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Goals Assignment

Instructions and Guidelines

1. Using the guidelines in Chapter One, create a long-term, mid-term and short-term goal in at least
three categories. Categories might be Health & Fitness, Education, Career, Romance,
Spirituality, Wealth, Travel, Hobbies etc.
2. Each goal should be only one complete sentence.
3. Your short-term and mid-term goal in each category should be benchmarks towards your long
term goal. Your goals in each category should correlate with each other.
4. Your long-term goals should be compatible. The achievement of one of your long-term goals
should not prohibit the achievement of one of your other long-term goals.
5. Your goals must follow the SMART guidelines which are:
Specific (How much? How Many? To what standard? )
Measurable (Can your success towards the goal be effectively determined?)
Achievable (Is the goal something you have control or influence over? Do you have the needed talents,
skills and resources to accomplish the goal or can you get them?)
Relevant (Will it make a difference in your life?)
Time Referenced (by when)
Some internet sites that may help are:
6. Your goals should be positive.
7. Your goals should be personal.
Some internet sites that will help you with these two criteria are:
8. Motivational authorities recommend that you write goals as though you have already
accomplished them. Use present tense.
9. It is recommended by some that goals be written using action verbs rather than passive verbs (am,
10. Name each category.
11. Complete the following template and submit it.

My Goals

Your Name Here

Jonscot Dowland

1st Category: (Music.)

Long-Term Goal Statement: (One complete sentence only for each goal statement.)
Composing and performing music will become my full time job.
Mid-Term Goal Statement:
I will put out an album that is good enough to tour.
Short Term Goal Statement:
I will put a full length album out before June 2016.

Action Steps: (Identify the concrete things you plan to do to reach your short-term goal in this
1. Dedicate time to working in the studio every day.
2. Always save money for the release of a project.
3. Make connections.
4. Be patient.
5. Always give 100%

Narrative Statement: (How will your life look when you have achieved this long-term goal? This
will help you determine relevance and establish motivation.)
When I achieve this goal almost every door in the world will open up for me. My possibilities will be
endless. The pure happiness I will experience in my life will be un imaginable.

What obstacles will you need to overcome or what are you willing to sacrifice to achieve your long-term
goal? (This step will help you determine achievability.)
I will sacrifice everything. My social life will be almost non excitant. I wont be able to have any
relationships. I will never be at home or have down time. I will have very little money for a long time.

I deserve this goal because: (This step will help you bolster your motivation.)
1. I put the work in and grind and sacrifice.

2. I will never be satisfied without this goal.

I hereby commit to myself to achieve this goal.

My Signature:__Jonscot Dowland____________________________________

2nd Category: Health

Long-Term Goal Statement:
I will live a healthy fit sober lifestyle.

Mid-Term Goal Statement:

I will exercise every day, not abuse drugs, and drink alcohol in moderation.

Short Term Goal Statement:

I will surround myself with people who dont abuse drugs.

Action Steps: (Identify the concrete things you plan to do to reach your short-term goal in this
1. Know what kind of people I surround myself with.
2. Keep the goals in view.
3. Look at the bigger picture.
4. Stay driven dont get distracted.
5. Think clearly.

Narrative Statement: (How will your life look when you have achieved this long-term goal? This
will help you determine relevance and establish motivation.)
I will live a very enlightened long life with no bullshit or abuse along the way. I will be very clear and
know what I want and can stay driven and achieve anything I put my mind too.

What obstacles will you need to overcome or what are you willing to sacrifice to achieve your long-term
goal? (This step will help you determine achievability.)
I must stay away from bad situation and not get caught up in drama. I will sacrifice being popular our
being social for the goal of clear minded thoughts and sobriety.

I deserve this goal because: (This step will help you bolster your motivation.)
1. I stay sober very frequently by choice.

2.I have the determination to do this.

I hereby commit to myself to achieve this goal.

My Signature:_Jonscot Dowland_____________________________________

3rd Category: Romance & Love

Long-Term Goal Statement:
I want to have a family when I am over the age of 35.

Mid-Term Goal Statement:

I will be sure to have safe sex and not get anyone pregnant until Im 35.

Short Term Goal Statement:

I will not get into any serious relationships.

Action Steps: (Identify the concrete things you plan to do to reach your short-term goal in this
1. I must always put myself above other people.
2. Recognize the difference between lust and love.
3. Dont pay too much attention to others feelings
4. Think before I act.
5. Always use protection.

Narrative Statement: (How will your life look when you have achieved this long-term goal? This
will help you determine relevance and establish motivation.)
I will never be a broke parent or be a parent who is never home. I will have free time, experience, and
money to raise my kids properly.

What obstacles will you need to overcome or what are you willing to sacrifice to achieve your long-term
goal? (This step will help you determine achievability.)
I will never be a young parent. I will have to sacrifice having girlfriends and unprotected sex.

I deserve this goal because: (This step will help you bolster your motivation.)
1. I know whats best for my life and happiness.

2. I know the necessary steps to achieve this.

I hereby commit to myself to achieve this goal.

My Signature:_____Jonscot Dowland_________________________________

Goals Assignment Evaluation Rubric


Time Referenced


Do the goals in each category correlate
Are goals compatible

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