Restoration in Benton Harbor

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Restoring Benton harbor

By Sammy C. Allen


Restoration in Benton harbor

The illnesses of Benton harbor
Benton harbor has become

are substituting drugs for

affected by so many illnesses.

help. Mothers and fathers

The people have become

has lost the values of

manically depressed and

parenting. The truth is that

afraid. They feel hopeless,

Benton harbor needs an

helpless, and insecure. Low

honest leader with a vision

self-esteem has become the

in mind to benefit not just

leading cause of death among

himself, but also to meet the

our youth. 80% of our youth

needs of the people.

If I can change, if you can

change, if we can change,
we all can change.
Restoring Benton harbor

Leadership is

structure and the

everything, it is

beam of a house.

important to have

The beam is the


most important

Leadership is the

piece for a home to

stand in the midst

order for Benton

many tragedies,

of a storm. Without

harbor to be restored

gang relation, and

the beam the house

the leadership has to

so many suicidal

is subject to fall

change. Whatever

acts from our

down. We also must

leader step into the

children who are in

understand that

office has to have a

school. I believe that

visionary is

prosperous plan,

prayer should be

necessary. Where

goal, or vision. We

put back into our

there is no vision

need prayer back in

schools and that it

the people perish. A

the schools. Ever

should be

true leader does not

since prayer have

mandatory in all

seek the approval of

been taken out of

schools, because

his people, but he

our schools, the

prayer affect all of

provides them with

values of our

society, prayer sets

the best of service he

schools has

a standard, and

can provide for

decreased so much.

prayer is the beam

them. A true leader

Teachers are failing

that help the

acknowledges the

to educate our

Structure of our

fact that he cannot

children, and our

lives to stand farm.

run the race by

children have

Prayer is a sincere

himself. A true

become arrogant to


leader has a vision

educate. So many

from the heart of

to and for

issues that are going

man to God. It is

everything that

on today with our

the act of talking to

meets his eye. In

school system, so

God. The act of


walk. We have to

acknowledges God

speak those that are

existence. It

not though as they

acknowledges the

were. We have to

fact that God is real,

stop saying there is

and that he is a

nothing in Benton

higher being than

harbor and say there

mankind. Prayer

is something in

also acknowledges

Benton harbor. So

the fact that man

as a man thinks, so

realize that with the

is he.

help of God there is

a balance in life.
Once the
acknowledgement of
Gods existence is
removed, there is no
absolute basis for

morals. The next

thing we have to do
is change our mind
set, we have to
change the way we
think, the way we
talk, and the way we

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