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Strand 2: Concept

2: World
Early Civilizations:
Course: AP World History
4: The
RepublicPO 3

Dates: 11/10

Analyze the enduring Greek and Roman contributions and their impact on later civilization:
a. development of concepts of government and citizenship (e.g., democracy, republics, codification of
law, and development of empire)
b. scientific and cultural advancements (e.g., network of roads, aqueducts, art and architecture,
literature and theater, mathematics, and philosophy)
V-W-1-HI-7: Students will be able to support their position/claim.


Tuesday (11/10) (Time - 1:01)


Influencers of Rome


Students will be able to explain how Rome was influenced by other cultures.


What cultures influenced the development of Rome?


Cornell Notes 4.2

Warm Up: Making Predictions What do you think this is a picture of? Explain your reasoning. (Picture
will be projected on the board) (6 Minutes)

Students will answer the warm up question while the teacher takes attendance and passes back
graded assignments.
The Rape of the Sabine Women Discussion (5 Minutes)

(Student Actions/
Teacher Actions)

Students will take Cornell notes and participate in discussion.

Teacher will lead the discussion and prompt chunking for Cornell notes.
Influencers of Rome Activity (41 Minutes)

1. Students will work in groups and begin the activity with a reading either on the Etruscans or the
Greeks. While reading students will use their Cornell Notes to take notes on their reading.. (10
Minutes) 2. After reading, each group will make a poster only using pictures to show the influences
that they read about. (10 Minutes) 3. Groups will then do a whip around to show/explain their
posters. While groups are presenting students will take Cornell Notes (10 Minutes) 4. Students will
then take a position on which of these two influencers was more influential to the Romans and explain
their reasoning. (V-W-1-HI-7: Students will be able to support their position/claim) (7
Minutes) 5. Teacher will cold call a couple students to share what they wrote (4 Minutes)
Teacher will walk around the room making sure students are on task and answering questions.
The Beginning of Rome Discussion (9 Minutes)

Students will take Cornell notes and participate in discussion.

Teacher will lead the discussion and prompt chunking for Cornell notes.


Cornell Notes (Warm Up, Notes, Writing)



Finish Reading Packets


Adapted Cornell Notes

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