Cover Letter Casey Final

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December 14, 2015

Ms. Jeanne Criswell

The Reflector
1400, E. Hanna Ave.
Indianapolis, IN 46227
Dear Prof. Criswell:
It has come to my attention that you are looking to fill the position of photo editor for
The Reflector. I enjoy the work of the newspaper, and I would love to continue to help the
organization move forward.
I am currently a senior at the University of Indianapolis. I will be graduating in May 2016
with a Communications degree with an emphasis in journalism. I have started my own
business, which has helped me develop quality problem-solving skills. I have also helped
coordinate sound, lighting, photography, music, and structuring for large events across
multiple states. With these skills, I look forward to helping The Reflector reach it's goals
using my education and professional skills learned throughout my work and school
I am interested in the position because I am currently the Photo editor, and would like to
continue to serve for The Reflector. I believe that I am the best-qualified candidate for the
position, as I have successfully edited for four full issues of the paper with no complaints
thus far. I would help maintain and improve the photo quality and standard that the paper
has upheld since I have been a part of it.
I would appreciate the opportunity for an interview to discuss this with you further. I am
available Monday, Wednesday and Friday before 2:00 p.m. You can reach me by phone or
email. I hope to hear from you soon.
Kameron Casey
2110 Radcliffe Ct.
Indianapolis, IN 46227
(317) 938-7117
University of Indianapolis 16

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