Lesson Plan 2nd K

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Name: Jenn

Lesson Plan
Target Age Group: 7-8 years
Theme: Unit 3: Using Our Resources
Title of Activity: Where Do People Settle
Curricular Area: Social Studies
Date to Use Activity: December 1st, 2015
Developmental Goals

Learning Objectives

Materials Required

Cognitive- Connecting terms

to places. Understanding the
Compass Rose.

Given a piece of blank

construction paper, the
children will draw the three
different areas that people

Emotional/Social- Waiting for

a turn to speak.

Construction paper
Colored pencils
White board
Expo marker

Fine Motor- Drawing,

coloring, folding, writing.
Were going to review some terms and do a Social Studies craft!

1. Gather paper for project.
2. Review the terms: compass rose, urban, suburban, rural
3. Pass out the construction paper and have them put their name on one side.
4. Have them fold the paper in half twice, making four squares.
5. In the first square, have them write rural then draw the picture to match. The second square,
urban and a drawing. The third square, urban and a drawing. In the fourth square, draw a
compass rose.
6. Once they're done, check it over and have them put it in their mailbox to take home on

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