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Unit 6: Family Project Packet

Here are the Rules!

1. Do not let your egg-babies die!
2. Do not let your children out of your sight (babies must be with you at all times!)
3. No babysitting
4. Injured children (cracks) can be taken to the doctor (Mr. Ring)
5. Eggnapping can either be taken care of through paying of ransom or through the police;
however, the police will impact grade (Mr.Ring)
4. All homes MUST be in the Westerville School District
5. Maximum of two kids per room in a home
6. Every working adult needs a car
7. Contact with outside agencies and field trips may be necessary
8. DO NOT purchase anything from the grocery store for this project
9. Complete the year long budget using take home income
This will be what you submit at the end of the project along with your children and family budget.
Basic Information: Day 1
Spouse Names:
1. Caleb Giovannelli 2. Jayla Few
Childrens Name(s):
1.Junior 2. Blake 3. Kylie
1. Registered Nurse 2. Social Worker
Average Annual Income: Use Bureau of Labor Statistics (
Job 1:Social Worker $58,410 per year
Job 2:Registered Nurse $69,790 per year
Yearly Taxes: Based on 1st Quarter Grade Percentage
Ave. Salary X Grade Percentage = Take Home Salary; Ave. Salary - Take Home Salary
Job 1: Yearly Taxes - 94% $3,504.60 Take Home Salary - 94% $54,905.40
Job 2: Yearly Taxes - 87% $9,072.70 Take Home Salary - 87% $60,717.30
Total Family Yearly Salary: $115,622.7
Child Care Costs and Budget: Day 2
You will be asked to figure out childcare for your child and complete your mock 12 month budget
by filling in your costs into the appropriate spots. No Family Child Care!
Average Ohio cost of childcare: $8,482 (Per Child) x 3 = $25,446

Unit 6: Family Project Packet

Research a childcare option that could work for your family. You may need to contact a daycare
facility or get rough pricing from the internet.
Monthly cost of childcare: Choose daycare or in home care (circle one)
Childcare cost - $1184 per month (use this cost in your budget)
Whom is providing your childs care: Kindercare

Homes: Day 3
In this section you will be choosing a family home and identifying the mortgage that goes with
that home (,, King, etc.)
Home Size: 3,186 sq. ft. Beds: 4 Baths: 4 Lot Size: 0.56 Acres
Schools: Elementary - Pointview Elementary Middle - Genoa Middle High - Westerville South
Mortgage/Rent: Use website mortgage calculator (down payment = 20% home cost, Interest
Cost - $364,900 Total, $1,349 per month
Address: 611 Brook Run Drive Westerville Ohio 43081
Home Insurance: Cost $2015.04 per year, Cost $167.92 per month
Cars: Day 3
You will both need to find child safe cars and insurance. ( and
Car 1: Make - Chevrolet Model - Trax Year - 2016 Mileage - 24-26 mpg
Car 2: Make - Nissan Model - Maxima Year - 2014 Mileage - 19-26 mpg
Car Insurance: Cost $1492 per year, Cost $124.28 per month
Car Insurance: Cost per year $1638.06, Cost $136.50 per month
Food: Day 4
You will be asked to select 5 meals you plan to cook for a week and go grocery shopping to get
accurate costs of weekly groceries. Be sure to include ingredients into your shopping list.
Meal 1: Steak, Rice, & Green Beans
Ingredients: Steak, Rice, & Green Beans

Meal 2: Mashed Potatoes, Corn, and Pork Loin

Ingredients: Mashed Potatoes, Corn, and Pork Loin

Unit 6: Family Project Packet

Meal 3:Hot Dogs, Baked Beans, and Waffle Fries

Ingredients: Hot Dogs, Baked Beans, and Waffle Fries + Ketchup and Hot Dog Buns

Meal 4: Grilled Cheese and Tomato Soup

Ingredients: Bread, American Cheese, Tomato Soup, and Butter

Meal 5: Tacos!
Ingredients: Tortillas, Beans, Lettuce, Shredded Cheese, Taco Meat, and Taco Sauce.

Grocery List Below:Add ingredients from your meals to your shopping list (use extra sheet if needed)




Granny Smith (x4)



Driscolls (1lb x2)



Chiquita (2 bunches)



Driscolls (1lb x2)



Kroger (half gallon) 5


Orange Juice




Chobani Greek Yogurt

Strawberry 5.3oz (x5)



Organic Biologique (1x)


Hot Dogs

Ball Park (2x)


Hot Dog Buns

Ball Park (1x)


Potato Chips

Ruffles, Doritos



Barilla (1x)


Pasta Sauce

Ragu (1x)



Kraft Velveeta Cheese 16 oz


Unit 6: Family Project Packet


Frosted Flakes (x2)



Gatorade/G2 (8 Pack) 20 fl



Success: Jasmine (1x)



Heinz (1x)



Frenchs (1x)


Ice Cream

Luna & Larrys Coconut Bliss

16 fl oz



Huggies disposable Diapers


Chicken Nuggets

Banquet (1x)



Kroger (1lb)



Kroger: Cream Style (2x)


Green Beans

Green Giant (2x)


Peanut Butter

Jif (1x)



Kroger: Concord Jelly (1x)



Kroger (2x)


Baby Food (5 jars)

Beech Nut Classics (5x)


Meal #1 Cost

Green Giant, Success, and



Meal #2 Cost

Bob Evans, Hormel, and



Meal #3 Cost

Heinz, Ball Park, and Bushs


Meal #4 Cost

Campbells, Kraft, and Kroger


Meal #5 Cost

Mission, Organic Biologique,

Ortega, and Kroger


Total: $157.56
Budget: Day 5 Fill in the 12 month budget (see attached)
Were you able to save money after 12 months?
Yes, we were able to save money after 12 months thanks to our careful shopping habits.

Unit 6: Family Project Packet

What seems like the most difficult part of having a family?

I feel like the most difficult aspect of having a family is maintaining an average and luxuriant
lifestyle following the massive increase in costs after having a child. In addition to this, though
we didnt have problems with this, spouses often have trouble maintaining a healthy marital
relationship with one another after having a child due to them being unable to cope with the
increased stress that comes with having the child.

What was the most eye-opening aspect of the project?

The most eye opening aspect of the project was how much care it took just to carry around an
egg, let alone take care of it. This alone caused me to have to slow down and consider my
babys location/safety. The amount of care needed just to protect an egg without even having to
care for/feed it really opened my mind to the responsibility needed to care for an actual newborn

How important is education in providing for a family?

Education is EXTREMELY important for providing for a family. This is because, as studies show,
as education levels increase, so does the income of the person with the education. Without our
excessive amount of income (115k net salary), we wouldnt be living nearly as luxuriant of a
lifestyle as we chose to live in the project. In a capitalistic society that runs on money, a good
education is an essential factor required to be able to have a good/healthy lifestyle, enabling
people to better provide for their family.

Journal Prompts: Write Journals Below

Day 1: Find out everything about your spouse. (birthday, favorite food, likes/dislikes, etc.)
Day 2: How do you decide who/where to employ to watch your child?
Day 3: What were the most important and least important factors in choosing a home and car?
Day 4: What insurance did you decide to purchase and what investments did you decide to

Unit 6: Family Project Packet

Day 5: What factors played into where you shopped and the brands you chose to purchase?
Day 6: What did you learn from this assignment? (Costs, Responsibility, Relationships, etc.)

Day 1 Caleb's birthday is June 6, 1986. His favorite food is pizza. We Named our triplets, Blake, Kylie,
and Junior. He likes snowboarding and playing video games and loves driving around with his
homies. He doesnt like sports and history. Hes double jointed and really flexible. His parents
name is Mike and Michelle. He was born in Columbus at Saint Ann's Hospital. He has a 15 year
old brother who attends Westerville north and his sister died before she was born.He has 2
dogs named Grace and Howard and has turtles, fish and a bearded dragon, also a bird and a
Birthday: 04/22/1999
Favorite Food: Tacos
Likes: Texting, working, shopping, driving, etc.
Dislikes: Math, Hockey,
Fun Fact: Takes good pride in doing her hair
Day 2 - Were picking Kindercare because we feel a public daycare system is far more reliable
than asking a random person for assistance. (Kindercare is far less likely to cancel and far more
likely to provide specific, tangible care + specified education than an individual person could).
Because of this, we believe that Kindercare is the best choice of childcare for our triplets.

Day 3 - I think the most important factors regarding our home/vehicle choices stemmed down to
space; considering our 3 kids, we wanted a set of vehicles that could transport and hold multiple
car seats/strollers as well as a house where our kids would have plenty of room to get around,
play, and live a healthy lifestyle. We also wanted to have an area somewhere close to (or in)
Westerville, as its a familiar area for both of us and a pleasant place for our kids to grow up in.
In terms of the least important aspects of our decisions regarding our vehicle and housing
purchases, we didnt really care all that much about the specific builds/luxuries of the cars we
purchased. However, we did purchase a very glamorous house, pushing our budget to its limit.

Day 4 - We decided to purchase State farm insurance for both of our vehicles and our home.
We always invested in cable, home phone, and internet. We also invested in cell phones. Our
vehicles are a 2016 Chevrolet Trax. We also purchased a 2014 Maxima Nissan. We bought a
house for 364,900 dollars. We are going grocery shopping today and we got all of our baby
items through online websites.

Unit 6: Family Project Packet

Day 5 - We mainly chose Kroger brand products, as theyre often associated with great deals
and savings. Not only this, but I personally (Caleb) am extremely familiar with Kroger, trust their
products, and am often extremely satisfied with their products. In terms of brands, I bought the
brands I was most familiar with and that I enjoyed the most (food wise). IE: For cereal, I like
Frosted Flakes, so I bought Frosted Flakes.

Day 6 - Despite us having a decent amount of income, this project taught me that its incredibly
important to budget your spending accordingly in order to not go over your spending limit. I also
learned how much responsibility it took just to have to constantly carry around an egg without
even having to care for it. In addition to both of these things, I learned that its important to
maintain constant communication with your spouse to maintain a healthy relationship, which
consequently leads to a healthy lifestyle and upbringing for the child(ren).


Soc 6.1.A:
Keep eggbabies alive
and safe

No cracks, dead
babies, or neglect

Minor crack or a
minor neglect issue

Soc 6.1.B:
Run a
family focused

Outline and
include all realistic
costs of
opportunities for
your family

Soc 6.1.C:
Complete all
oriented tasks

Lost a child, major

crack, or major
neglect issue

Lost more than one

child, multiple major
cracks, or multiple
neglect issues

No surviving egg

Create a budget
with fairly realistic
costs and
opportunities for
your family

Somewhat unrealistic
budget for your family

very unrealistic
budget for your

No budget

Completed and
documented all
family activities

Completed all but

one family activity

Completed most of
the family activities

Completed some of
the family activities

Completed no
family activities

Successfully post
project to web
pages, follow
accurately, and be
productive during
time allotted to
work on the

Successfully post
project, follow
directions, but waste
class time

Successfully post
project, omit aspects
pertaining to
directions, and waste
class time.

Issues with posting

project on time, poor
following of
directions, and
wasting class time.


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