Learning Plan: Enduring Understanding: Understanding The Legends

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Learning Plan

Name: Julie Bouchard

Mentor name & grade: Eve Evans, 5th grade
Class: English
Time allotted for lesson: 60 Minutes

Enduring Understanding: Understanding the legends

and myths of a particular society helps one understand
and relate to that societys culture and history. (=>
Folktales come from multiple cultures and multiple
backgrounds however they all sure specific traits and
criteria making subcategories of folktales
Specific Learning Outcomes: (Students will
understand that literature is separated into specific
categories based on criteria. Students will be able to read
and categorize folktales based on a list of
characteristics. )
Academic Standards:
Standard - CC.1.3.5.H: Compare and contrast texts in the same genre on their approaches to
similar themes and topics as well as additional literary elements.

Pre-Assessment: Who has heard the word folktale

before? What can you tell me about the meaning of the
Formative Assessment:
(After reading of the Mouse and the Lion) Lets look back
on our chart, what were some elements of this story that
make it a folktale? What category of folktale might it
belong to?
Summative Assessment:
Interest Generator / Hook:

So far weve worked with a few different genres. What

are some weve already worked with?Who has heard
the word folktale before? What can you tell me about the
meaning of the word?
Plan to Engage Multiple Learners: (Learners: Griffin,
Davon, and Nicholas) These three learners have trouble
staying engaging in lessons. I will make sure to monitor
where they sit on the carpet and move them if necessary.
Also the lesson is very input heavy so I will make sure to
call on them, even cold call, to keep them engaged. For
Griffin during independent work I will be sure to check in
with him on his work and understanding throughout at his
Learning Activities:

Include time each activity will take and what

the teacher and students should be doing during the activity. Also include
specific questions to ask throughout the lesson.


Teacher does:


0:00 So lately weve been looking at some different genres of books. What
are some genres weve touched on?
0:03 So we have historical fiction and realistic fiction. What are some
different characteristics of these genres? What makes a book/story fall into
one of these genres?
0:05- Now I want us to start thinking about a genre called folktales. By a
show of hands, who has heard this word before? Does anyone know what a
folktales is?
0:07- (Take students suggestions on the board and frame towards the
already made poster)
0:09- So Im hearing some really great ideas about what a folktale is. Here
are some characteristics I found really important. (Show top half of poster)
0:15- (After talking through the different bullets on the list begin to transition
in the subgroups.) Now there are many different types of folktales. Can
anyone think of some types that might fall under this category?
0:17- (Depending on what their answers are, try and either give them hints
on the ones remaining, or just give them examples and give them the
subgroup.) What might be some specific qualities of these subgroups.
Remember in the beginning of the lesson we talked about the different
characteristic of historical fiction and realistic fiction? What made a book
belong to one of those categories? Lets think of some common themes.

0:25- Go through each subgroup on whiteboard. After each category have

students come up with examples of stories or books.
0:33- Show to students the actual poster and talk through examples the
students thought of the each category and do a checklist to make sure
they actually qualify.
0:36- Lets read through a folktales together and try to keep an ear out for
any clues that might categorize this folktale into one of these subgroups.
(Read Lion and the Mouse) What might this story fit into?
0:39- Now we will be choosing some folktales of our own to explore. Each of you
is going to choose 3 folktales from a book bin that you think you would like to read. Your job for the next 810 minutes will be to preview the books within your bin and select 3 that you are interested in reading.
Write those 3 book titles into your readers notebook. Stay with you group and preview books until time is
called. At the end of the time, I will call everyone back to the carpet. Remember the criteria for choosing a
good book.

:40- Split students into 4 groups to go pick their books out of bins on
respective tables.
:45 or :50- Students will be called back to the carpet with their books. I will
ask, Now look at the books you just chose, as you read these stories I want
you to think about what subgroups of folktales do you think they would
belong to and why? I when you go back to your seat to read I want you all to
record that information in your reading notebooks.

Wrap-Up & Transition:

Students will be reading their book selections and writing
down notes on what subgroup they think each book
belongs to and why.
Anticipated Confusions for Students and Prepared

Student might be confused with some of the

subcategories, but eh poster will be made up beforehand
and revealed throughout the lesson to help clear up an
uncertainties or confusions.
Materials needed:
Whiteboard, reading of The Lion and the Mouse, poster,
markers, 4-5 bins of folktale books.

Reflection: What went well & what did you to contribute

to that?
I think the overall lesson went really well. I think the
making of the poster beforehand really helped as a visual
grounding for the conversation with the students.
What surprised you?
I was supposed that some students couldn't really
put into words what the genres were. They were, from my
end, dancing around the main ideas so I had to focus
them back a few times to make sure the main ideas came

What would you change if you did this again?

I would have more than one example written down of
each subgroup. I had some in my head but blanked when
we got to the legend section so some written down could
have been helpful.
What did your students learn and how do you know
that they learned what you taught?
After the main carpet lesson, I asked for example from
them for each category making sure they have reasons
why their choice fit with the subgroup. (Referring back to
the bullets on the poster)
How did the lesson go for the individuals stated
Griffin, and Davon were a bit checked out for the carpet
lesson and k tried to bring them back in by cold calling on
them but they would fade right back out afterwards.
Nicholas did very well with the lesson. After I called on
him he was pretty engaged and after during the book
choosing he was very interested in the different folktales
writing a list or 5-6 takes he would like to read. Griffin
however didn't choose 3 books so I had to choose 3 for
him to read instead.

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