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Outcomes & Evidence
Progress Inventory*
Center for Student Leadership Development
Memorial Union
University of Rhode Island
Name: Amanda Wright
Date Enrolled:
Date of Graduation:

Leadership Inventory Revised 8/30/2013

*The Outcomes & Evidence Progress Inventory is the intellectual property of the Center for Student Leadership Development (CSLD) at
the University of Rhode Island and cannot be reproduced in part, or in its entirety, without the written permission of the acting
Assistant Director of the CSLD.


Center for Student Leadership Development Information
Minor Information
Developmental Model
ADVISING INFORMATION (students will include own documentation)
Tracking Sheet / Advising Updates
Syllabi of Minor Classes (Core and Electives)
o Guidelines
o Syllabus
o Mid-term
o Final
Outcomes (Self-Leadership, Interpersonal and Organizational, Leadership Theories, Inclusive Leadership, Critical
Targeted Classes

Leadership Inventory Revised 8/30/2013


Office: Memorial Union Room 210

Phone: (401) 874-2726

Fax: (401) 874-5317

CSLD Mission Statement

To enhance the mission of the University of Rhode Island, The Center for Student Leadership Development aims to:
Provide developmental opportunities for all students to become informed, inclusive, effective, and ethical leaders in the global marketplace through the implementation of
learner-centered academic, experiential, and co-curricular programming.
Engage in research, assessment, and advancement in order to positively impact the expanding field of leadership studies.
CSLD Vision Statement
The URI Center for Student Leadership Development will promote dynamic strengths-based leadership development through multiple delivery methods to prepare students to be
competitive in the work place and global marketplace. The CSLD seeks to progress as innovators for experiential engagement and enriching assessment.
CSLD Values Statement
Grounded in the Social Change Model of Leadership Development (Higher Education Research Institute), Relational Leadership Model (Komivies, Lucas, & McMahon), and Servant
Leadership (Greenleaf), the URI Center for Student Leadership Development values:
Engaged and experiential learning through a constructivist approach
Inclusion, Social Justice, and Civic Engagement
Ethical and Value-based Leadership & Relationship Building
Innovative Assessment and Presentation Models


At URI, we are among only a handful of colleges and universities across the country that offers a Minor in Leadership Studies and one that is customized for each student. We utilize
a cross-disciplinary approach to leadership education designed to complement your academic studies. All courses utilize a variety of teaching methods but ultimately include some
form of experiential learning, practical application, and reflective learning. Employers, now more than ever, are seeking candidates with exceptional skills in the areas of
interpersonal and group management, problem solving, critical thinking and effective communication. We can help with all of the above.


Regardless of your major, you can minor in Leadership Studies.

Leadership Inventory Revised 8/30/2013

Requirements may be satisfied by completing 18 or more credits related to leadership and offered by more than one department.
Twelve (12) of the 18 credits must be at the 200 level of instruction or above. A course grade of C or better must be earned in each graded course. At least 12 of the credits
must be earned at URI.
No course may be used to apply to both the major and minor fields of study. Courses in General Education or for other minors may be used for the minor* (*this does not
apply to students in the College of Business). With the exception of internship credit, all courses for the minor must be taken for a grade. The Introductory class must be taken
before the internship and the capstone course.
Application for the minor must be filed in your academic deans office no later than the beginning of the final semester or term.
Approval of the minor does not guarantee that the suggested courses will be available to you on a schedule correlated with your graduation plans nor guarantee space in any
required course.


Required Element
Introductory Course
3 credits
3 credits

Class options

Only offered in spring for first-year students

HDF 290: Modern Leadership Issues

Offered Fall and Spring for sophomores & juniors

HDF 417: Leadership Internship

Requires 40 hours/credit with a min. of 80 hours & a max. of 120 hours of documented
internship experience for graded credit



Experience through Office of Experiential Learning & Community Engagement


3 credits

Internship Class in Academic Major

The only time the major and minor can overlap

HDF 412: Historical, Multi-ethnic & Alternative Leadership

Offered only in the fall with preference given to seniors

COM 402: Leadership & Motivation

Offered in the spring and summer with Dr. Leatham


BUS 441: Leadership Skills Development


HPR 411/412: Honors Senior Seminar

1 credit


HDF 492: Leadership Minor Portfolio

Offered in the fall and spring with Dr. Cooper

Must be in Honors or have GPA of 3.3
Taken last spring semester of enrollment (some exceptions)


*Additional classes may be appropriate and therefore added to the list; see CSLD for the most updated list or bring a class that you think should be an elective
AAF 300: Civil Rights Movement in the US
BUS 341: Organizational Behavior
BUS 342: Human Resource Management
BUS 441: Leadership & Motivation (capstone option)
BUS 443: Organizational Design & Change
BUS 448: International Dimensions of Business
BUS 449: Entrepreneurship
COM 100: Communication Fundamentals
COM 202: Public Speaking

COM 402: Leadership and Motivation (capstone option)

COM 407: Political Communication
COM 415: The Ethics of Persuasion
COM 421: Advanced Interpersonal Communication
COM 422: Communication and Conflict
COM 441: Race, Politics and the Media
COM 450: Organizational Communication
COM 461/462: Managing Cultural Differences in Organizations
CSV 302: URI Community Service

HDF 416: Leadership in Organizations

HDF 417: Leadership Minor Internship
HDF 437: Law & Families in the U.S.
HDF 450: Introduction to Counseling
HPR 118: Honors Course in Speech Communications
HPR 203: The Prepared Mind
HPR 412: Honors Seminar (capstone option)
MSL 101: Introduction to Military Leadership
MSL 201: Leadership & Military History
Leadership Inventory Revised 8/30/2013

COM 208: Argumentation and Debate

COM 210: Persuasion: The Rhetoric of Influence
COM 221: Interpersonal Communication
COM 250: Small Group Communication
COM 302: Advanced Public Speaking
COM 308: Advanced Argumentation
COM 322: Gender & Communication
COM 351: Oral Comm. in Business & the Professions
COM 361: Intercultural Communication
COM 383: Rhetorical Theory
COM 385: Communication and Social Influence

GWS 150: Introduction to Womens Studies

GWS 310: Race, Class, Sexuality in Womens Lives
GWS 350: International Womens Issues
HDF 190: FirstYear Leaders Inspired to Excellence (FLITE)
(introductory course option)
HDF 290: Modern Leadership Issues (introductory course option)
HDF 291: Rose Butler Browne Program Peer Mentoring Program
HDF 412: Historical, MultiEthnic, & Alternative Leadership
(capstone option)
HDF 413: Student Organization Leadership Consulting
HDF 414: Leadership for Activism and Social Change
HDF 415: FLITE Peer Leadership

MSL 201: Military Skills and History of Warfare

MSL 202: Leadership & Team Building
MSL 301: Leadership & Management
PEX 375: Women in Sport Contemporary Perspectives
PHL 212: Ethics
PSC 304: Introduction to Public Administration
PSC 369: Legislative Process and Public Policy
PSC 504: Ethics in Public Administration
SOC300/WMS350: Women and Work
THE 221: Stage Management
THE 341: Theater Management

Leadership Inventory Revised 8/30/2013


Wilson, 1998 (URI Memorial Union / Center for Student Leadership Development)
Revised after the publication of Exploring Leadership: for College Students Who Want to Make a Difference by Komives, McMahon and Lucas, 1998.

You need to have your own act together before you can lead others:
2. Lead Yourself

1. Know Yourself
Lead Others




Time management
Self care
Self discipline
Develop and maintain family,
interpersonal, and intimate relationships
Academic, social, personal goals and


former stages as you

4. Develop and Refine


Leadership theory and

Group Development
Citizen Activist Skills
Critical Thinking
Teaching and Programming

3. Broaden Your Perspectives

Understand others

Hierarchy of needs
Racial, cultural, gender, sexual orientation,
religious, class, ability, etc. diversity and
Power, privilege, oppression, liberation;
individual and institutional discrimination

In this section, you will track your progress toward the outcomes. Each class in the minor targets different outcomes; all of the classes list these
outcomes on the syllabi (the words goals or curriculum areas may be used instead). In many of our classes, the assignments can serve as your
evidence. Periodically, and not less than at the end of each semester, you should update your outcomes progress. In the additional experiences
column, name additional classes or experiences that contributed to you becoming proficient in that outcome. As the semesters pass, you will think of
things from recent semesters and semesters further in the past, or people or jobs, etc. in your past that also influenced your progress on that outcome.
Do not let that ambiguity upset you. Reflecting on development is not a linear process, but it does help to reflect often. In the descriptive notes
column, share insights about your growth, lack of progress, successes, stumbling blocks, etc. At the end of each section, you need to include evidence
that supports your development toward the outcomes. Copies of papers, grading sheets, evaluation lettersanything that shows that someone has
determined that you have demonstrated proficiency (or not, or are making progress). Make sure to keep electronic copies of all of your evidence to
include in your Portfolio.

Outcome Category: Self-Leadership


Student will demonstrate autonomy

and a minimized need for approval


Student will demonstrate personal,

organizational, and academic
examples of self-discipline
Student will demonstrate the ability to
manage emotions
Student will demonstrate knowledge
of stress management methods
Student will demonstrate the ability to
manage stress
Student will express a personal code
of leadership / membership ethics
Student will demonstrate practice of
the personal code of ethics


Target class

Additional Experiences

Descriptive notes regarding learning and practice


HDF 190

Ethical Leadership is knowing your core values and having the courage to live them in all
parts of your life in service of the common good. There are 4 Vs within ethical leadership.
Values, Vision, Voice, and Virtue. There are also three key elements which include service,
polis, and renewal. Both exist together in the model of ethical leadership. Personal values
are very important to understand when being an ethical leader. By discovering your core
values, you are able to make decisions and choices on not only a personal level but also on
a fair and effective level. Vision allows a group to collaborate and work with each other
towards a common goal. Having a voice is extremely important to get your ideas and thought
across. You can communicate well with others and get your point across. Virtue is also
important. Practicing the virtuous behavior will make sure that you are doing what is right not
only for you but for the group as a whole. Individuals with good virtue, care for the common
good. See evidence #1.
Ethical Leadership is knowing your core values and having the courage to live them in all
parts of your life in service of the common good. Within ethical leadership, there are three
Vs. Those being, Value, Vision, Voice, and Virtue. By discovering your core values, you
are able to make decisions and choices on not only a personal level but also on a fair and
effective level. Vision allows a group to collaborate and work with each other towards a
common goal. Sometimes you may not share the same vision as someone else so it is
important for you establish a shared vision for everyone to work towards. Having a voice is
extremely important to get your ideas and thoughts across. Practicing a virtuous behavior
will make sure that you are doing what is right not only for you but for the group as a whole.
Individuals with good virtue, care for the common good.
There are also three key elements that go along with Ethical Leadership which include,
service, polis and renewal. Both exist together in the model of ethical leadership. It is
important to take into consideration each individual step because each one is essential in its
own way. Ethics are moral principles that govern a person's or group's behavior. Some

people may have different ethics and morals than you and it is very important to keep that in
mind as well.
See Evidence #1.

Student will express a personal

values statement
Student will demonstrate practice of
the personal values statement

HDF 190


In my everyday life I practice my personal values statement, especially when making new
friends. I enjoy being around people who share the same values as I do. I am an extremely
open person and love opening up to others and getting to know them. I recently took the VIA
quiz and found out what my top character strengths were, which include, love, humor,
honesty, kindness, and bravery. All of these values match my personality to a tee. With
knowing these values it helped me figure out who I am and what I want out of life. I know
what I look for in other people who share these similar values and what kind of people I
surround myself with. I use these values in every aspect of my life and truly believe that they
are necessary for success. See evidence #2
My Personal Values Statement: After I found out my VIAs. I found that my top value is love
and I think it is one of the most important values someone can have. Love is expressed as
an action and experienced as a feeling. Yet, love is hard to define in one single way. It
includes but it not limited to compassion, tolerance, endurance, support, faith, determination
and more. Love is more than just a romance. It embraces us in all aspects of our lives.
I practice my personal values statement in everyday life and especially with meeting new
people. I enjoy being around people who share the same or similar values as me and finding
out what they mean to them as an individual. When I took the VIA quiz and found out that my
top values were love, humor, honesty, kindness, and bravery I was not surprised. These are
all things that I have a deep admiration for. I keep these values in the back of my head at all
times and always refer to them in situations reminding me to do the right thing. All of these
values match my personality to a tee. With knowing these values it helped me figure out who
I am and what I want out of life. I know what I look for in other people who share these
similar values and what kind of people I surround myself with. I use these values in every
aspect of my life and truly believe that they are necessary for success.
See evidence # 2.



Student will demonstrate the ability to

lead a project from start to finish
Student will describe goals and
objective statements regarding
personal issues, career issues, and
community issues
Student will show evidence of goals
and objectives that were planned and


HDF 190

Leadership Institute

When I heard about the Leadership Institute I was hooked right away and wanted to be
involved. With that being said I applied and hoped for the best. When I got the letter that said
I was selected I was beyond excited. The beginning of this year as a freshman I gave myself
the goal of finding out what my strengths are and how to use them correctly and to also look
at my weakness and making them my strengths. When I took Gallup I was not surprised by
my strengths they seemed to fit me very well. Seeing what my strengths were and what they
actually mean was one of my favorite things. Also finding out my values when we took the

VIAs was also a great experience. I believe that I accomplished the goals I have set for
myself but there are going to be so many more goal that I will achieve in life and these are
two tools that will help me in everything I do in my future. Within everything in life is a goal
that everyone is striving to achieve and when you do the feeling is indescribable and thats
something that keeps me going, all goals are possible if you set your mind to them. See
evidence #2 and #5.
Throughout my life I have set many goals for myself in hopes of completing them. There are
a few that I am proud of today and that I have accomplished for myself. The one I am going
to focus on the most is going to college and succeeding. Getting into college may seem as a
simple task to others but it is something that I have always worked hard for. Neither of my
parents went to college and I knew how important it was to them that I went to college and
had the opportunity to experience it myself and honestly in this time in age it is almost a
necessity to go to college if you want to get a decent job. I made it a goal of mine to get into
a college that my parents would be proud of. Going out of state to was one of the smartest
things I have ever done; it forced me to put myself out there. I came to URI not knowing a
single person and am so gratefully for that decision. I have become much more mature and
have grown as a person in so many positive ways. I set the goal of going to college and
achieved that not realizing that I would achieve much more once I was here. I have applied
myself in all of my classes and am continuing to do well on my journey here. I still have a lot
more to accomplish in my time here but have achieved a great deal of my smaller goals
while being here, I made it onto the Deans List and am constantly working toward increasing
my GPA ever semester. It is very rewarding to know that you can accomplish so many things
if you devote 100 percent of yourself to it.
See Evidence #3.

Student will show knowledge of the

Hierarchy of Needs theory by
Student will show application of
Maslows theory to own life

HDF 190
COM 251
HDF 412


For the application I am going to go through the 5 different needs and how they are present
in my life. The fist is physiological needs and this is the
1. Physiological needs - air, food, drink, shelter, warmth, sex, sleep. 2. Safety needs protection from elements, security, order, law, stability, freedom from fear. 3. Love and
belongingness needs - friendship, intimacy, affection and love, - from work group, family,
friends, romantic relationships. 4. Esteem needs - achievement, mastery, independence,
status, dominance, prestige, self-respect, respect from others. And 5. Self-Actualization
needs - realizing personal potential, self-fulfillment, seeking personal growth and peak


Student will describe personal

leadership style and/or personality
style including strengths and
weaknesses and examples of
application (Sources = Leadership
style inventories, the L.P.I.,

HDF 190


In Flite, we were asked to take a Gallup quiz that told us our top five strengths. These
strengths were character strengths and leadership strengths. My top five were, developer,
communication, adaptability, woo, and empathy.
My top strength is developer and to me, developer is the way I develop such personal and
deep relationships with others. I see others potential right away, even when they cant see it
in themselves. I love watching others progress when they develop and grow. A lot of my

StrengthsQuest, Type Focus (MBTI),

LAMP, and other career inventories,

friends and family members look to me for help and encouragement because they know that
I will push them and prove to them that they can do whatever their mind is set on. This is the
main reason why I want to be a teacher, when the students come in the fall they have so
much to learn and watching how much they develop by the end of the school year is such an
amazing feeling. Knowing that you are the one who helped them reach their full potential is
something that keeps my drive going. No individual is fully grown, there is always room to
grow with each experience you have.
My second strength is communication. I definitely see why this is my second strength
because my second major is actually communications, I love everything about it and believe
that is an essential strength to have to be successful. I love to explain and describe things in
a way that others can relate to. Public speaking is one of my favorite things to do. I love the
challenge of getting the audiences attention and connecting with them mainly because it is
such a remarkable feeling. Bringing things to life and making it vivid so others can imagine
and picture them is essential. Most people, like myself have very short attention spans and I
like to have my information stand out and keep everyones attention when I speak. A lot of
other people have told me that I have a way with words. Personally, I love finding the most
influential word combination that will leave a powerful impression on others is something and
I strive for.
My third strength is adaptability, which is extremely relevant in my everyday life. I live in the
movement and know that choices that I make now will lead me to my future destination. The
future comes one decision at a time and there is no better time than the present. Being able
to adapt to different situations is key. You can sit back and plan your life all you want, but not
everything goes as planned and being able to adapt to the situation in a positive manner is
what I do. There will always be speed bumps in life and they should be expected, they are
inevitable. I actually tend to look forward to them because they make things more interesting.
I was taught how to adapt with different situations at a very young age. When I was 7 years
old my parents sent me to a camp that was an hour away, where I did not know a single
person. I thank them every day for sending me there because it made me the outgoing
person I am today. At a young age I had to put myself out there and adapt to all situations.
My fourth strength is WOO, which stands for winning others over. I love meeting new people
and getting them to like me. If someone is a stranger to me at first, they wont remain that
way for long. Striking up conversations with others that I dont necessarily know that well is
something I feed off of, breaking the ice and connecting with new people is another thing that
describes me well. There are so many people in this world and I would love to get to know as
many as I can, there are no strangers, they are only friends I havent made yet.
My last strength is empathy and to me this means sensing others emotions around me. I can
feel what others are feeling as if they were my own. I can always see things in others points
of view. A lot of people get sympathy and empathy confused. Feeling pity for a persons
situation is sympathy. I may not agree with others decisions but I do understand them, and
that is empathy. I can help others put their emotions and feelings into word not only for
themselves but also for others. This is the main reason others are drawn to me.
All of these strengths will help me with my leadership skills and allow me to connect with
others. See evidence #2 and #5.
In Flite, we were asked to take a Gallup quiz that told us our top five strengths. These

strengths were character and leadership strengths.

My top five were developer, communication, adaptability, woo, and empathy.
My top strength is developer and to me, developer is the way I develop such personal and
deep relationships with others. I see others potential right away, even when they cant see it
in themselves. I love watching others progress when they develop and grow as an individual.
A lot of my friends and family members look to me for help and encouragement because
they know that I will push them and prove to them that they can do whatever their mind is set
on. This is the main reason why I want to be a teacher is because when the students come
in the fall they have so much to learn and watching them grow and seeing how much they
have achieved by the end of the school year is very rewarding. Knowing that you are the one
who helped them reach their full potential is something that keeps me driven. No individual is
fully grown, there is always room to grow with each experience you have.
My second strength is communication. I definitely see why this is my second strength
because my second major is communications; I love everything about it and believe that is
an essential strength to have to be successful. I love to explain and describe things in a way
that others can relate to. Public speaking is one of my favorite things to do. I love the
challenge of getting the audiences attention and connecting with them. Bringing things to life
and making it vivid so others can imagine and picture them is essential. Most people, like
myself have very short attention spans and I like to make what I am saying stand out to keep
everyones attention when I speak. A lot of other people have told me that I have a way with
words. Personally, I love finding the most influential word combination that will leave a
powerful impression on others.
My third strength is adaptability, which is extremely relevant to my everyday life. I live in the
moment and know that choices that I make now will lead me to my future destination. The
future comes one decision at a time and there is no better time than the present. Being able
to adapt to different situations is key. You can sit back and plan your life all you want, but not
everything goes as planned and being able to adapt to the situation in a positive manner is
what I do. There will always be speed bumps in life and they should be expected, they are
inevitable. I tend to look forward to them because they make things more interesting. I was
taught how to adapt with different situations at a very young age. When I was 7 years old my
parents sent me to a camp that was an hour away, where I did not know a single person. I
thank them every day for sending me there because it made me the outgoing person I am
today. At a young age I had to put myself out there and adapt to all situations.
My fourth strength is WOO, which stands for winning others over. I love meeting new people
and getting them to like me. If someone is a stranger to me at first, they wont remain that
way for long. Striking up conversations with others that I dont necessarily know that well is
something I feed off of. I love breaking the ice and connecting with new people. There are so
many people in this world and I would love to get to know as many as I can, there are no
strangers, they are only friends I havent made yet.
My last strength is empathy and to me this means sensing others emotions around me. I can
feel what others are feeling as if they were my own. I can always see things in others points
of view. A lot of people get sympathy and empathy confused. Feeling pity for a persons
situation is sympathy. I may not agree with others decisions but I do understand them, and
that is empathy. I can help others put their emotions and feelings into words not only for
themselves but also for others. This is the main reason others are drawn to me.
All of these strengths will help me with my leadership skills and allow me to connect with

See evidence #4.

Student will show knowledge of the

theory of Superleadership by Manz &
Student will show application of Manz
& Sims theory to own life

Outcome Category: Leadership Theories


Student will show knowledge of the
Authority and Bureaucracy theory of
leadership Weber
Student will describe personal
application of the above theory
Student will show knowledge of the
Scientific Management theory of
leadership by Taylor
Student will describe personal
application of the above theory
Student will show knowledge of the
Management by Objectives theory
of leadership by Drucker
Student will describe personal
application of the above theory
Student will show knowledge of
Theory X and Theory Y theory of
leadership by MacGregor
Student will describe personal
application of the above theory
Student will show knowledge of the
Servant Leadership theory of
leadership by Greenleaf

Target class

HDF 190

Additional Experiences

Descriptive notes regarding learning and practice

Robert Greenleaf developed the Servant Leadership Model in 1970. This model is based on
being a servant first. A servant leader wants to serve others and puts all other needs before
their own. There are ten characteristics to the Servant Leadership Model, which are listening,
empathy, healing, awareness, persuasion, conceptualization, foresight, stewardship,
commitment to the growth of people, and building community.
All of these characteristics are equally important to being a servant leader. As a servant
leader you must first listen to others ideas and understand that everyone has something to
offer. If the group members have a feeling of being heard, they will be more comfortable and


Student will describe personal

application of the above theory

HDF 413

Varsity Softball Captain

share more of their opinions and thoughts. The next characteristic is empathy. To empathize
with someone, it is important to first fully understand where they are coming from and what
their background is. By doing that you will then be able to understand what that person is
struggling or having trouble with. As a servant leader you must also be a healer. As a healer
you know how to mend relationships and deep wounds that may not be seen on the surface
right away within the members of your group. Everyone is fighting their own battles and to be
able to help them cope with their troubles is an amazing quality to have. Persuasion is a
really effective tool for a servant leader. Instead of coming off as a power hungry control
freak, persuasion allows for you to use a more laid back approach to get others to do what is
right. Conceptualization is another key characteristic for a servant leader. This allows you to
let go of your leading and become a follower when necessary. You can see the potential in
others and in the way they lead. Foresight is somewhat similar, but turns back to past
experiences to predict likely situations and outcomes that could happen in the future.
Stewardship means that a servant leader trusts their followers with something important.
They believe in their abilities to lead the group to achieve the common goal. Overall, a
servant leader must be fully committed to the growth of the people and build an open
community where everyone feels welcome and feels comfortable to share their ideas and
See evidence #5.
As captain of the Varsity softball team in my high school, I was given the chance to be a
leader of a team. At times, I had to step back and let others lead also. Being a captain came
with a lot of responsibilities, I had to empower and motivate my team at all points of the
game, even when we were losing. That was the most difficult, most of the members of my
team would feel very distraught when we started losing and it was my job to remind them
that we can still win, if we keep pushing through with confidence. I wasnt paid to be captain
and thats why this falls under the category of servant leadership. I did it because I wanted
to, I wanted to have a group of girls come together and become a team. We all had to listen
to each other and at times it was very difficult, especially when you have 30 girls who have
completely different ideas and thoughts. Win or lose we were still a team, and if we went
down we went down together. We didnt necessarily have the best coach and she even told
us that she was only doing it for the money. As captain, I had to step up and be a coach.
There was one girl in particular who had never played before and I used to stay after practice
with her every day for about 3 hours and teach her all the basics and everything she needed
to know. I did this because I wanted to, there is no greater feeling then knowing that you are
helping someone else and putting their needs before your own. Thats what servant
leadership really is. I put my heart and soul into the team and put the whole teams needs
before my own. Watching all of us grow as a whole and become a small family in the end
was one of the best experiences I have ever encountered. See evidence #8.
Servant Leadership is about serving others and puts all other needs before your own. I
accomplished this when I was captain of my Varsity Softball team in high school. I was given
the chance to be a leader of my team, even though I was the captain I knew it was important
that i stepped back sometimes and let others lead as well. Being captain of a team came
with a lot of responsibility. Although I did not mind all the responsibilities at times it did get
hard. I had to empower and motivate my teammates at all points of the game, even when we

were losing and I had doubts myself. That was the most difficult, a lot of the members of my
team would feel very distraught when we started losing and it was my job to remind them
that we can still win, if we keep pushing through with confidence. I wasnt paid to be captain
and thats why this falls under the category of servant leadership. I was constantly putting the
team before everything in my life and not because I had to but because I wanted to. I wanted
to have a group of girls come together and become a team and made sure that once a week
we all went out together and did something to besides softball. For example we would all
meet up and get dinner or go bowling. We all had to listen to each other and at times it was
very difficult, especially when you have 30 girls who have completely different ideas and
thoughts. Win or lose we were still a team, and if we went down we went down together. A lot
of the pressure was on me because our coach was not the best and had told us that she was
only there for the money so along with being the captain I was also a coach. I ran practices
and organized everything for the games. There was one girl in particular who had never
played before and she was on the freshman team and I used to stay after varsity practice
with her every day for about 3 hours and teach her all the basics and everything she needed
to know. . I did this because I wanted to, there is no greater feeling then knowing that you are
helping someone else and putting their needs before your own. Thats what servant
leadership really is. I put my heart and soul into the team and put the whole teams needs
before my own. Watching all of us grow as a whole and become a small family in the end
was one of the best experiences I have ever encountered.
See Evidence #6.


Student will show knowledge of the

Principle Centered Leadership
theory by Covey
Student will describe personal
application of the above theory
Student will show knowledge of the
14 Points / TQM theory of
leadership by Deming
Student will describe personal
application of the above theory
Student will show knowledge of the
Visionary Leadership (now often
cited as Transformational
Leadership) theory by Sashkin
Student will describe personal
application of the above theory
Student will show knowledge of the
Individuals in Organizations
leadership theory by Argyris
Student will describe personal
application of the above theory


Students will demonstrate knowledge

of the 4 Vs theory of leadership by
Grace (Center for Ethical Leadership)


Student will describe personal

application of the above theory

HDF 190
HDF 412

Sigma Delta Tau Sorority

Selected Field of Study

Ethical Leadership is knowing your core values and having the courage to live them in all
parts of your life in service of the common good. There are 4 Vs within ethical leadership.
Values, Vision, Voice, and Virtue. There are also three key elements which include service,
polis, and renewal. Both exist together in the model of ethical leadership. Personal values
are very important to understand when being an ethical leader. By discovering your core
values, you are able to make decisions and choices on not only a personal level but also on
a fair and effective level. Vision allows a group to collaborate and work with each other
towards a common goal. Having a voice is extremely important to get your ideas and thought
across. You can communicate well with others and get your point across. Virtue is also
important. Practicing the virtuous behavior will make sure that you are doing what is right not
only for you but for the group as a whole. Individuals with good virtue, care for the common
See evidence #1.
When I was in HDF 190 my freshman year there is one saying that has followed me
throughout my college career that was said by Robert Vincent multiple times throughout the
semester, In order to lead others you must first learn who you are and how to lead yourself.
I think this is a very important component that goes hand-in-hand with Ethical Leadership.
There are three key questions to ask yourself in Ethical Leadership. 1. Will you be the same
person in all aspects of your life; in work, at home, and in the community? 2. Will you have
the courage to live out your values when there is pressure to compromise or rationalize? 3.
How do your values contribute to the common good?
Being in a sorority has taught me a lot about myself as a person and also what leadership
models I tend to lean toward and implement. Throughout my experience Ethical Leadership
has been the model that I use the most. Being in a sorority with 150 girls with very strong
personalities and different outlooks then my own was hard at first. People were constantly
trying to sway my values and convert me to believe in theirs and I often had to take a step
back and remind myself of my values and why I cherish them so much. My top values are
love, humor, honesty, kindness, and bravery; I have held onto these very tightly throughout
my leadership journey and truly believe that these values are very important to working
toward the common good for a group. Starting with the first V, Value; I understand my values
and how I can use them in choice-making in my personal and civic life. Vision is using your
values to create a vision in service to others. I think of this V as the full thought and
evaluation of what the right thing to do is. Not just for yourself but for the masses. Then you
have Voice, the way you sway others to join in and motivate them to action; getting your
vision across to others in a genuine way that convinces others to join in as well. Lastly you
have Virtue, striving to do what is right and good. We become what we practice and how we
react to situations and the decisions we make will become part of us. For moving forward to
what is best for the common good and focusing on the masses rather than your own
personal needs. It is important to keep your values in line with the common good and to
reflect on your journey as you go.
I think one major difficulty that I may face within this Leadership Model in my selected field is
that a lot of the people within the Marketing, Radio, and TV industries do not possess the
same values as I do. Within these industries it can sometimes be an everyman for
themselves type of mindset and that can hinder my ability to implement what I have learned

and my ability to share my vision. These industries tend to have a lot of corruption within
them so I am afraid that I might lose sight of the set goals I have for the common good of
others rather than myself. It is important that I realize that these industries have a strong
power to change ones beliefs and values and to stay true to my own. I will give myself
everyday reminders to prepare for these struggles ahead and understand that I do not what
to change my values for others.


Student will show knowledge of the

Situational Leadership theory by
Hersey & Blanchard
Student will describe personal
application of the above theory
(Hersey & Blanchard)
Student will show knowledge of the
Relational Leadership model by
Komives, McMahon & Lucas

Student will describe personal

application of the above theory
(Komives et al)
Student will show knowledge of the
concept of constructivism
Students will describe personal
examples of implementing
Student will demonstrate knowledge
of experiential learning in leadership
development (Kolb)
Student will describe personal
application of experiential learning in
leadership development (Kolb)

HDF 190

Komives, McMahon and Lucas developed The Relational Leadership Model. It mainly
focuses on the relations between peers, co-workers, and family. The main characteriscics of
Relational Leadership are inclusive, empowering, purposeful, ethical, and process- oriented.
There are three categories, which are knowing, being, and doing.
Knowing yourself and others is key to being an inclusive leader. An inclusive leader knows
that everyone has something to contribute and every thought is equally important.
An empowering leader possess the skill of gate-keeping and is committed to the growth and
development of others.
Relational Leadership is purposeful, which means that there is a personal commitment to the
position, student, staff, or other constituents. Everything has a purpose, sometimes you just
have to look harder for it, while other times it stands out right away. The purpose is very
important because it the whole reason why you are doing something.
Relational Leadership is also ethical leadership, and knows what is right from wrong. As an
ethical leader you must know how to develop values in individuals, and how to make the
right decision.
Process- oriented leaders must understand that you have to trust the process. They
understand that the process is extremely important, if not more important, than the actual
outcome. The duration of the process is when you learn the most.
See evidence #7.


HDF 413

SOLC Facilitating

When I joined SOLC I immediately learned techniques to facilitate retreats. I had a good
handle on the information and how I thought it would be helpful but it wasnt until my first
retreat that I was able to see it all put into action and what an actual retreat looked like.
Every retreat offers a completely different experience. There is a lot more that goes on


Student will show knowledge of the

Social Change Model of Leadership
Development by Astin et al


Student will describe personal

application of the above theory (Astin
et al)
Students will demonstrate knowledge
of the Leadership Identity
Development Model by Komives et
Students will describe personal
application of the above theory.
(Komives et al)
Students will demonstrate knowledge
of the Strengths-Development Model
by Hulme et al
Student will describe personal
application of the above theory
(Hulme et al)
Student will demonstrate knowledge
of behavior theories of leadership
from Michigan and Ohio State
Student will describe personal
application of the above theories
(Michigan & Ohio State)
Student will demonstrate knowledge



HDF 190

behind that scene to create an effective retreat. When starting a new retreat it is a new
experience, while facilitating the retreat we analyze how the retreat seems to be going and
then apply that to the group. At the end of a retreat the final step is taking everything you
learned from that retreat and applying it to the next retreat we have. As facilitators we are
directly applying the Experiential Learning Theory, using our past experience to help out
future experiences to be that much more effective.
See evidence #8.
The social change model concentrates on creating change throughout the community. There
are seven Cs to create social change. Social change doesnt happen overnight. It can be a
long and tedious process but is worth it in the end. A leader that uses the social change
model is a leader who knows how to develop positive change for the betterment of the
community and others. Individual values include consciousness of self, congruence,
In order to be a leader who develops social change, you must be aware of your interactions
with others. You need congruence, and you need to have a strong commitment to the social
issue. The values of the group include a common purpose and controversy with civility. As a
group you must collaborate and have a common purpose. There will always be controversy
within a group and within civility but its how you overcome those speed bumps that matters.
Citizenship is when all individuals see themselves as part of the larger group and society.
They know that they are not alone and that they are all working towards a common goal. The
final C is change, change is the biggest and most important C. Change is what the group as
a whole is striving for, it is not easy but can be accomplished with perseverance.
See evidence #9.


of Charismatic leadership
Student will describe personal
application of the above theory
Student will demonstrate knowledge
of contingency approach to
leadership by Fiedler
Student will describe personal
application of the above theory
Student will demonstrate knowledge
of Path-Goal theory by House
Student will describe personal
application of the above theory
Student will demonstrate knowledge
of Leader Member Exchange (LMX)
Student will describe personal
application of the above theory
Student will demonstrate knowledge
of Leadership Substitutes Theory
Student will describe personal
application of the above theory
Student will demonstrate knowledge
of Models of leader emergence
Student will describe the impact of
traits on leadership emergence and
Student will demonstrate knowledge
of Chaos approach to leadership by
Student will describe personal
application of the above theory

Outcome Category: Inclusive Leadership / Diversity and its Application to Leadership




Student will demonstrate how
cultural anthropology / paradigms
relate to leadership
Student will describe personal
example of using cultural
anthropology / paradigms as a
Student will demonstrate knowledge
of the Cycles of Socialization
(Harro) theory and its uses in
Students will demonstrate personal
application of the Cycles of
Socialization (Harro)

Target class

Additional Experiences

Descriptive notes regarding learning and practice


HDF 412

Personal Experience
Family and Social Experience

My path through Harros Cycle of Socialization within the LGBTQ community was one that
has stayed with me over time. My first socialization was when I was younger; I grew up in a
family where I had a gay uncle and a lesbian cousin and it was accepted by my immediate
family so I never thought anything of it. I didnt know it was different or out of the ordinary.
My parents were always very open to letting me be whoever I wanted to be and always told
me that they would love me no matter what and that is something I am very thankful for. I
had always grown up in an environment that I knew to be welcoming to myself and all of my
friends. It wasnt until I had gotten older that I started to realize that others thought it was
weird for me to have a gay uncle. Specifically, I remember in one of my Confraternity of
Christian Doctrine classes they had us talk about ourselves and family and when I
mentioned that I had two uncles that loved each other the whole class started to laugh and
even the teacher gave me a look of disgust.
This is when I first realized that some thought this was unacceptable and wrong. My uncles
had adopted two sons and watching what they had to go through as a family made me
confused and angry at a young age. My uncles are in fact catholic and once they adopted
their sons every time we went to church after that others would whisper and stare as us. One
time a man came up to us and started screaming at my uncle saying How dare you come to
church when you know God would never approve of your lifestyle. At such a young age I
didnt understand how others could say such mean things to people within this community
and not feel bad. My belief that being gay or lesbian was nothing out of the ordinary was
being challenged by society and institutions. The songs I heard on the radio and the way
others talked in school were constantly bashing the LGBTQ community. As I got older I
started standing up for others like my uncles and cousins because I knew the toll it had taken
on them. They wake up every day trying to tell themselves that today will be different; today
will be a good day, only to walk outside of their door and immediately get hit in the face with
oppression and nasty comments.


Student will demonstrate knowledge

of the Cycles of Liberation (Harro)
theory and its uses in leadership
Student will demonstrate personal
application of the Cycles of

HDF 412

Personal Experience

Referencing what I wrote about in outcome number 71, I think I have already started on my
path of liberation within the LGBTQ Community, although I have not fully embodied it yet I

Liberation (Harro)



Student will demonstrate knowledge

of the Configuration of Power
(Franklin) and its relationship to
Student will demonstrate personal
application of the Configuration of
Power (Franklin)

am working on it. I was always aware of the hardships that gays, lesbians and queers have
faced but not so much bi sexual or transgender. HDF 412 has actually been that wake up
call for me. We not only touch on these difficult topics but go in depth as well and it has
been extremely eye-opening for me. Before this class I didnt really think much about
transgender and the oppressions they face daily I didnt realize how hard it is to walk around
in a society that doesnt fully accept them for who they are. I was floating in this grey area
before this class where I was unaware of their struggles and didnt really take the time to
understand them fully. Now I feel much more confident when it comes to being a full ally for
the LGBTQ community. I am constantly making conscious and unconscious efforts to make
sure I am standing up for this community every day. I want to be a part of the change and I
want to help this community with the privileges that I have being a heterosexual in society.

HDF 412

I am going to stick with the LGBTQ community for this as well and relate it to the Control of
Symbols layer of Franklins Configuration of Power. Within this layer there is media,
education, religion, and popular culture: where they train new blood to maintain
configurations. Starting with the media this has been a major platform for the LGBTQ
community; they have made tremendous strides within our society but still have a ways to
go. Bruce Jenners coming out as a transgender who is now referred to as Caitlyn shook the
world. The media played a huge role in his coming out and explanation of his journey as a
transgender which raised awareness and brought light to this community. On the other hand
the power that the media possess can be both good and bad for this community.
There have been many walks, lobbying, street marches, social groups, media and
research that has gone into reaching the goals and equality this community has been looking
for. They have made tremendous strides with their movements and persistence. Most of the
education systems have become more helpful for people within this community although not
everyone has come around there has been a dramatic increase in the amount of people that
support the LGBTQ community. The most recent accomplishment is the right to get married
which has been years in the making and way overdue. This community has endured both
good and bad attention from the media and education systems. The hardest thing to
overcome is the battle with religion. This is still ongoing and something that Im not sure will
be resolved anytime soon. Certain religions hold a lot of power over the LGBTQ community
and it is a constant battle between the two. These religions are still trying to hold onto the
societal constructs and expectations that have been put in places years ago pertaining to the
roles of a men and women in society. This is where they are trying to train new blood to
maintain the configurations. I have seen this on a personal level like I have talked about
previously with my uncles in the churches. This is something where some people who
believe strongly in their religion do not what to come to an agreement or understanding of
the LGBTQ community. The progress that this community has made is huge but their fight is
nowhere near done, there are so many other injustices that this community faces and this is
just the beginning.


Student will demonstrate knowledge

of racial identity development via the



Cross, Helms or other models

(Ferdman & Gallegos; Kim; Horse;
Wijeyesinghe etc.)
Student will demonstrate personal
application of model(s) of racial
identity development above
Students will demonstrate
knowledge of McIntoshs theory of
privilege and its relationship to

Student will demonstrate personal

application of McIntoshs theory

HDF 412

McIntosh takes on an approach that opens your eyes to White Privilege and the invisible
package of unearned assets. These are privileges that we didnt necessarily ask for but were
born with or without instead. Most of the time we are unable to realize them unless they are
pointed out to us directly. The can be very minor things that we are able or unable to do each
day without realizing. She compares White Privilege to Male Privilege by stating that they are
both phenomenon, realized that since hierarchies in our society are interlocking, there was
most likely a phenomenon of white privilege which was similarly denied and protected. As a
white person, I realized I had been taught about racism as something which puts others at a
disadvantage, but had been taught not to see one of its corollary aspects, white privilege,
which puts me at an advantage. As a society we have been taught to ignore the white
privilege that we possess and subconsciously we do not recognize them. McIntosh gives
examples of questions and statements that point out White privileges that we are unaware of
such as, I can be pretty sure that if I ask to talk to "the person in charge," I will be facing a
person of my race and I can go shopping alone most of the time, pretty well assured
that I will not be followed or harassed. These are both perfect examples of how minor or
large White privilege can be. Without realizing it we have privileges that help or hinder us in
our schools, careers, neighborhood, and throughout our everyday lives. The first step is to
realize and understand your privileges in order to help others that lack these said privileges.
Not all privileges have a negative affect and it is important to distinguish the good ones from
the bad. We need to understand that the American Dream is not obtainable for everyone
because of the privileges they may lack in our society. The main objective is to lessen the
dominance and use of these privileges consciously and unconsciously.

HDF 412

After learning about this theory I was able to address my own personal White Privileges.
Before reading this article and theory I had never thought about the privileges that I have
been born with such as being a heterosexual white female. Although I may lack privileges
that males have I do possess privileges because I am white and heterosexual. At first this
was a tough topic to fully understand, I initially felt attacked because of the word privilege. I
have always thought of the word privilege to be an insult because to me it means it is
undeserved or unearned. After going studying this theory further and truly trying to evaluate
the privileges that I knowingly and unknowingly have I have been able to realize that I didnt
get to choose the privileges I have such as being white but I can choose what I use them for.
I have realized that there is a difference in using them to fulfill personal desires and using
them to help others that lack these said privileges. To me I think that is the most important
thing; to recognize what you have been handed and understand how to use it to benefit and
help others. I am working hard to stay conscious of these and to find ways to implement not
using them to my advantage but rather others. This subject was not the easiest because it
can be hard to hear things that society has taught us to ignore and I think that is what had
made it so difficult to wake up.

When doing the privilege handout in class where we highlighted statements and questions
that applied to us I was better able to see what my privileges are first hand. I was able to
highlight statements such as, I have never been followed in a store because of my skin
color and I never considered my race as a factor if I am stopped by police or campus
safety Statements like these forced me to see privileges that I had never addressed or
realized before. There are so many privileges that are out there whether it is religion, race,
ethnicity, age, sexual orientation, etc. and now I am aware of these through this activity. Of
the 54 statements I was able to highlight 28 of them and it was sad for me to think that
others would not be able to highlight that many for themselves. I have come full circle with
this idea and am no longer offended when others tell me that I am privileged. I know that I
have privilege and that I am, for the most part an able body and now I am fully focused on
using it in favor of others rather than myself.


Student will describe the differences

and similarities of individual and
institutional oppression and
relationships to leadership
Student will show knowledge of
effective leadership as it relates to
change agency

HDF 190

An effective leader must possess the qualities of a change agent. A change agent is a leader
who creates change and brings ideas off of paper and into reality. A change agent takes on a
leadership role and fires up and motivates others to join in on making positive changes. A
change agent is aware that change does not happen overnight and can be a long and
tedious process. In order to achieve social change, one must be a change agent themselves.
Social change is difficult and is extremely process-oriented. A change must have the ability
to be confident, patient and be willing to step out of their comfort zone when needed. They
must also have the ability to influence others and want to take a risk to make a difference
happen. See evidence #12
A change agent is someone who instills change by working with others and by complying
with the social change model. An effective leader must possess the qualities of a change
agent. A change agent is a leader who creates change and brings ideas off of paper and into
reality. A change agent takes on a leadership role and fires up and motivates others to join in
on making positive changes. A change agent is aware that change does not happen
overnight and can be a long and tedious process. Change agents understand that change is
a process and that there will be obstacles and they have strategies for overcoming these
obstacles. In order to achieve social change, one must be a change agent themselves.
Social change is difficult and is extremely process-oriented. A change must have the ability
to be confident, patient and be willing to step out of their comfort zone when needed. They
must also have the ability to influence others and want to take a risk to make a difference
See Evidence #9.


Student will describe personal

examples of being a change agent
Student will create a personal code
of inclusive leadership
Student will demonstrate knowledge
of the Model of Intercultural



Sensitivity by Bennett and its uses

in leadership
Students will demonstrate personal
application of the Model of
Intercultural Sensitivity by Bennett
Student will demonstrate knowledge
of the ally Action Continuum by
Griffin & Harro
Student will demonstrate personal
application of the Action Continuum
by Griffin & Harro

Outcome Category: Critical Thinking




Student will show knowledge of
principles of critical thinking (logic is
used in this minor)
Student will demonstrate proficiency of
critical thinking
Student will show knowledge of
metaphorical analysis to critically
analyze self and leadership situations
Student will demonstrate proficiency of
metaphorical analysis to critically
analyze self and leadership situations
Student will show knowledge of at least
five decision making methods
Student will describe personal
examples of having used five decision
making methods
Student will show knowledge of at least
five problem solving / conflict
management methods, as well as
understanding the roots of conflicts
Student will describe personal
examples of having used five problem
solving / conflict management
methods (if student has been trained in
mediation, that information goes here)
Student will describe what it means to
analyze, criticize, synthesize and utilize
information as a leader

Target class

Additional Experiences

Descriptive notes regarding learning and practice


Student will demonstrate knowledge of

leadership that is used in crisis
Student will describe examples of
leadership in crisis situations

Outcome Category: Interpersonal and Organizational Concepts & Skills


Student will demonstrate knowledge of
active listening techniques

Target class
HDF 190

Additional Experiences

Descriptive notes regarding learning and practice

There are certain techniques needed in order to be an active listener. One must be fully
committed to what the other person is saying. Some good techniques are to put all of your
electronics away and to make eye contact. By making eye contact with the person who is
speaking it lets them know that you are fully aware of what they are saying.
The definition of listening is the act of receiving, constructing meaning, and responding to
those messages. There are certain techniques that are needed in order to be an active
listener. One must be fully committed to what the other person is saying. Some good
techniques are to put all of your electronics away and to make eye contact. By making eye
contact with the person who is speaking it lets them know that you are fully aware of what
they are saying. A lot of people do not realize active listening involves receiving some sort of
feedback. This could be something as simple as a head nod in agreement or even the act of
actually responding to what was said. Knowing how to show that you are actively listening is
important because it shows the other person that you are interested and invested in what
they are saying.
See Evidence # 10.


Student will describe examples of

using active listening skills
Student will demonstrate functions of
group communication by Hirokawa
Student will describe personal
application of functions of group
communication (Hirokawa)
Student will show knowledge of
techniques regarding giving and
accepting of feedback
Student will describe examples of
giving and accepting feedback.

HDF 413

Communications Major/Classes

Being able to take criticism is a very important quality to possess. One must understand that
criticism is there to help you improve and not to bring you down. Throughout my
communications major and classes I have to present many different speeches which I all got
feedback for. I also appreciate honest feedback so I know what I can improve on to make
myself a better public speaker. In majority of my classes the other students give you
feedback as well as the teacher. Writing pros and cons to your presentation. It is very


Student will demonstrate knowledge of

facilitation and de-briefing techniques


Student will demonstrate proficiency of

facilitation and de-briefing techniques
Student will demonstrate knowledge of
framing and breaking the frame
Student will demonstrate proficiency of
framing and breaking the frame
Student will show knowledge of
organizing meetings / setting
agendas / and leading meetings
Student will describe personal
examples of organizing meetings /
setting agendas / leading meetings



Student will show knowledge of

Parliamentary Procedure
Student will show knowledge of
techniques for working with difficult
Student will describe personal
examples of using techniques to work

HDF 413


HDF 413

Sigma Delta Tau

important to remember that this criticism is not a personal attack on you but rather something
to help you reach your full potential. This was a great experience on how to take and give
feedback to others to help them improve on their public speaking.
See Evidence #11.
In SOLC we go through many examples on how to debrief and facilitate retreats and even
activities. When facilitating it is important to be organized. Being organized help things run
smoothly and makes for better time management. You must also know the material well; you
should know how the activity works so you will be confident when you facilitate it. Being able
to adapt and be flexible is also very important because it allows you to work through any
bumps along the way throughout the retreat. It will help you address a problem and asses it
properly to keep the retreat moving smoothly. When facilitating, you want to get everyone
involved, if you see a person overpowering the activities or group discussions, blind folding
them or asking someone who has not spoken yet to talk can be very beneficial. De-briefing is
equally as important. As a facilitator you want to let the groups get the most out of an activity
and one of the best ways to do that is to keep your own speaking to a minimum. A group
gets the most out of an activity when they are thinking about what is happening. When
debriefing you want to really connect how the activity can relate to their organization.
See Evidence #12.

Being in a sorority we have many meetings about various things. I was in charge of holding
meeting with the freshman once a week to go over everything that was planned for that
week. I met with them every Monday at 7. I would write down everything I needed to tell
them about in a notebook so I wouldnt forget anything when relaying the message to them.
When organizing a meeting it is extremely important to be organized. You must have
everything planned in advance to make sure you dont forget or leave anything out on
accident. You must also find a common meeting place and time that work for everyone which
can be hard especially with 50 girls. When leading meetings it is also important to make sure
everyone stays on task because it is very easy to get sidetracked. At the end of the meeting
I always summarize my points and make sure to answer any or all questions and make sure
that everyone is on the same page,
See Evidence #13.



effectively with difficult people

Student will show knowledge of the
stages of group development
(Tuckman, Bennis or others)
Student will describe personal
examples of group development in use
(Tuckman, Bennis or others).

Student will show knowledge of group

dynamics and group roles

HDF 413

HDF 190


In SOLC we use Tuckmans stages of Group development to determine what stage the
organization or group is at to help a group succeed and have an effective retreat. For
example I was a part of a retreat for the nursing students and we thought they were in the
storming stage and they happened to only be at the forming stage which led to a retreat that
was not as successful as we had hoped it would be. The members were not interested in the
retreat and it was like pulling teeth to try and get the members to engage in discussions and
activities. This goes to show how important it is to review how older retreats have gone with
that specific organization or group if they have done a previous retreat to help assist you in
finding out what stage they are at.
See Evidence #14.
There are multiple steps for group development, the first being, forming. For forming you
have to understand that this is going to be a process and start out with icebreakers and
teambuilding exercises for the group. You can then move onto storming, this is where you
can address any conflicts and issues that may arise. The third step is norming, norming is
when you look into further skill development. The fourth step is, performing and this is when
you address the most difficult tasks. The last step is adjourning, this means that you evaluate
your group goal and bring everything to closure. We had to use this process within our group
projects in Flite, and this process was extremely helpful. See evidence #3.
There are 5 essential steps for group development, the first being, forming. For forming you
have to understand that this is going to be a process and you have to start somewhere so
starting out with icebreakers and teambuilding exercises for the group can be very beneficial.
You can then move onto storming, this is the second stage where you can address any
conflicts and issues that may arise. The third step is norming; norming is when you look into
further skill development. The fourth step is, performing and this is when you address the
most difficult tasks. The last step is adjourning, this means that you evaluate your group goal
and bring everything to closure. We had to use this process within our group projects in Flite,
and this process was extremely helpful.
See evidence #14.


Student will describe personal

examples of group dynamics and
group roles
Student will show knowledge of
effective memberships skills in groups
Student will describe personal
examples of membership skills in use
Student will show knowledge of the
Challenge and Support theory by
Sanford, and its relationship to


Student will describe personal

examples of using the theory of
Challenge and Support (Sanford)
Student will show knowledge of the
construction / elements of informative
and persuasive speeches
Student will demonstrate proficiency in
informative and persuasive public
Student will show knowledge of
planning and conducting interviews (as
the interviewer)
Student will describe personal
examples of planning and conducting
interviews (as the interviewer)
Student will show knowledge of
preparing for and effective answers in
interviews (as the interviewee)
Student will describe personal
examples of preparing for and being

HDF 190

Frogbridge Day Camp

In the summer I work for Frogbridge Day Camp, Ive been working there for 6 years and
every year I have to get re-interviewed. If you have worked there for a previous summer my
boss has an evaluation from that summer that your supervisor fills out. He then goes over
that with you and tells you what you did right and what you need to improve on. To prepare
for this interview I give myself a mock interview and with working there for 6 years I have
gotten the gist of what questions he will ask and I practice what intellectual answers I could
respond with. In an interview it is important to make yourself stand out and not just give the
common answers of, Im a people person and other basic answers that the interviewer
hears all day. I always come prepared with my resume at hand. See evidence #14.
I have been working at Frogbridge Day Camp in the summer for 7 years and every year I
have to get re-interviewed. The way the interview process works is by using evaluations. If
you have worked there for a previous summer my boss has an evaluation sheet from that
summer that your supervisor fills out. He then goes over the evaluation sheet with you and
tells you youre your strengths were and what you need to improve on. He then asks you
situational questions where you have to answer with what you do in that situation. Some
questions have to do with parents and others have to do with campers or coworkers so it is
very unpredictable. To prepare for this interview I give myself a mock interview and with
working there for 7 years I have gotten the gist of what questions he will ask and I practice
what intellectual answers I could respond with. In an interview it is important to make
yourself stand out and not just give the common answers of, Im a people person and other
basic answers that the interviewer hears all day. I always come prepared with my resume at
hand and prepared to elaborate on anything necessary.
See evidence #15.


Student will show knowledge of

effective collaboration / coalition





Student will describe personal

examples of working in
Student will show knowledge of
Intercultural communication
Student will demonstrate proficiency in
intercultural communication
Student will describe ways to maintain
accountability in leadership / member
Student will describe personal
examples related to maintaining
accountability as a leader
Student will describe ways to build
relationships between leaders and
Student will describe personal
examples of building relationships with
members as a leader
Student will describe how credibility
applies to leadership, as well as the
characteristics and skills of a credible
Student will describe personal
examples of building, maintaining, and
repairing his/her own credibility as a
Student will describe ethical standards
in influence
Student will describe influence applies
to leadership
Student will describe principles of
effective mentoring, as well as
problems particular to the mentoring
Student will describe personal
examples of mentoring and being

HDF 190

Frogbridge Day Camp

In my past experience I have been a mentor to younger kids, at the summer camp I work at I
am a role model and mentor the children within my group. It is my job to model the way for
these children and Ive learned how to do this from other people mentoring me and seeing
what was beneficial and what was not. Being a mentor for someone is a great experience
that the two of you get to share. You get to build a relationship between the two of you that is
a great feeling for a mentor
Throughout my seven years at Frogbridge Day Camp I have mentored many younger

campers and have tried my best to remain a good role model for all my campers. . It is my
job as a counselor to model the way for these children and Ive learned how to do this from
other people mentoring me and seeing what was beneficial and what was not. When I was a
camper I had a few counselors that favored other campers in my group and sometimes
would even put me down. Luckily, I had one specific counselor that showed me what it was
like to be an amazing counselor and gave me something to strive for. She had left such a
huge impact on me and my life that I could only hope to do the same for the campers that I
would be a counselor for myself. This past summer I had moved up to a higher age group
that was ages 12 and 13 and they were all girls. With that age group comes a lot of attitude
especially when it comes to girls. I had one camper that had been made fun of by other
campers within the group. I noticed when I had first met her that she was very timid and shy
so I made sure to really keep my eye on her and make sure that she had someone to talk to.
There was one specific day that sticks out to me the most. At the camp we travel and we had
gone to a water park and as all the girls were in their bathing suits she had left her jean
shorts on and all the other girls kept asking her why she was leaving them on and she got
extremely defensive about the whole thing so I knew something bigger was going on. As I
sat down next to her I had realized that she had cut marks along her thighs and legs. When I
asked her what was wrong it took her a little time to open up but when she did I made sure to
be there for her. I took her under my wing and treated her like a younger sister. I helped her
through some of her hardest times and always tried to remain a stable positive person in her
life. Being a mentor for someone is a great experience that the two of you get to share. You
get to build a relationship between the two of you that is almost indescribable. She had
taught me so much and I am beyond thankful to be able to be a mentor for her.
See evidence #15.

Student will describe principles of

effective peer leadership, as well as
problems particular to peer leadership
Student will describe personal
examples related to being a peer
leader and being led by peers

HDF 413


Through SOLC I had learned how to facilitate a retreat and about being a peer leader. Being
a peer leader is so empowering, getting to watch a group grow and evolve into the best they
can be can be very rewarding. It can be hard to be a leader within your peers, because you
are around the same age so sometimes it can be hard to gain respect and credibility.
Throughout retreats you get the opportunity to really help an organization grow and to help
push them to reach their goals. I have even been to a few retreats where I was the only
being led by peers. Our Sigma Delta Tau retreat that we had this year was a perfect example
of this. The retreat proved to be extremely effective for our organization and it was nice to
see the other side of it and be a participant instead.
See Evidence #16.

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