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Group Discussion

Arun John Mathias

What is a GD? Why a GD?
Personality traits tested
How to prepare for a GD
Dos and Donts in a GD
Being effective in a GD
Accepting criticism
Tips to succeed

What is a Group Discussion?

A method of assessing a students

personality traits
First opportunity of seeing and hearing a
candidate in person
Mass elimination also!

What is a Group Discussion?

A discussion among a group of typically 8-12
Participants express their views on a topic
Fixed time limit depending on group size

Why a Group Discussion?

Simulation of real-world meetings
Stimulates quick thinking
Understanding of your strengths and
weaknesses in working as a team
Qualities of leadership crystallize

Personality traits
Ability to work in a
Communication skills
Reasoning ability
Leadership skills


Types of topics
Case-based GD

Your Preparation
Knowledge and planning
Communication skills
Body Language
Personal appearance
Being calm and cool

GD Tips

Initiation Techniques
Body of the group discussion

Initiation Techniques

When you initiate a GD, you grab everyones


Advantage: can create a favorable first

impression with your content and
communication skills

Potential pitfall: If you initiate a GD and

stammer/stutter/quote wrong facts and
figures, the advantage is lost

Techniques to initiate a GD

Shock statement
Facts, figures and statistics
Short story
General statement

Body of the GD
Keep to the topic
Keep the discussion on track
Avoid speaking in turn. Let the discussion
be free-flowing
Avoid having multiple people speaking
Substantiate point/statement with fact

Most GD doesnt really have conclusions. A
conclusion is where the whole group
decides in favor or against the topic
But every GD is summarized.You can
summarize what the group has discussed in
the GD in a nutshell

Make original points and support them by

substantial fact or reasoning
Speak with confidence
Listen to the other participants actively and
Maintain eye contact
Be considerate to the feelings of others in
the group
Keep discussion on track

Non-participation, over-participation
Interrupt another participant mid-sentence or
before his/her arguments are over
Change opinions
Sub-group conversations - dialogs
Repeat your points and use irrelevant material
Address the observer

Be assertive: Direct, honest careful about

not hurting others self-respect
An active listener: Listen with not just your
Right language: The right words at the right
time get the best results
Be analytical and fact-oriented: Make
relevant points supported with fact and
analyzed logically

If any member of the group criticizes

or disapproves a point, dont get upset
or react sharply
In case the criticism is flimsy, point it
out politely
Express without hurting others feelings

Tips to succeed
Never bluff or make up statistics/facts
Prepare by reading up on current events and
Practice, practice, practice through mock

Smartphones a boon or nuisance

Students focusing on software industry-good or bad
India 2020
Daughters are more caring than sons
Influence of western culture in Indian society
Education is become more of a business nowadays
Hostel life is better than staying at home
How do we fight terrorism
How do we clean up Indian politics
Pros and cons of social networking

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