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The function of the endocrine system is to coordinate and control the body with
hormones. It works with the nervous system to coordinate and direct activities of the
body; it helps maintain homeostasis by regulating H2O/electrolyte balances,
reproductive process, material transport, and metabolic processes. The main two types
of hormones in the endocrine system are steroid and non-steroid hormones. Steroid
Hormones are formed of cholesterol and they are soluble in lipids, this gives them easy
access to cells they are activating. They are responsible for triggering the manufacture
of many proteins; they may speed up or slow down process in the body.
Non-steroid hormones consists of many types of hormones that need assistance
on entering cells. They may cause a secondary reaction that will eventually lead to the
production of proteins or secretions of other hormones. The two type of feedback
systems are negative and positive feedback systems. Negative Feedback maintains a
dynamic homeostasis by returning the changing condition back to the body's set point.
An example of negative feedback is blood glucose regulation. Positive feedback
amplifies responses and processes in biological organisms by creating a response to a
stimuli that moves further away from the set point. An example of positive feedback
system is child birth.
2.C.1: a-c
2.D.3: a (dehydration)
3.D.1: d
3.D.2: c1
3.D.4: a
The most important thing I learned was the difference between steroid and non-steroid
hormones. I also thought that the functions of each hormone was also extremely
important. I want to study more on the differences between negative and positive
feedback. I struggled with memorizing which gland each hormone went in.

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