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Hua-Yu Chang

Professor Scott
College 1 Section 73382
Reading Response Journal
Spare Parts

1. A brief summary of the Jill Zande in the 2004 MATE Robotics Competition, worked with Vickie Jensen and Harry
Bonn to create a story which encouraged students to explore a workshop of the submarine in a
swimming pool. Lorenzo read the story and was interested by the mention of Pedro Sanchez.
Oscar was enthusiastic that they can challenge themselves with working on the submarine in a
pool. Fredi and Allan thought it was going to be too much of a challenge for the boys, but they
did not want to admit it. They then decided to lead the boys to MIT, which was a college
division, so there would be less discouragement.
The teachers planned out the boy's first year competition in underwater robotics event. They
told the boys that they want them to go against one of the best schools in US. They even set a
goal for themselves, which was not to finish last.
The idea of finishing last did not satisfy Oscar. He wanted more from the team,thinking that
they should put themselves out there and accept the challenges. The team was struggling with
lacking money and had to ask around for donation. The team started by breaking the trebuchet
they'd built during the pumpkin berling contest. They brainstormed and came up with many
ideas. Since they did not know how to solve some of the problems, they decided to call an
expert for advice. Oscar called De Trat, an expert in catastrophe. He offered to test the tools for
them but had failed. However, the boys were able to solve the problem that he couldn't solve.
He was surprised and decided to borrow them his range finder.
Lorenzo found it to be meaningless to work hard on his homework and wanted to only work
on robots. . He wasn't worried about getting a 2.08 GPA until Fredi told him that he would kick
him out if he didn't rise hos GPA. Thus, Lorenzo started to study, and even asked Chritian for
questions. He soon started getting As in class.
The team needed a precise and rapid measurements in order to complete the second task of the

competition, which was measuring the temperature of the cold-water spring at the bottom of the
pool. Oscar was able to talk to Frank Swankiski, an expert on thermometer applications. He
launched into in-depth explanation, offering details to Oscar about the skills. He also at the end
offered a donate device to them.
In November 2003, Fredi decided to drove the boys to the ocean, since they were competing
marine science. They were introduced to Donald Rocker, who talked to them about prototype
they had built in order to arrive at the final production model. Also, Oscar and Luis became
friends during the trip.
Oscar decided to take the risk of attending a competition, putting himself in the worries side.
When buuilding the real ROV, they boys were thinking if they should use mechanical metal,
which they would never be able to afford. Later they came up with brilliant ideas, trying to
substitute the metals with cheaper things that were available around them.

2. Your response to the


I think Fredi was becoming a father figure to the kids. He not only taught them science but tried to put
life lessons on them. He wanted to give the guys a chance a chance to accomplish something beyond
what they thought possible(91). He let them figure the techniques on their own, but sill gave them
advice while they struggle. I think this way of teaching taught the guys the important skill of solving
problem on their own. They were able to learn from their mistakes, and collaborate with each other.
Also, Fredi out a lot of trust in the guys, he believed that they were all talented, which gave them
confidence to work on challenging contexts.

3. 2 discussion questions.

1. How does the guys' desire to success influence the people around them to
help them?
2. In what way does Fredi provide help to the guys?

4. A brief explanation of
your reading process.

When I was reading, I felt the sense of a optimism, a kind of positive power in the text, coming
from the four guys. They seemed that they have some sort of magic that will influence people
to feel like wanting to give them support. I think this is the power of belief. The guys believed
in themselves, that they were going to overcome any challenges that they face. They would try
their best to solve their problems, even if they have very limited sources. I noticed that they
were provided the machines that they were never be able to purchase, and given valuable
advice that they could not get elsewhere. It is not only because they impressed the people who
helped them with their knowledge, but also because seeing them working hard makes others
want to help them, and see how they would success with their goals.
1. inaugural(p.89)-making beginning of a new venture,series
- I chose this word because I kept reading the text but still couldn't figure out what it
2. exhilaration(p.94)-the action to make cheerful or happy
- I felt that I had memorized this word before but I couldn't remember, so I decided to
learn it again.
3. extravagant(p.95)-spending much more that it's necessary
- I thought this word is interesting because byex-you can tell that it means

5. 3-5 good words

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