Unit Plan For Second Grade Geography Unit

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Plan for second grade Geography Unit

Grade: 2nd
Students: 18
Needs: 4 ESOL students including 1 new foreign student. 2 with learning disabilities
Unit Occurrence: Near to the end of the first quarter

Year long Question: How can we communicate and use geographic information?
Unit Question: How do people use maps to help them understand the world and move
within it?
Lesson 1: Essential Question: What is a continent and ocean and how are they portrayed on maps?
Standard: VA SOL S.S. History 2.5: The student will develop map skills by: a) locating the equator, the
seven continents, and the five oceans on maps and globes. S.S. History 2.6: The student will
demonstrate map skills by constructing simple maps, using title, map legend, and a compass rose.
Assessment activities: Choice of centers
1-Planet to me foldable. 2-Continent song. 3-Interactive continent matching activity.
Lesson 2: Essential Question: What is an ocean and how are they portrayed on maps for their size?
Standard: VA SOL S.S. History 2.5: The student will develop map skills by: a) locating the equator, the seven
continents, and the five oceans on maps and globes.
Assessment activities: 1-Ocean size order and locations activity with interactive site.

Lesson 3: Essential Question: Essential Question: What can distance measurements on maps tell us about
communities, continents, and rivers?
Standard Math: 2.21: The student will solve problems by completing numerical sentences involving the basic
facts for addition and subtraction. The student will create story problems, using the numerical sentences.
Standard Math 2.6: The student will demonstrate map skills by constructing simple maps, using title, map
legend, and compass rose.
Assessment Activity: Interactive community map activity describing distance between two chosen points
and how to travel using compass rose directions.
Lesson 4: Essential Question: How do we use non-geographic weather symbols on geographical maps to
describe a short period of change over time in weather conditions that may effect peoples movement in
navigation in communities?
Standard Science: 2.6 The student will investigate and understand basic types, changes, and patterns of
weather. Key concepts include a) temperature, wind, precipitation, drought, flood, and storms;
Standard History 2.6 The student will demonstrate map skills by constructing simple maps, using title, map
legend, and compass rose.
Assessment Activity: Cut and paste drawing combining changing weather with physical geography to
describe using maps under changing conditions when navigating.

Unit Plan for second grade Geography Unit

Lesson 5: Essential Question: How can we communicate our geographic knowledge of a local map to
others who are new and unfamiliar with a geographic area using maps and community features?
Standard History 2.6 The student will demonstrate map skills by constructing simple maps, using title, map
legend, and compass rose.
Standard English 2.3 The student will use oral communication skills. a) Use oral language for different purposes: to
inform, to p ersuade, to entertain, to clarify, and to respond. e) Follow three- and four-step directions. f) Give threeand four-step directions.
English 2.12: The student will write stories, letters, and simple explanations.
a) Generate ideas before writing. b) Organize writing to include a beginning, middle, and end for narrative and
expository writing. c) Expand writing to include descriptive detail.
English 2.1: The student will demonstrate an understanding of oral language structure. b) Create and participate in
oral dramatic activities.

Fine Arts standard 2.3: The student will depict imaginary experiences in works of art.

Assessment Activity: Second grade students will combine their previous lessons together to create a improvised
quick-write script using fine arts s kill of d epicting imaginary experiences in the act of simulating a s ituation of helping
someone find their way through a community using a creative map and d escribe any changing daily conditions that
are known in the day of the event on the map for the lost character.

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