Unit Map 12142015

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Keytrell Slack

EDCI 554 Unit Map

Grade: 2 (History and Social Science - Economics)

Essential Question:
What affect do bartering and the use of money have on the United States economy?
How does our economic system work?
Standard 2.9: The student will distinguish between the use of barter and the use of money in the
exchange for goods and services.

K: The student will know:

The difference between a good and a service.

What the term bartering means.

The difference between bartering and using money.

Bartering does not involve the use of money

Bartering only happens when both parties agree.

The different types of coins and currency.

How to identify the penny, nickel, dime, quarter, and dollar.

The value of a penny, nickel, dime, quarter, and a dollar.

U: The student will:

Understand how goods and services are an essential part of daily life.

Discriminate between value and cost.

Explain how goods and services need to be in demand in order to barter effectively.

Point out the effects of money on our spending habits.

Discover how having money increases opportunities to buy, which contributes to the
growth of the economy.

Keytrell Slack
EDCI 554 Unit Map

Understand how a limited money resources interferes with getting all of the wants.

D: The student will:

Analyze the characteristics of goods and services.

Develop and create songs using facts about goods and services.

Compare goods or services that maybe a fair trade.

Evaluate the value of a personal item to the value of another item.

Evaluate the affects money has on bartering.

Prioritize needs and wants according to available funds.

Calculate coins and bills in order to display a predetermined dollar amount.

Lesson 1: Goods and Service (Review)

Teacher will discuss with the students the meaning of goods and services.
o Students will have partner discussions with shoulder partner.
Teacher will do a T-Chart in order to have students brainstorm types of goods and
services performed by individuals.
Teacher will teach students a song about the difference between goods and services to the
tune of Mary Had a Little Lamb.
Students will create their own Goods and Services Song.
Students will then do an activity. Each desk will have a picture card with a number on it.
The students will be given a calendar with corresponding numbers. Students will rotate
around to each desk in 10 second increments. Students will mark their calendar
according to the number on the card. Student will do this as an individual assignment.
Assessment: This is an informal assessment that will be the Goods and Services Calendar
activity the students will turn in at the end at the end of the day.
Lesson 2: Introduction to Bartering
Students will bring to post-its to the carpet. Students will have two items that they would
like to trade.
Teacher will ask students if they are willing to trade their item for a good or a service.

Keytrell Slack
EDCI 554 Unit Map

Teacher will read students a book about bartering called Lets Trade: A Book about
Bartering by Nancy Loewen.
Teacher will be asking questions throughout the book. Students will also focus on
predicting and inferring during this lesson.
Students will be asked to do a Mix-Pair-Share.
Students will be asked to draw a picture of something they would like to barter and write
why this item is worth the trade. And if they could buy the item if they had to money.
There will be a whole class discussion about the pictures and some students will be able
to share their drawing.
Assessment: The picture and writing will be an informal assessment to determine if students are
able to explain the purpose and use of bartering.

Lesson 3: Bartering and Introduction to the Use of Money

Teacher will start with a discussion with the following questions:
o Have you ever helped a parent or grandparent cook?
o What types of food did you cook?
o And what was needed (ingredients) to make the meal?
o Have you ever made a trade?
o What did you trade?
Explain to students what bartering (trading) is.
Student will listen to a story called Saturday Sancocha at

There will be a whole group discussion about the story.

Activity will be a bartering activity where students will have to get all the ingredients for
a special dish. Once student have gotten all the ingredients the student will return to their
There will be a whole class discussion after this activity about the difficulty or problems
experience while doing the bartering activity. The difference in getting the item if they
had money.
Assessment: The Bartering and Money activity will be the informal assessment for this lesson.
The teacher will gauge rather or not students are able to separate bartering and being able to use
Lesson 4: Use of Money
Teacher will open discussion by asking questions: What is money used for? When do we
use money? Difference between bartering and money?
Students will watch a video about the use of money at

Students will need to show the displayed amount using the play money.

Keytrell Slack
EDCI 554 Unit Map

The teacher will callout different coins and the students will need to display them their
Students will see pictures displayed on the Smartboard with an amount attached to it.
Students will need to show the displayed amount using the play money. (Partner
Students will be given a cafeteria menu. Students will have to buy an item from each of
the 4 food areas and determine the amount of money left. Students will have to show
their math work on a separate sheet of paper. The students will have $2.00 to spend.
Assessment: Students will informally assessed on math (addition and subtraction). The teacher
will also see the combinations students will have from the menu.
Lesson 5: Centers and Final Summative Assessment
This lesson will consist of five learning centers / work stations. This will allow students
to get additional practice with good and services, bartering, and the use of money.
The final summative assessment will be for students to create a flyer, poem, song or rap
about a good or service they would like to sell or barter. Students will be able to share
their flyer, poem, rap, or song. Students will have the option to work with a partner or to
work alone.
Field Trip
Students will be having a field trip to a grocery store. Students will be given a list in
which they will record five items they would like to purchase, the cost of the item and the
aisle the item was in. Students will total the amount of money they would have spent and
put it in the correct box. Students will tell what their favorite section (frozen, diary,
snacks, etc.) is in the grocery store? And also, list two service providers in the store and
the services they provide.
Other possibilities to include in unit lesson:
Natural and capital resources
Limited resources

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