After A Discussion On Chinese Philosophies Students Will Be Given Two Conflicting Documents and

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Student: Erin AHearn

Grade: 9

Topic: China Qin Dynasty

Date: November 13, 2015

Content Area: Social Studies

Instructional Objective(s) (Lesson Objective(s)*)

After a discussion on Chinese philosophies students will be given two conflicting
documents and will read closely to determine what the text says explicitly to make logical
inferences on whether or not Shi Huangdis rule was effective with at least 7 factually correct
examples in each column of the provided chart.
Standards and Indicators
9.1 DEVELOPMENT OF CIVILIZATION: The development of agriculture enabled the rise of the
first civilizations, located primarily along river valleys; these complex societies were influenced
by geographic conditions, and shared a number of defining political, social, and economic
(Standards: 2, 3, 4; Themes: TCC, GEO, ECO, TECH)
9.1c Complex societies and civilizations shared common characteristics of religion, job
specialization, cities, government, language/writing systems, technology, and social
hierarchy, and they made unique contributions.
Indicator: This will be evident when students come to a conclusion on whether Shi Huangdis
rule was effective or not.
Common Core ELA Standards
College and Career Readiness Anchor Standards for Reading
Key Ideas and Details
1. Read closely to determine what the text says explicitly and to make logical
inferences from it, and cite specific textual evidence when writing or speaking to support
conclusions drawn from the text.
Indicator: This will be evident when students jigsaw to determine whether or not Shi Huangdi
was an effective ruler.
Motivation (Engaging the learner(s)*)
Students will compare Confucianism, Legalism, Daoism and determine which belief system will
restore order to China.

Handouts on Qin accomplishments (google drive/printed)
pro/con chart (google drive/printed)
Strategies (Learning Strategies)

Think pair share: Students with opposite documents will compare and share their thoughts on
the documents, informing them on what they learned, coming to a conclusion on whether or not
shi huangdi was effective.

Adaptations (Exceptionality*)
The students with ADHD will be provided with a filled out copy of the pro-con
sheet on the haiku page, and will be allowed to hand out papers to anyone who prefers a
physical copy.
The student with autism will be provided with a copy of the document with the
important information highlighted
Students with a learning disability will be provided with a simplified version of the
Differentiation of Instruction
Tier 1 students will be provided with a lower reading level document and the pro/con chart
partially filled in.
Tier 2 students will be provided with a chart with key ideas included.
Tier 3 students will be provided with the document and chart as is.
Developmental Procedures
1. Students will summarize Confucianism, Legalism, Daoism, brainstorming the
main ideas of each belief system.
2. Students will determine which belief system will restore order to China.
3. Students will be given the assigned readings about Qin Dynasty and its
4. Students will read their documents, filling out their graphic organizers as they
5. Students will split into pairs

Assessment (Artifacts and Assessment [Formal and Informal]*)

Students will successfully determine which philosophy will unite the Qin dynasty, the pros and
cons of the document analyzed and will show understanding in class discussion following think
pair share. Formal assessment will be a well-formed paragraph drawing a conclusion on
whether or not the Qin dynasty was successful.
Independent Practice
For homework, students will compose a well-written paragraph in which they draw their own
conclusions on whether or not the Qin dynasty was successful.
Follow up: Direct teacher intervention and Academic ENRICHMENT
Direct Teacher Intervention: Students who had trouble locating information within the text will
review the article with the teacher, who will help locate important keywords and phrases that
would indicate information that should be included in the chart.

Academic Enrichment: Students who excelled at the pro-con chart as well as the paragraph will
write a narrative from the point of view of Shi Huang Di.

(n.d.). Retrieved 12 November 2015, from
Peralta, G., Mark, J. J., & Violatti, C. (2014, January 22). Qin dynasty. Retrieved 12
November 2015, from
Troolin, A. (n.d.). The Qin dynasty in china: The great wall & Legalism - video & lesson
transcript. Retrieved from

The Qin Dynasty

221-202 B.C.E.
The Qin (Chihn) Dynasty is one of the most controversial in Chinese history. After
reading your assigned passage, fill in the side of the chart below that coincides with
the facts you uncover about Shi Huangdi and the Qin Dynasty.

The Qin Dynasty was a

successful & effective
period of Chinese History.

The Qin Dynasty, under Shi

Huangdi was
a dark period in Chinese

Stopped the fighting between the noble


Put many families under house

arrest in the capital.

Stopped invasions from the North

Took land from the noble families and

divided it into counties to be
supervised by his representatives.

Doubled the size of China

Standardized (made the same) laws,
currency (money), weights and

Built 4,000 miles of roads

Dug 1,250 mile canal

Completed the Great Wall of China

Enacted strict laws and harsh

Raised taxes

Killed Confucian scholars

Burned books

Forced people to work on Great Wall of


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