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La Frontera Meet and Greet

Find someone who is affected by the drug cartels in Mexico.
Describe this person:
How is their life affected by the drug cartels?:

Find someone who is fighting back against an injustice.

Describe this person:
What injustice are they fighting? How?

Find someone who works for the government.

Describe this person:
How do they relate to another character youve met?

Find someone who witnesses violence regularly.

Describe this person:
What type of violence do they witness? Is it out of their control?

Find a teenager.
Describe this person:


Compare their life to yours. What is similar? What is different?

Find someone who has been affected by a US policy in Mexico.

Describe this person:
What policy is it? How has it affected them?

Find someone that your character would not get along with.
Describe this person:
What would happen if your character met this person?

Find someone struggling to survive in Mexico.

Describe this person:

What makes living in Mexico difficult for this person?

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