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Praise Okeadu

English 321
Instructor Kaser
7 September 2015
Subject: Compare and contrast Steffes and Halliburton
Dear Instructor Kaser,
According to my 14 hours extensive research about two of my most interested companies
Steffes and Halliburton. I have gathered a broad understanding of these companies, and as a
result, I am actually ready to apply for either internship or entry-level positions as soon as
possible. Aside from referencing the cover latter letter example, I also included additional
information that would be helpful for my application letter and resume.
Some of the basic similarities both Steffes and Halliburton have in common are their strong
sense of customer satisfaction. Both companies appear to be friendly, professional, and exciting
public persona based on the interview I had with their various representatives. They are both
innovative institutions that are willing to create different products needed for improvement.
Steffes are mainly based on manufacturing, science and engineering, while Halliburton mainly
oil field services. Furthermore, both companies encourage respect, based on the interaction with
representative. For example, I watch the agents from both companies interview other candidate,
they Showed respect with an appropriate conversation and empathy.
Some of the differences between Steffes and Halliburton are their core values and culture.
However Steffes are more of a family-based work culture and they seem easy to work with.
However, Halliburton appears to be a little bit withdrawn from public persona and more of what
I describe as business before pleasure. For example, when I research their Facebook page, they
employee from Steffes were all busy having fun outside work, drinking beer, going for game,
and still appears to be professional at work. While Halliburton on the other hand, have little or no
picture of their private life on their Facebook page or any sort of social media?
With deeper knowledge gathered from my research, I have come to a conclusion that a written
style would be suitable for applying to both companies. However, since Halliburton appears to
be withdrawn from public persona, it would require my approach to be more formal and direct,
while Steffes can be slightly less formal style since they are fairly laid-back and a family-like
company. Finally, either of these companies will require me to be professional and
knowledgeable about the company itself and the position I will be applying for.

Praise Okeadu

Praise Okeadu
English 321
Instructor Kaser
7 September 2015
Company Profile: Steffes
Company website:
Position Applying for:
Field service technician
Who does the company do business with?
Agricultural, Construction, Recreational
Equipment Markets, Energy companies, national
and international investors, Government.
Business Objective:
Committed to creating sustainable environment
and provide services that set the standard of
quality and client satisfaction, further more, they
are really focus on bringing the absolute best
services and technical support in the industry.
Above all, they are dedicated to building a
relationship of trust with each and every one of
their customers. It is this goal that propels Steffes
commitment to continuous improvement and
unparalleled customer service.
Types of Business.
Steel Fabrication Business, Manufacturing,
Replacement Snowmobile Skis, Hopper-Bottom
Storage Bins, Furniture Frames, and a variety of
custom designed Equipment.
Range from (academic) high school student,
interns, to higher-level Electrical/Electronic

Head quarter is in 3050 Hwy 22 North
Dickinson, ND 58601 United States
P: 701-483-5400 / F: 701-456-7491
Grand Forks Office:
1726 US Hwy Grand Forks, ND 58203
P: 701-772-1545 / F: 701-772-1593
Based on Steffes linked home page and
company website, the company has about
201-500 employees
Company history:
Steffes Corporation started in the 1940s as a
local manufacturing operation. From 1965 to
1985.the electric industry asked steffes to
design the first American made thermal
storage-heating device, and they prove their
innovating and experts by entering the
market with the highest quality product and
today sets the standard for quality, safety,
consistency, and performance.
Furthermore, In 2007, Steffes Corporation
entered the oil and gas industry that has now
made them one of the leading manufacturers
in the nation. As a matter of fact, Steffes has
now experience a tremendous growth, which
has lead to a wider range of oil and gas
customer throughout the United States.

Manufacturing Engineers and more.

Brief Description Of Position: Based on their website, the brief interview I had with the
representative from the career fair, and talking to some of my friends that are current employed
by steffes, these are the following duties that are required by field service technician.
As a field technician, some of the responsible includes working at the wells site or the gas
process station installing instruments, performing some clerical task at the office, and repair
equipment that would be needed in the field. Most importantly, my role is to ensure the
efficiency and accuracy of all equipment and installation in my care are to there aught most
performance level on a daily basis.
What the company does: Just like many other business or institution, Steffes started as a small
manufacturing co-operation and has continuously experience gradual growth through out these
yeas. Through dedication, hard work, and efficiency, Steffes is now one of the top company in
the Midwest region that are highly recognized for their manufacturing products, replacing
snowmobile skis, hopper-bottom storage bins, furniture frames, and a wider variety of custom
designed equipment.
Sources of revenue: According to Steffes web address, their source of revenue is heavily
dependent on their customers. In addition to their customers, they have vendors and partners.
Core Value: According to steffes website, their core values is indirectly stated as high quality
performance, safety, reliability and customer satisfaction.
Introductory Narrative: Based no the interview I had with their representatives at the career
fair as well as my research about the company in general, I have come to a conclusion that
Steffes is not globally recognized. However, they are one of the top tiers US company that are
heavily oriented on innovation, technology, and research. Most importantly, Steffes reputation
stems from not only their performance but has a log term reputation for it engineer division.
Steffes provide educational and mentoring program for individuals who are either just beginners
or ready to advance in their career field.
Whos who?
Joe Rothschiller is a native of Mandan, ND. He is currently the Chief Operating Officer and
President for Steffes Corporation. In Joe's spare time he likes to hunt, go boating, throwing
washers and playing cards-pitch. Joe's favorite food is Pigs in the Blanket. According to his
Facebook page.
Paul Steffes is a native of Dickinson, ND. He is currently the Chief Executive Officer and
Chairman of the Board for Steffes Corporation. In Paul's spare time he likes to ski, play bridge,
and Sudoku. Paul's favorite food is seafood. According to his Facebook page.

Project or department leader (who will be my boss?)

Todd mayor: Todd is a native of Regent, ND. He is currently involved in the Oilfield products
of Steffes Corporation.
Based on his face book page and company web address, he enjoys running, playing sports and
music with his kids. His favorite food is steak.
Human resources lead (who will field your app materials?)
Paul Eidenschink
Paul is a native of Brainerd, MN. He is the Division Manager of Manufacturing Solutions.
Based on his company web and Facebook page. He likes to travel, photography, fishing and
building rustic furniture. His favorite food is fresh seafood.
Public vs. Actual Persona: During my interaction with some of Steffes representatives, they
seemed to be pretty laid back individuals but still portrayed professionalism in their work. They
were willing to have a conversation about their company and my interest as an aspiring engineer.
On their website, most of the staff seems to be happy and satisfied employees through their
smiles, work location, and different activities they were engaged in. Furthermore, high ranked
personnels were also professional, excited about their work and personal life. Compared to their
professional profiles on steffes web address, both the COO and CEO seemed to be highly
involved in social media expressing their love for family members and friends and social life.
Communication Style. Based on steffes Web address, Steffes app, LinkedIn, magazines,
newspapers, video of the CEO and employee, steffes encourages clarity, precision, relaxed and
professional communication style.

Company Profile: Halliburton

Company website:
Position Applying for:
Internship for filed service technician
Business objective:
To manage both their oil and gas reservoir in
an economic and highly efficient manner
through partnership.
Who does the company do business with?
Energy companies, national and international
investors, Government.

Types of Business:
Providers of products and services to Oil field
Size and Demographics:
Over 700,000 employees representing 140
nationalities in over 80 countries
Houston, Texas, Dickinson, Minot ND
Company History:
Based on their official website, it was founded
in 1919, Halliburton is one of the world's
largest providers of products and services to
the energy industry. They have about 70,000
employees, with deferent cultural background
in over 80 countries, Halliburton helps the
upstream oil and gas industry throughout the
development of the reservoir

What the company does: They provide the worlds broadest array of products and services with
an integrated solutions to upstream energy industries by creating data that help locate natural gas.
Introductory Narrative: Halliburton is a globally recognized company with diversified
employees with varying academic, cultural, socioeconomically background, and career division
and more. Most significantly, Halliburton happen to have a branch in Nigeria, West African, so I
know I can still be able to work for this company if I ever wanted to go back home.
Brief description of the position: Halliburton does offer internship programmed which helps
student to work on meaningful projects that would help expand their technical, business and
leadership skills. Which in some case they end up becoming a full-time member of the
Halliburton team. Most of the internships takes place during the spring and summer breaks
which enables student the luxury to be occupied during their breaks while learning and growing
at the same time. Their open position for internships are sometimes posted on campus career
center's Web site for students who are interest.
Whos who?
FOUNDER: Erle Halliburton.
CEO/ President: David John Laser. He was born and raised in Madison, Wisconsin. He
graduated from university of Wisconsin- Madison with Bachelors in science and MBA. He
worked at Arthur Anderson as Trained Certified Public Assistance for Halliburton accounting
department. According to his Facebook profile, Davids seems to be a very private and less
interested in social media. He had limited information on personal life and more of a strict
business oriented individual.

Project or department leader (who will be my boss?):

Vishal kokate, Senior Mechanical Design Engineer and Team Lead at Halliburton
Based the company-linked page, he graduated from University of Maryland Baltimore County,
and according to his face book page, his family orient man.
Board of Directors: Abdul Aziz and Murry S. Gerber, He does not have a face book or any form
of social media. Abdul is a private person based on my research. This shows how dedicated he is
to his work.
Human Resource lead (who will field your app materials?)
Jennifer Brown
Human Resource Training & Development Coordinator at Halliburton
Lives in Amarillo, Texas Area. Based on the conversation we had on the phone she value
Public vs. Actual Person: Most of the high level employees are in there forties and not involved
with much social media life style. There were no LinkedIn or face book accounts for most of
them. For those who had social media accounts; they only posted a picture or basic information
about themselves and more of business information. In contrast to the higher-level employees, I
discovered that some of the mid and entre- level employees were more involved in social media
life style. Additionally, when I called the company and spoke with two of their HR representative
and customer service agent, they sounded more welcoming and enthusiastic about providing the
information I was in search of, especially when they discovered that I was doing a research on
their company and the employees in general.
Core Value: in summary based on their company website page, Halliburton believes in morality
and reliability.
Communication Style: based on my research, Halliburton encourages confident, clear and
concise communication style, there fore, i would be formal on my app letter and resume
Source of revenue: Operations And Diluted Shares. Total revenue in quarter 1 2015 was

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