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Neuron Transplants

by: Gabriela Pacheco


Neuron transplants have shown to be a promising way to debilitating many symptoms.

Many studies have been performed in transplanting neurons into mice, each resulting in
interesting outcomes. With these experiments neuron transplantations have been explored as a
treatment for weakening conditions, such as Parkinsons disease, blindness, strokes and even
obesity. Scientists have not yet tested the transplanting technique for other neurological
disorders, but believe that there is potential in the weakening of other conditions and or injuries.
Scientists have successfully restored full youthful plasticity in adult mice by transplanting
young neurons into their braincuring their severe visual impairments in the process. (scientific
American). A study performed by a team of neuroscientist from the University of California
transplanted an embryonic mouse stem cell into the brains of other mice. Once the cells mixed
in with the brain it caused a large-scale of rewiring to restore high level plasticity in early
development. The team used inhibitory neurons because they showed the most promise in earlier
experiments. But that specific type of neuron also has particular clinical promise because many
psychiatric and neurological disorders involve an imbalance between excitation and inhibition,
including epilepsy, schizophrenia and chronic pain (Scientific American). The transplant
allowed restoration of normal vision in visually impaired mice. They tested this through visual
nerve signals and a swimming maze test.
[Another] study shows that obesity and diabetes in mice lacking the leptin receptor can be
partially reversed after transplanting hypothalamic cells from mice with functional leptin
receptors. (Janelia Farm Research Campus). In this study the researchers asked three main
questions.The first was if the transplanted neural would be distinguished into regionally
appropriate neuron classes? The second of the three questions they asked was; would
transplanted neurons incorporate into neural circuits with host neurons? They tested these two
by transplanting cells carrying a green fluorescent protein transgene, that allowed them to
identify the cells for analysis and comparison to the surrounding host cells. The transplanted cells
were incorporated and like hoped some of the transplanted cells were leptin responsive. leptin is
the protein produced by fatty tissue that is believed to regulate fat storage in the body. Analysis
showed that mice with hypothalamic grafts had a nearly 20% reduction in body weight. This
effect was apparently due to an increase in energy expenditure because food intake remained
elevated (Scott M. Sternson). What I found interesting was that the basal blood glucose was
normalized to cool levels, although insulin levels remained high. This experiment shows that this
technique is of interest as a possible strategy for treating obesity.
Studies have also shown that neuron transplants can replace lost neurons,restore functions
and promote self repair in the brain as shown in experimental trials of parkinson's disease. In
particular, transplantation of embryonic-stem-cell-derived dopaminergic neurons has been shown
to be efficient in restoring motor symptoms in conditions of dopamine deficiency However, the
use of pluripotent-derived cells might lead to the development of tumours if not properly
controlled.(Nature) Parkinson's disease is a chronic and progressive movement disorder,
meaning that symptoms continue and worsen over time. The nervous system has limited space
for self repair and lacks the ability to regenerate. For this reason, there is great interest in the
possibility of repairing the nervous system by transplanting new cells that can replace those lost
through damage or disease. (Nature America inc.)
For people who have not been helped by medications, a heroic treatment such as neuron
transplantation could be potentially life changing, Anderson . Neuron transplants have shown
through experiments with mice that there is something here. Imagine all the possibilities that
neuron transplantation could bring. As you can see neuron transplantations have very promising

results for the future of technology in the health field. One day neurological study will impact
not only the lives of rats/mice but the lives of humans.

Work Cited
Anders Bjrklund and Olle Lindvall, 2012 Cell replacement therapies for central nervous system
disorders, Nature America inc. (pg) 1-8

Scott M. Sternson, 2012 , Neuron Transplantation Partially Reverses an Obesity Disorder in

Mice, cell press. (pg). 1-2
Jessica Schmerler, 2015 , Neuron Transplants May One Day Reverse Blindness, Scientific
American pg.1-2
Vania Broccoli Nature, 476, 224227 (11 August 2011) doi:10.1038/ nature10284Received

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