Unit 5 Study Guide

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Name _________________________________ Date _________________________Class Period_______

Unit 5 Study Guide Human Development

Name or describe the concept of theory of human development associated with each of the following





Piaget _________________________________________________________________________
Erikson ________________________________________________________________________
Baumrind ______________________________________________________________________
Vygotsky _______________________________________________________________________
Chomsky _______________________________________________________________________
Kohlberg _______________________________________________________________________
Kubler-Ross ____________________________________________________________________
Tamara believes that pleasing others defines a good person. She is at the
_______________________________ stage of moral development.
Charles is at a point in his life when his is wrestling with a sense of who he is and where he will
go from here. He would be considered to be in Eriksons _______________________________
vs. _______________________________________ stage of psychosocial development.
_________________________________ is the third stage of grieving, according to Kubler-Rosss
______ Which statement reflects Piagets thinking about the stages of cognitive development?
a. All people pass through the same stages but not necessarily in the same order.
b. All people progress through the stages in the same order.
c. All people progress through the first two stages but not necessarily the last two.
d. Very bright children sometimes skip stages.
Match Kohlbergs level or moral reasoning with the rationale for engaging in a behavior.
a. _____ to avoid punishment or gain a reward
b. _____ to ensure that human rights are protected
c. _____ to gain approval or follow the law
i. Conventional
ii. Preconventional
iii. Postconventional
True or False: According to Erikson, satisfactory resolution of the conflict associated with each
stage of his psychosocial stages is required for healthy development in future stages. ________
True or False: Learning theory is better able than the nativist position to account for how
language development can be encouraged. ______
True or False: The peer group usually has a negative influence on social development. _______
True or False: The period of emerging adulthood begins at puberty. _________
_____ The secondary sex characteristics
a. Are not directly involved in reproduction.
b. Appear at the same time in all adolescents.
c. Distinguish mature males from mature females.
d. Include the testes and the ovaries
True or False: Most teenagers have a good relationship with their parents. _________

Dolenko 2015 - 2016

Name _________________________________ Date _________________________Class Period_______

19. _____ Which of the following is not a component of successful aging?
a. High income
b. Engagement in productive activities
c. Good health
d. Engagement in social activities
20. According to Kubler-Ross, the first stage experienced by terminally ill patients in coming to
terms with death is ____________________________; the last stage is ____________________.
21. _____ Assimilation is a process used with
a. New schemas
b. Existing schemas
c. Positive responses
d. Negative responses
22. _____ Hollands approach to career development focuses on
a. Stages
b. Gender differences
c. Personality traits
d. Conflicts between work and family roles
23. _____ A child in Kohlbergs ___ level of moral reasoning is governed by the physical
consequences of behavior rather than by internalized ideas of right and wrong.
a. Postconventional
b. Conventional
c. Preconventional
d. Preadolescent
24. True or False: Harlows research with infant Reses moneys showed that they preferred food
over contact comfort. ________
25. _____ A person must be at Piagets stage of formal operations to attain Kohlbergs ___ level of
moral reasoning.
a. Conventional
b. Formal conventional
c. Post conventional
d. Ego integrity
26. Match the parenting style with the approach to discipline.
a. _____ Expecting unquestioned obedience
b. _____ Setting high standards; giving rationale for rules
c. _____ Setting few rules or limits
i. Permissive
ii. Authoritarian
iii. Authoritative
27. True or False: Gender is a label constructed by a society to designate roles and behaviors that
are masculine or feminine. _____
28. True or False: In the early stages of sexual orientation many lesbian/gay children do not
experience any type of feelings of being different. _____
29. True or False: According to James Marcias theory of identity development, people in the
foreclosure stage have questioned their choices and are happy with them. _____

Dolenko 2015 - 2016

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