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¥ y mad TOPLETZ INVESTMENTS 7509 Inwood Road #301 Dallas, Texas 75209 (214) 350-7555 November 18, 2015 WE ARE UNDER ATTACK 1!!! ‘Topletz Investments Tenant or Homeowner, "As you may have seen in the newspaper recently, it has come to my attention that I am being sued. 1 was notified months ago that the City of Dallas, by and through different entities (from the Mayor’s office down), that they want us‘to sign a “commitment fo"upgrade® man¥ of my properties and then to raise the rents on these houses. On that list is your specific property. Their recommendation was to spend massive amounts of money to improve the houses, and then make the tenants (you) pay the bill by raising (your) rent. This would then elevate home values and inerease taxes that the City of Dallas would then collect. I advised them that our “BU MODEL” i providing affordable housing, and not is just about getting higher rent income. That seemed to infuriate city officials, as this would obviously prevent them from making more money, at the cost of the people currently living in these houses. ‘At this time I do NOT intend to evict my tenants, nor raise their rents for these “repairs” as requested in their GENTRIFICATION efforts to displace the people that I am committed to serve. I do not know why the City of Dallas put your specific home on the list of properties, but it is indecd on there, or you would not be receiving this letter. I do not know if City of Dallas officials came to your home, or if you let them in to evaluate your home and your personal living conditions. I am advising you by this letter, in writing, that the City of Dallas has no legal authority to enter your home without a warrant unless there are criminal activities in/around your home. My staff and I routinely check the properties to verify nothing out of the ordinary is going on around your home. Do NOT let anyone into vour home no matter what they tell vou. If someone from the City does come to your home, get their badge number and name (write it down) and advise them that there are no issues that meed-to be addressed. Please then call my office and I-willgtakesappropriate measures on your behalf to ensure that you are protected. If the City of Dallas by/through one of their representatives has come to your home previously, and they entered the premises, please contact me ASAP and let me know everything that you know about those circumstances (time/date/name/badge #/ete). Hopefully, we can soon find out what is going on and why, so things can remain constant with no change in status on either of our parts. Respectfully, Demis Toplety Topletz Investments By: Dennis Topletz

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