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Those five things which changed the world

In my opinion, there is nothing more powerful and mind-manipulating than

religion. That is why it is on the first place from those five things which have changed
and are still changing the world.
That one word, "religion," covers all the horizon of memory with visions of war,
of outrage, of persecution, of tyranny, and death. That one word brings to the mind every
instrument with which man has tortured man. In that word is the infinite and eternal hell
of the future. The mental manipulation in mass.Religion is one more way, that we have
developed to make our lives easier and ultimately more bearable. Religion is simply a
self-made, self-serving idea. Just think about what happens when you pray. Saying over
and over again the same thing it had the effect of self-sugestion. How do you know that
the Bible isn’t just one big sugar placebo pill?
The thirst for money and power coincide. If you have money, you got power. If
you are powerful, you can do almost anything you can think of. If you have these you can
buy almost anything but you won’t be able to bribe a hurricane, earthquake or flood. So
this must be the next big point that changed our existence.
All the things we do without thinking over have consequences – especially those
concerning the nature. You can’t joke with the power of nature. Without being a god, it is
the most powerful thing we can play with. Our actions destroyed the environment and
now we dare to be amazed of the natural catastrophes and ask questions like “How could
something like this happen?”. One answear could be the evolution of technology which
lead to pollution and worse, to this kind of playing with Mother-nature. Yes, 99% of what
have been invented (the evolution of technology said it’s word)is more or less useful for
us but we will always be able to find those bad effects from behind them. Clones (human
mutants), televison (how many of you will watch a documentary instead of a soap or a
movie?), communications (now we can keep in touch…so good that we don’t even have
time anymore to meet eachother for a drink and just talk), internet (some persons stay for
so long in front of the computer that they even forget to eat, to go for a walk in the park,
they just loose the track of time) and the list can go on. But why I kept the internet for the
end? Because it is on the list of addictions – just another drug with a “pretty face”. Drugs
have been a major issue for society for much of the 20th century. Drugs are something
that effect everyone, regardless of race or financial standing. They not only affect the user
but also how are society is shaped. There are literally hundreds of drugs currently
available. All seemingly have the same consequence on the user: they effect the body and
mind negatively. Above and beyond all, there is the criminal element that always comes
into play for society. This is a problem that is being more attractive to our generation, as a
getway to life.We are all addicted no matter to which one of them – alcohol, marijuana,
heroine, coffee, internet etc. - and that is worse if you can’t make it useful. At least
internet is an endless source of informations, fun, virtual friends etc. but how can you
think that your child is safe while using it if you can even find out how to make a bomb?

Written by Cristina Bunu

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