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Period 3 Monday November 27

Grade 4/5 Social Studies

Students did research on the Mackenzie and Red River last class, focusing on how the
rivers impacted people of the past and present and how rivers impact peoples quality of
Today, they will be extending and applying that knowledge by writing a diary entry from
one of those rivers point of views.
This project has not yet been introduced:

They are to write a diary entry that is 3 paragraphs long

Go over what a paragraph is made up of:
o 1 introduction sentence
o 3 supporting sentences
o 1 conclusion sentence
They are going to write the entry from the point of view or perspective of one of
the rivers! This means I want them to be creative! They have recently been
discussing point of view in Language Arts class, so they are familiar with the idea.
They have to include ideas and stories about how humans use/used the river or
how the river changed peoples lives either in the past, present, or both.
They have the whole period to work on their diary entry/paragraphs
They can refer to the charts we made last class to help with ideas smiley and sad
faces can help them organize what were positives and negatives
o Remember how quality of life of humans was impacted
How might the river feel?
What would it see?
What would change as time went on?

KSA 9: There are many approaches to teaching and learning.

This activity gave students a chance to think more creatively about how a river may
impact people. Some students probably met the SLO in the previous class when we
researched ways humans used the river and how rivers affected them. They may have
also understood once we discussed the ideas found and made the webs. However, some
students dont learn best by just reading facts or hearing them, so this provided another
chance for students to apply knowledge and engage them differently. I have some very
creative students, so I thought giving them this chance to express their ideas would prove
valuable, and after reading the paragraphs, I was pleased with what students created and
was given a better idea of whether they understood how these bodies of water affected

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