Lesson Plan Format: George Mason University Graduate School of Education

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George Mason University

Graduate School of Education



Intern: Keytrell Slack

Grade Level: 2

Title: Bartering and Introduction to Use of Money (Lesson 3)

Date: December 8, 2015


K: The student will discover that bartering does not involve the use of money.
The student will discover that bartering only happens when the parties agree.
U: The student will explain how goods and services need to be in demand in order to
barter effectively.
The student will point out the effects of on our spending habits.
D: The student will evaluate the affects money has on bartering.
History and Social Science SOL 2.9 (Economics): The student will distinguish
between the use of barter and the use of money in exchange for goods and services.
English SOL 2.2 (Oral Language): The student will expand understanding and use of
word meanings.
a. Increase listening and speaking vocabularies.
e. Use vocabulary from other content areas.
English SOL 2.3 (Oral Language): The student will use oral communication skills.
e. Follow three-and-four step directions.
English SOL 2.7 (Reading): The student will expand vocabulary when reading.
d. Discuss meanings of words and develop vocabulary by listening and reading a
variety of texts.
e. Use vocabulary from other content areas.
English SOL 2.8 (Reading): The student will read and demonstrate comprehension of
fictional texts.
b. Relate previous experience to the main idea.
c. Ask and answer questions about what is read.
English SOL 2.11 (Writing): The student will maintain legible printing and begin to
make the transition to cursive.
English SOL 2.12 (Writing): The student will write stories, letters, and simple
b. Organize writing to include a beginning, middle, and end for narrative and
expository writing.

George Mason University

Graduate School of Education
English SOL 2.13 (Writing): The student will edit writing for correct grammar,
capitalization, punctuation, and spelling.
a. Recognize and use complete sentences.
Science SOL 2.1 (Scientific investigation, reasoning, and Logic): The student will
demonstrate an understanding of scientific reasoning, logic, and the nature of science
by planning and conducting investigation in which
a. observations and predictions are made and questions are formed.
k. observations and data are communicated.
Multiple Intelligences
Word Smart
Picture Smart
Body Smart
Self Smart
People Smart
Logic Smart

Materials for Learning Activities

Students will need the following materials to complete this History and Social
Science unit:
Activity Sheet
Bartering Activity Cards (4 different colors)
Teacher will need the following materials to complete this History and Social
Studies unit:
Chart Paper
Activity Sheets
Book entitled Saturday Sancocho by Leyla Torres (located at
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dZQ_8oV2XVg )
Bartering Activity Cards (4 different colors pink, blue, green, white)
Brown paper bag
Smart board

Procedures for Learning Activities
5 minutes Introduction:
The teacher will review with students about bartering. The teacher will ask the
following questions:


George Mason University

Graduate School of Education

Have you ever made a trade? (Must student will say, yes). (Self Smart)

Chart Paper

Ask the following question and write some of the students responses on the
chart paper.
What did you trade? (Answers may include candy, video games, lunch item,
Teacher will explain that when you trade you are bartering. Bartering means
an exchange of goods and services between people.
Be sure to explain that when bartering money is not used.
Teacher will explain that today we are going to read a story about a girl who
makes a special kind of stew (soup). And she have to get ingredients for the
stew but she does not have any money.
Have you ever helped a parent with cooking (Answers will vary).
What kinds of food did you help prepare? (Answers will vary).
What was your task when you were helping help? (Answers will vary).

Instructional Strategies:
Teacher will introduce the following story to the class. (Picture Smart / Word
Saturday Sancocho by Leyla Torres at


Once the story is read, students may have questions about the following
vocabulary that was used in the video / book.
Cilantro is an herb added to food to make it taste better.
A plantain is like a banana but not as sweet.
Cassava is a vegetable like a potato.
Cumin is a spice.
The teacher will ask the following questions once the story is done:
What did the family have that they could barter? A dozen eggs
Did they barter / trade eggs with Dona Carmen? No
Why didnt they trade eggs with Dona Carmen? Dona Carmen did not want
What else did they have to trade?

George Mason University

Graduate School of Education

The teacher will explain to the students that they will be doing a bartering
activity. Everyone will be responsible for getting the four ingredients to make
chicken sancocho like the characters in the book. (Body Smart / People Smart /
Picture Smart / Word Smart)
Show one of each of the ingredient cards.
Place the ingredient cards in a brown paper bag.
There will be one of each of the ingredients
Pink Cards: tomato, onions, carrots
Blue Cards: plantains, cassava, corn
Green Cards: cumin, garlic, cilantro
White Cards: chicken in the bag.
The cards will contain the ingredients each student needs to make the
Each student will pull four cards from the brown paper bag.
Students can only trade one card at a time.
There is no talking once the activity begins.
The activity will begin when the teacher says Barter Now.
Once a student has all four ingredient cards, they are able to return to
their seat.
When all students have returned to their seat, we will discuss the
following questions:

Paper Bag

What problems did you have trading your ingredients? (Self Smart / Word
Did you trade for an ingredient you didnt want or need?
What would have happened if you had money to spend?
Would that have made trading easier?
(Students should have some idea that the use of money would have made
getting the ingredients a little easier).
Students will be given an activity sheet showing two stories. The teacher will
read both of the stories to the class. The student will pick the story that they
believe is an example of bartering. Students will need to draw a picture of the
transaction. Answer the two questions on the bottom of the page. (Self
Smart / Word Smart / Picture Smart / Logic Smart)


For Students that finish early those students will need to write a paragraph on
the back of the sheet explaining why they picked that scenario as an example

George Mason University

Graduate School of Education
of bartering. Also have students give an amount they would pay for their good
and why.
5 minutes Summary/Closure:
The teacher will close the lesson with the following questions to the students:
What is bartering? (Bartering means an exchange of goods and services
between people).
What two things have to happen in order for bartering to work?
What makes bartering easier?
Students will turn in the activity sheet once they have completed the activity.
Extensions/Connections Describe extensions or connections to other lessons.
Students will increase vocabulary and use vocabulary from other
content areas when listening to the reading of the used in this lesson.
Students will be asking questions to find out about new vocabulary.
The students will follow three-and-four step directions when receiving
instructions in order to participate in the bartering activity sheet.
Student will show comprehension of fictional text by relating previous
experience regarding cooking with parents and / or grandparents.
Student will write an explanation as to why the picked a particular
scenario on the barter activity sheet.
Students will make observations and predictions while listening to the
video of the book as to what will happen with the character of the
book. Students will try to determine of the characters journey by
observing and asking questions.


Formative: The student will be assessed by completing the barter activity sheet. This
will provide information regarding rather or not the student will be able to determine
a scenario regarding bartering.
Formative: Students will also be assessed on their explanation of their choice by
writing legibly and using details.

George Mason University

Graduate School of Education

Students that need a challenge will be asked to write their own story about
Students needing additional support will benefit from the four different ingredient
Student needing additional support will also be provided fill-in sentences in order
to complete activity sheet.


Technology Integration
Smartboard: This will be used in order to display the book that will be read to the
class via YouTube.
Laptop: This will be used in order to connect to YouTube in order to play the book
that will be the book that is read in order to continue the lesson on bartering



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