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Final Outline

Name: Jeremy Eaby
Cred: Artist, writer, so I like being aware
Thesis: To inform about observation and awareness
Hook: Stop exercise
A. Russian Philosopher Gurdijief
B. Old Japanese Fencing

I. What is Observation, what do I mean by it

II. Why its important.
III. Past/Future

I. What is Observation, Awareness, Presence
A. Tricky to talk about, but very important
B. Applies to everyone; religion, race, background
II. State of Being

A. Being completely involved in the present moment, feeling

1. Body, mind, emotions, everything that is you
2. No getting attached or distracted thoughts and only focusing
on whats in


B. State achieved by doing Yoga, Meditating, Sensory Depravation

1. Mind like a mirror
C. Notice things you hadnt otherwise noticed
1. Basis for Art and Poetry, Basho The temple bell stops, but
the sound keeps

coming, out of the flowers.

2. Sketch people, looking for character types

3. Stories, lives, sharing a brief moment where they are my
capture those feelings and impressions, more important than
character types

II. Why is it important?

A. Most of us have to much noise
1. Thoughts that cant really change anything
2. Distracting and Vivid Imaginations that are so enticing we forget to
realize it in


3. BBC News Survey People who think too much are less focused,
make more mistakes,
poorer memories, depressed
4. Separation Anxiety from reality, very important because it shows
the moment you now find yourself in and your personal
involvement in everything

that goes on.

B. Cut through the noise and STOP!

1. Noticed something about self, space, why hadnt you noticed it

III. The Past/ Future

A. Much time spent in Past retelling the same stories of what we/ was done to
B. Predicting the Future based of assumptions that are almost always wrong.
C. Dont take me too seriously, you need to know where your next meal is
coming and
memories are enjoyable.
D. Abstract Q? When do the Past and Future occur? Are they separate planes
of existence we go

to when we think? Or is that there is no past or future,

just thoughts that come us as we exist

right now?

E. Alan Watts Philosopher, with regards to the future and the now

A. Overall, very important concept
Thesis: Better informed on Observation/ Awareness

I. What it is? II. Why its important

III. Past/Future

B. Observation, Awareness, Presence etc is life, it doesnt need to be learned

or thought about
because you have it right now.
C. This should be the simplest thing, but its incredibly difficult to do.
D. But not always, kids are still understand what it means to be Observant.
E. Semester is ending, take a moment to sit and observe what is going on
around you, all we hav

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