Engl-321-Profiles-Revison - Nocomments

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Blattner Energy Inc.

Company Profiled: Blattner Energy, Inc.
Position applying for: Electrical Field Construction Coordinator Intern
Company website: www.blattnerenergy.com
Company History: In 2008, Blattner Energy was established to accommodate the opportunities
available within power generation. Blattner has always been a company based on construction,
but over the years the company has evolved. The company has been developed through D.H.
Blattner & Sons which has been around for over a century. D.H. Blattner & Sons was originally
founded in 1907 and started as a contractor for railroad construction. Today, Blattner & Sons is
heavy civil construction contractor and Blattner Energy continues to construct large scale power
generation projects. Throughout the century, the companys evolution and strategy of upholding
a superior reputation has allowed Blattner Energy to become the largest renewable Energy
Construction Company in North America.
Type of business: Power generation Construction Company, specifically power distribution,
solar, and wind power.
Business objective: Provide power construction solutions using a relationship-based type
experience for customers.
They work on projects all over the nation. For each project the hire locals as well as their own
employees, this process helps them accomplish their customer relationship objectives.
Brief description of the position: The position of interest is an internship, and revolves largely
around assisting an Electrical superintendent. Assisting the superintendent on site will mainly
include implementing changes and reviewing electrical information. The majority of these
revisions will be checking the accuracy of bid packages.
Introductory Narrative: I decided to research and develop a profile for this company, because
of my interest in the companys objectives, and current parallel education. Last year I received an
interview after the career fair, unfortunately I was unable to land the job, I am still interested.
When I first interviewed I wasnt totally prepared, which in turn showed through. My
concentration and enthusiasm in power generation within electrical engineering has since grown
along with my interest in the present position.
Not only am I interested in power generation, but I look toward the future when job seeking. I
truly believe that Blattner will have a lot of future success and opportunitys down the road!
Demographics: Headquarters located in Avon, Minnesota with projects all across the nation and
in Canada with their sister entity Borea Construction ULC.
Who does the company do business with: the company mainly does business with
subcontractors and suppliers. They sub contract the majority of their engineering work, and focus
heavily on the construction part. They still rely seriously on their engineers for quality assurance
and control but less on design aspects.

Sources of revenue: Blattner constructs large scale power generation projects for companies
interested in distributing large amounts of electricity. On their website, every project has been
done confidentially, and does not choose to disclose the name of the customer. This privacy that
they practice works in parallel with their mission to long term relationships
Whos who: CEO: Scott Blattner. Scott is dedicated to testing new directions, and finding new
opportunities to grow. As CEO he practices selfless and seems to focus on evolving the company
above all. There are 6 Blattners working for the company including him, he and the company
values the importance of a family environment.
As an intern I will potentially be assigned to a project, that of which is hard to pin point which
project site I would be assigned too, but my resume will be seen by human resource recruiters.
Meggan Cihlar. She regularly runs the booth at the career fair every year, and offers interviews
after the fact. She had a very friendly attitude when I had a conversation with her at the career
fair last year, and seemed to be inspired to work for the company. Her attitude is an example of
how much respect the Blattner has for their employees. When I searched linkedin, for other HRs
and found that they all had a great deal of experience and were familiar to recruiting interns.
This years career fair had three new representatives, again they were among the most friendly
that I had talked to at the event. The woman I talked to even gave me incite as to how their hiring
process. The reps jobs that I had spoken to star resumes, then send them to Meggan, she then
chooses the individuals who are candidates for interviews.
Tailor my application materials to Meggans interests is the goal to get an interview. She has
been mainly interested in leadership experiences in my conversations with her.
Core Values: Blattners main value is developing a long term relationship with the customers
they serve. Other values of significance that they stress within their company include teamwork,
learning, and committing to solutions without excuses. Teamwork is all over their website
including picture of people working together showing their value in teamwork.
Public vs. Actual Persona: The first thing you see when going on to their website is a slide
show of their work with headings in big letters, each heading has a feeling of reassurance of
quality for their customers and potential careers seekers looking at their site. They even use
metaphors such as We build certainty. and We build relationships. although certainty and
relationships cannot actually be built, the background of each heading are employees working
together to build something physical. These metaphors show that they are trying to portray the
importance they hold for their affiliations. The market that Blattner Energy serves contains
projects that are large scale and pretty to the eye, they use their large scale projects along
beautiful landscape to decorate and give a feeling of astonishment. This tactic persuades viewers
to associate the feeling of astonishment with their company. Blattner Energy repeatedly portrays
messages to their public that demonstrate the notion that they value your relationship above all
else, and you can rely on them.
From my research I found that their actual persona is in line with their values, in an article from
Minnesota DEED, recently they started to expand their headcounters. This expansion focuses an

eco-friendly design, and includes electric car charging station. They also are adding an employee
fitness center. The fitness center, and charging station shows their dedication to the relationship
to their employees and the environment. They also have truthfully displayed this relationship
based persona, by donating to the local food shelf and school district.
Yes, they have spent a large amount of time spending money on locals/ employees and expansion
projects, but they have also extend their business throughout every project by sub-contracting
local labors depending on the project area. This tactic allows Blattner to extend relationships all
across the nation, just like they infer.
Communication Styles: Based on the companys news releases, they communicate with a tone
of excitement, and only like to talk about moving forward. This forward attitude shows the
amount of dedication they have put into their company evolving. Not only do they have a
forward attitude, but have become the leader in a relatively new market.

Connexus Energy Profile

Company Profiled: Connexus Energy
Position Applying for: Electrical Engineer
Company Website: www.connexusenergy.com
Type of business: Connexus is an electric cooperative that is owned by the members it serves.
They get wholesale power from a parent company, and distribute it locally.
Business Objective: Their main objective is to serve their members power/ electricity needs. By
delivering high quality power consistently to the locals at a price that is affordable they are
completing their mission. They are the most reliable member owned company in power
distribution, continuing this company characteristic is part of their business objectives.
Brief Description of Position: The position that I would be applying for would mainly be
designing power distribution layouts or working on substations. Power distribution layouts range
from commercial to residential, but both positions would contain a generous amount of analysis
of power factors.
Introductory Narrative: Connexus is a company that I could see myself working for because I
am focusing on power electrical engineering. Connexuss size and location interest me, also I
have looked at power generation in the previous profile and would like to research and explore
the distribution end.
Demographics: Their headquarters is located in Ramsey, MN, with multiple substations within
the immediate area.
Who does the company do business with: CE gets its energy from Great River Energy, from
there they distribute power to over 100,000 members located from Anoka to St. Cloud
Sources of Revenue: CE get its revenue from the local residential and commercial members
using their electricity in the area.
Whos who: CEO: Mike Rajala graduated from a local highschool and has been a long time
employee at Cennexus before becoming CEO. He started working at their parent company Great
River Energy. His attitude gravitates towards the people and understands where comes from
power is evolving.
Career fair reps: Mike Felber (Electrical Engineering), Linda Maegi (Senior HR) I had a chance
to speak with both of these Conexus employees at NDSUs career fair, after getting past general
interview to interviewee type questions, the where excited to ask if I knew people from the

area such as their kids. Their approach to getting to know me in casual conversation reinforces
the importance that they hold for locals and community. In my brief conversation with mike
about the position his mood turned quite serious when talking about the importance he and the
company held for getting to the root of problems that can be fixed.
I also learned that Linda has an assistant, Liz Daker- liz might see my materials.
Core Values: Connexuss main value is their members in the local community. They strive to
give their members a voice, and use profit margins to give back to their members. Working by
the communitys side and board constructed by their members allows them to continually
provide quality service.
Public vs. Actual Persona: It is clear that in the eye of the public, Connexus wants to show that
they prioritize their members. On their Facebook page their cover photo reads number one in
customer satisfaction, they also tend to post videos of their employees participating fundraising
events or volunteering in ways that give back to the community. With further research it is easy
to tell that this attitude is not just a face put on for profit margins.
They keep social media updated often, with even posts of funny scenarios such as cats getting
stuck on power line poles, to convenient updates on why the power is out and when itll be back
on. Their actual persona seems highly involved. Their involvement in the community goes as far
as working with a local waterpark to provide coupons for their members. According to the
American Customer Satisfaction Index for energy utilities, Conexus has come in first for the best
customer satisfaction, customer satisfaction, customer satisfaction, and in the ability to restore
power after an outage. Their public and actual figure are seemingly parallel.
Communication styles:
There communication style is informal and excited on social media, but else where they use a
standard approach to communication. They communicate less formal on socially media in order
to express their company without a dull sense. On their website they keep information short and
navigation easy. The majority of members that come across the site are paying their bills,
Connexus makes it as efficient as possible for their members to use. In my personal experience in
conversion with employees they talk to me in a comfortable and sensible tone.

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