Employability Post

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Education 1100

Employability Report Card

Directions: Use the smiley, straight, and sad faces above to rate yourself in the areas listed.
Reflect on why you chose that rating and write a justification in the remarks section. You will
complete this at the beginning and end of the term.


Group Collaboration

Accepts constructive
Turning in work on
Devotion to others




Remarks (student and/or teacher)

I missed one day of class due to a family emergency,

overall I
showed up and participated each day. I completed
assignments thoroughly as well.
My assignments were always turn in and completed o
Each assignment I tried my best to complete them ab
beyond the standards.
I worked well with others in PLC groups and on the gro
project. I
I communicated in class with everyone and worked we
a group with Luis on the group project.
I learned to accept criticism and be open to talking ab
many different topics. I accepted being called out by t
teacher and it made
Feel good to be able to accept it so well.
Many assignments I turned in early or had them
completed the
night before it was due. I managed my time well for
having many of them of due in only a 14 week span.
I was devoted to helping anyone in the class or work w
In a face to face discussion trying to complete an
I kept in contact with some class mates and showed t
I was nice to every person in our class and asked peop
where they want to go to school or what their interes
are. I
was helpful, nice, and outgoing when talking to people

class or
the teacher.


I was honest when I completed assignments and when

asked questions about myself. I came to class and sho
cared about my grade. I answered personal questions
about myself honestly.


After this class I have become more confident about h

Successful I can be in life and more confident about
finishing my
future goals in life.
After some class assignments it showed that I needed
work on
simple technology skills. I became more familiar with
drive, presentations, and websites.

Technology Skills

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