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Name: __Jacob R___________________________ Period: _______ Date: __________

Research Project Completion Form

TOPIC: ______________________________________________
1. What was your hypothesis?
That biting your nails didnt have a specific reason because it is a hard habit to break
2. What method of research design did you choose and why?
survey because i can gather people's insights first hand
3. How did you define the ambiguous (unclear) aspects of your topic?
made more possible answers on the survey
4. What variables do you expect to impact your project?
how many people actually bite their nails and why
5. How do you plan on addressing those variables?
asking a more variety of people and ask specific questions
6. Data Collection:
How did you collect your data?
conducted a survey
Who did your project target?
my peers
Did it matter who you targeted? Why or why not?
no because its a habit that everyone could have, possibly for the same reasons
7. Data Analysis:
How did you analyze your data? compared the different types of results
What were you looking for? (mean, mode, frequency, correlation, etc.)
the mode, to see which answers repeated the most

What were your results?

more people didnt have a certain reason why they bite their nails
Did your results prove or disprove your hypothesis? How do you know?
it approved because a graph was made, showing hypothesis was correct

6. Reflection:
What was the most difficult thing about this project?
getting a wide spread of people to answer the question
If you could ask a different question or questions to improve your results what would it
a more specific and direct question instead of it being broad.

Is your view of the topic different now? Why or why not?

no because i bite my nails as well, so i have an idea of why people do it.

If you could do the entire project over again, what would you do differently?
ask more questions, be more specific, and get more people to answer
7. Documents:
Please attach a copy of your survey, interview questions, and explanation of your
observation or experiment. (whatever you did to collect your data)
Please attach a copy of the pieces of literature you found that related to your topic of
study (shoot for at least 3)

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