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Classroom Use Policy
***According to our district policy, use of technology and the internet is a privilege, not a
right! To keep your privileges you must follow district and classroom use policies.
Teachers and administrators can and will monitor student use of technology, internet
histories, files, etc. Remember that these computers were purchased to be educational
tools, not toys or entertainment. Please read the guidelines and go over them with your
child. Then sign the bottom to show that you and your child understand and accept the
rules for using the Internet at school.

Guidelines for Use of the Internet

I will-

1. Be respectful and courteous to classroom materials and others around

2. Not fight over technology tools.
3. Not use technology unless I have permission (cell phones, iPad, iPod, lap


tops etc.)
Not reveal any personal information or pictures unless I have permission.
Not get on inappropriate or distracting websites.
Stay on task, and use the internet for academics only.
Not harm or destroy any of the technology materials because I know it

will result in cancellation of privileges.

8. Ask before printing anything.
9. Not download anything to the computer.
Not use any home DVDs or CDs at school.

Consequences if guidelines are not followed:

Parents will be contacted through Phone, or e-mail.

Limit or loss of access to the network.
Office Referral
When appropriate, law enforcement agencies may be involved.

Having technology in our classroom enhances the academic experience and knowledge
learned by students. It can positively increase learning, encourage creativity and
teamwork, and keep the students engaged in their learning! As a result it comes with
huge responsibility and must be taken seriously.

I agree to follow the Classroom Use Policy (CUP) at all times and understand the
Student Signature____________________________ date_______________

I understand the rules and expectations for my child and will abide by them.
Parent Signature _____________________________ date_______________

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