rs.50/- ~ Adres. ‘Two Years Rs. 90/- ‘Three Years Rs. 120/- Four Years Rs. 150/+ Life Time Subscription (For 20 Years) ‘Cheque/Dratt enclosed, paymedt to "CHIEF EDITOR MEDITRACK™ @ MEDI oe by: TARGET Sea VRS RT ACOMPLETE MEDICAL JOURNAL TRACK 18889789. RISES. MEDITRACK, these schools was that the basic nature of human is positive i.e. a human want to grow and has tendencies to be good and to reach its maximum potential Psychologists argued that our civilizations could grow because of this basic nature of the mankind, Recently, a more specific field emerged out of these propositions, called "Positive Psychology". It is a scientific study of positive human functioning and flourishing on multiple levels that include the biological, personal, relational, institutional, cultural and global dimensions. The main topics of study under this branch are happiness, virtues, morals, spirituality, wellbeing, altruism, self actualization ete, These hypothetical constructs are believed as extremely valuable in promoting mental and physical health. For example spirituality and wellbeing may reduce level of pain, happiness and virtue can be helpful in treating depression and anxiety. Easter countries, especially India already knows the value of these concepts and has already b en explained by our Rishis and Saints in Vedas, Puranas and Sutras, Buddism has also mentioned the concept of happiness and how one can achieve it after getting free from clenching of worldly attachments. Western world has now started borrowing these concepts and are studying, scientifically the results of its implications on human development and welfare. Earlier results were found promising and helping many of its practitioners in improving quality of life, getting more contentment from life and viewing world as more happy and worth place for living. 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