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Altona Village Board Meeting

Thursday, November 5th, 2015

The board meeting was called to order at 7:00pm on Thursday, November 5th by Village President Derrick
Appell. Those in attendance were as follows: Derrick Appell, Mark Compton, Clerk Shelby Attaway, and
Village Trustees: Terry, Carl, Jerame, Rich, Keith and Ryan. Dawn Connelly, Carol Townsend from the press,
deputy from the Sheriffs department and 4 residents from the public were also present.
Minutes were approved from the October 2015 meeting: motion made by Terry and 2 nd by Jerame; passes
6-0-0. Addition to agenda: Keisters bill to be paid, quiet zone to be discussed, antivirus for new laptop.
Motion by Terry to donate $200 to the ROWVA Youth Committee and 2 nd by Rich; ayes: Jerame, Rich, Keith,
Terry; No: Carl and Ryan; Passes 4-2-0. Motion to accept the bills for November 2015 was made by Terry
and 2nd by Jerame. Ayes: Terry, Jerame, Carl, Rich, Keith and Ryan. Passes 6-0-0. Mark went over the
financial report.
Old Business: Dawn spoke regarding the Ameren contract-she is still negotiating. She also spoke to the
board about the percentage increase of the tax levy and what the board would like to do for next year. A
motion by Jerame to increase the tax levy by 4.99% and split half audit and half liability insurance, motion
2nd by Terry; ayes: Terry, Jerame, Rich, Carl, Keith, and Ryan; Passes 6-0-0. In regards to W. Monroe Street,
she told the board that there is a lien against the property from the previous owner. Jerame motioned to
approve Ordinance 2015-6 with the revised purchase contract-revision being May 31, 2016, Ryan 2nd the
motion; ayes: Jerame, Rich, Carl, Keith, Ryan; No: Terry; Passes 5-1-0. Water works building roofing project:
Jerame motioned to table bids.
New Business: Announcements were read. Resolution 2015-2 a resolution for release of Non-General
Fund Revenues was passed.
Public comment: Rich Wegner asked what the progress is on getting the questionnaire for the RR quiet
zone to be put on the water bill. Dale Grawe asked if it is Amerens responsibility to remove a speed bump,
Jerame said he will look into it. Antivirus for laptop: Derrick suggested Rich Cantrell asked if
there is interest in ATV ordinance for Altona, and if there is he will look into other communities laws.
Adjournment: Carl motioned to adjourn the meeting at 8:41pm and Jerame 2nd the motion to dismiss. Next
regular meeting will be 12/3/15.

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