Stage 3 Reflection

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Of all the writing assignments Stage 3 would have to be my absolute

favorite. In this assignment I was able to reminisce on my adolescent

struggles in middle school with a somewhat entertaining narrative. My
writing style was more relaxed and light hearted in this assignment since I
was telling a story of my own life I felt this was appropriate, because even
though some of the content could be considered disturbing I didnt want it
to seem as if I had endured a serious tragedy. In doing so I exhibited my
ability to deliberately control the voice of my writing. The objective of
Stage 3 was to tell a narrative of an event that happened in your life that
made you feel othered, or like a monster. With othered simply meaning to
exclude someone from a group due to some difference or flaw, just about
everyone has been othered in their life, whether its playground teasing,
college rejection, or racism. I detailed my othering experience, receiving
falsely aimed homophobic slurs from a classmate after he grew sick
listening to our English teacher constantly compliment me on my aptitude
in the English subject. I then continued on by explaining how it made me
feel a lot like the monsters in society because of a rift caused between
people and outcast simply because of a difference between them. While
writing I was able to rediscover the cause and chain reaction of the
othering process: people fear what they do not understand, and harm
what they fear.

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