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The Perception of

Chase Fratto

When I say Fraternity, or Frat

what do you think of?

All Greek rituals are weird and gross
We are just here for a party
Greeks have a huge sense of entitlement
We binge drink most nights
Going Greek is all about yourself

The Fraternities Purpose

Dedicated to developing men of integrity,
intellect, and high moral character and to
fostering a truly lifelong fraternal experience. To
fulfill this mission:
Value academic achievement and practice
academic integrity
Establish positive and lasting relationships with
our host institutions, alumni and communities

National Statistics
Total Undergraduate Fraternity Membership: 372,090*
Number of Men Initiated in 2013-2014: 98,561*
6136 Chapters on roughly 800 campuses*
Community Service Hours: 3.8 million hours*
Philanthropic Dollars Raised: $20.3 million*

Compiled from Member Fraternities in the NIC Standards Compliance Report for the2013-2014 Academic Year

National Statistics Continued

All-Fraternity GPA: 2.912 versus All-Male GPA:
Greeks in 112th US Congress: 42 Senators (42%),
101 Congressmen (23%)
Greeks in 113th US Congress: 39 Senators (39%),
106 Congressmen (24%)
50% of the Top 10 Fortune 500 CEOs are fraternity
men; 15% of Fortune 100 CEOs are Greek
44% of all US Presidents have been members of a soc
ial fraternity
31% of all US Supreme Court Justices have been
fraternity alumni

Fraternities at the University of

Current all-fraternity Utah
GPA the University of Utah:
Current all-men GPA at the University of Utah:
Programmed multiple events on Sexual Assault
Awareness and Prevention
Multiple members of the Greek System were
elected to Student Government positions
including Student Body President, Vice President,
and Senior Class President
Raised over $200,000 in philanthropy

Is your perception of Greek life accurate or is it
fueled by stereotypes?
What can our organizations do better to change
the perception


Community Outreach
My goal
Promote and share the ideals of all fraternities
No Fraternity was founded on low moral character
Proud to have affiliation with a group

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