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Behavioral Issues in Class

By: Kirsten Swank and Chloe Lorton

Current Policy
Depending on the teacher, if a student is insubordinate then a majority of teachers
may send the student to the office, give them a detention, or just ignore the
student all together.

New Policy
1st offense- Give the student some time to cooperate, but if they continue to
disrespect you or others, then pull them aside and talk to them. Offer them help if
needed, either by you, if you feel capable, or address them to see a guidance
2nd offense- If the student is still uncooperative then you may give them a
detention or ALC.

Teacher opinion
It wouldnt work because
-Not a job requirement
-Dont have time to do that with all the other students they have.
-It depends on the kid whether or not a punishment should be acted upon.

Meet in the middle

Most teachers here generally care about their students so instead of enforcing
teachers to talk to every single student who has a behavioral issue, at least talk to
the ones you feel, in your opinion, need someone to talk to or need that support.

In other words it would become a policy but it is not necessarily a set in stone rule.
More of an encouragement.

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