Farms Around The World

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TCNJ Lesson Plan

Unit Lesson 9: Farms Around the World

Student Name: Anavi Sharma
Grade Level: Kindergarten

School Name: LES

Host Teachers Name: Mr. Berry

Guiding and/or Essential Questions:

Where are there farms around the world?
How are farms around the world different from farms in New Jersey?
What crops are grown on farms in Hawaii, India, China, and Brazil?
Pre-lesson Assignments and/or Student Prior Knowledge (ex. background
knowledge, possible misconceptions, prior lesson content)
Students have been learning a lot about how to farm and the types of crops grown on
farms in New Jersey. They know that farms around the world are different but may have
never seen pictures of them before or know why they are different.
6.1.4.B.4: Describe how landforms, climate and weather, and availability of resources
have impacted where and how people live and work in different regions of New Jersey
and the United States.
Learning Objectives and Assessments:
Learning Objectives


Students will recognize the

differences between farms
around the world.

Teacher will assess student discussion for

recognition of differences in farms.

Students will identify what parts

of the world grow specific

Teacher will assess student discussion for

recognition of where specific crops grow around the
world and what the crops are.

Materials/Resources: (List materials, include any online or book references and

Picture Slideshow
Venn Diagram anchor chart
Tea (leaves and drink)
Pineapple (cut and uncut)
Coffee Beans
Plan for set-up/distribution/cleanup of materials:
Slideshow will be prepared and set up on the computer prior to lesson beginning. Teacher
will have the anchor chart ready and available with markers to be used after the video is

over. We will have bags prepared with coffee and rice in them as well as pre-sliced
pineapple and tea poured into small cups for the children to taste from .
Step by Step plan (numbered):
1. Lesson beginning I will ask the students what they remember from the previous
days lesson where we learned about farms in New Jersey, and then ask them to
give me a thumbs up or a thumbs to the question Are farms around the world the
same as farms in New Jersey. Based on the answer I will tell the students that
they were correct or incorrect, and then lead into the slideshow presentation I
have had prepared.
2. Before we begin the slideshow, students will sit on the rug in lines as if they are
taking a trip in an airplane. We will have them act out a plane ride and soar
through the classroom until we land on a farm outside of New Jersey. The
slideshow will include pictures of farms from China (the rice paddies), India (tea),
Brazil (coffee), and Hawaii (pineapples) respectively. During each picture I will
explain to the students how each crop is harvested and prepared for sale. I will
then show them the actual product, and pass it around the rug telling them to
touch and smell them. I will answer the questions the children have to the best of
my ability, and if I am unsure I will say I am not sure what the answer to that
question is, but I will look it up for you during lunch and tell you later!
3. After the slideshow, we will create a venn diagram comparing and contrasting the
different types of farms around the world. All of the students will have a chance to
contribute, and then we will have a class discussion on what we came up with.
The students will then be dismissed to go to their next activity.
4. Closure Once I complete the venn diagram, I will send students back to the tables
so that we can have a tasting of tea and pineapples as a closure to the lesson. We
will take an informal class note on which product they liked better.
Key Questions (that you will ask):
Are farms around the world the same as farms in New Jersey?
What makes them the same or different?
What are some characteristics of farms in Brazil, China, Hawaii and India?
Intro- 5 minutes
Plane Ride- 5 minutes
Picture Slideshow- 10 minutes
Anchor Chart- 10/15 minutes
Food Tasting- 10 minutes
Students will be seated in the scatter position on the rug facing the board. They will
remain seated in this position throughout the slideshow and anchor chart activity.
Classroom Management:

Teacher will monitor students behavior and attention during the picture slideshow. If
students get restless or fidget, they will be asked to sit in a chair to help them focus.
Teacher will monitor students understanding by asking for connections and thumbs up
throughout the activity. Students who seem to be losing focus or interest will be
redirected to ensure they are noting the information.

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