Advertisements Lesson Plan

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Advertisements Lesson Plan

Subject: Language Arts

Grade: 7
Critical Inquiry Question: Does the media affect you? Lesson: Media Time: 40 minutes
GLO: 2- Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and represent to comprehend and respond
personally and critically to oral, print and other media texts.
SLO: Use Prior Knowledge Select and focus relevant ideas from personal experiences and prior
knowledge to understand new ideas and information
Instructional Objectives:
Students will recognize that media, specifically advertisements, have an influence on
their own lives.
Key Questions:
What is media?
What types of media are you aware of?
How does media shape perception?
Does the media hold a particular bias?
What hidden messages are found within media?
How does media affect you?
Do you think the media represents you as an individual?
SMART board
PowerPoint presentation
Whiteboard marker
Exit slips
Two different coloured sticky pads
Timer (I-Pad)
Blank pieces of paper are available at the front of the classroom
SMART board is turned on
PowerPoint which guides the lesson is loaded
Move desk with supplies to the front of the classroom
Model the process for students who struggle
Ensure that students who do not work well together are separated into different groups
Sponge activity: Students who finish early can discuss amongst themselves and start
working on the exit slip that is to be handed in at the end of class
Lesson Procedure:


1. Greet class and explain what we will be doing in todays class through the use of an
2. Reinforce this weeks form of classroom management.
3. Give students 15 minutes to read at the beginning of class.
4. Explain that we are going to be learning about a particular form of mediaAdvertisements.
5. Ask students to answer the questions on the board with their desk partner then check for
answers using Popsicle sticks. (Ask if they know what advertisements are and where they
see them in their day to day lives. Ask students what advertisements are designed to do.
The difference between an effective and non-effective advertisement and if they think are
influenced by advertisements.)
6. Look at advertisements in a magazine together. The class will be taking on the role of
consumers. Do these companies do an effective job of selling their product?
7. Explain that with your desk partner you will be looking at magazines and deciding if the
advertisements are effective or not.
8. Once the group has decided mark the page with a red or green sticky pad.
9. Ask students if there are any hidden messages within the advertisements they are
analyzing. What do the advertisements say about gender, race, body image?
10. I will put a timer on for five minutes. One the timer goes off groups will pass their
magazine one row back- model this before starting the activity.
11. Distribute exit slips and ask students to hand them in to you once they have finishedThey will have until the end of class to complete them.
12. If it has met all my expectations for the exit slip they can use electronics and wait for the
bell to ring at the door.
Formatively assess classroom discussion and participation
Formatively assess students exit slips

Lesson Reflection:


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