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Grade & Subject: 5 Social


Materials and


Lesson Time: 45 Minutes

SLO: 5.1.2 How have natural disasters and severe weather been part of
Canadas physical geography?
The students will compare the flooding that occurred in 1950 vs. 2009
from the Red River on a t-chart.
Formative during class when we are making t-charts check for
students understanding by asking them to paraphrase points at the end
when comparing, see if students can find the similarities and
differences between the two floods, and after videos ask for
observations take in t-charts to see participation and note taking
Nelson, Our Land and People, Manitoba floods website:, videos of 2009 and
1950 flood
Smartboard, laptop


Topic/Unit: Interior Planes


Teacher reads paragraph of page 70 about flooding and the

views on flood control
3 students read the quotes following about differing
perspectives on flood control
Show videos ask students to consider the devastation that
people went through Do students still think it was worth it to
live there for good soil? Do they think there should have been
flood control put into place?
Bring up flood history in Manitoba website have students get
a piece of paper out and make a t-chart with 1950 on one side
and 2009 on the other
Student reads a point, then finds the important parts in it show
an example of how you would pick out the important
information to give them an idea of what to look for
Show comparison pictures between the floods
Ask students what the differences are that they see
Using information from the t-charts, why do they think those
differences exist the 2009 floods dont cover as much because
flood controls were brought in, thus preventing a lot of damage!
Things Done Well
Things to Improve On

KSA 10: The functions of traditional and electronic teaching/learning technologies.

This lesson used traditional learning technologies such as a textbook to introduce and
connect ideas about flooding. However, it also required electronic teaching technologies,

such as showing videos and using a website to gain knowledge and explore the topic of
natural disasters that happened in Canada. The videos provided audio and visual learners
a chance to connect, and the textbook also engaged visual learners. However, using the
videos was an effective way to engage and hold students interests. Using the website was
a great way to show students a dependable site with relevant information that helped
them understand how flood controls helped those dealing with floods and reduced
damage significantly. As well, it provided images that visually aided the facts presented
and proved to students the differences between the floods. This lesson was definitely one
of my most engaging and that was because of the effective use of technology.

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