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Grade: One Subject: Language Arts

Date: December 9, 2015

Goals/Key questions
Goals: Questions: How do you describe your snowman? What features might you
talk about?
Students will learn how to describe their snowman.
Objective (connected to PofS):
GLO: 3 Students will listen, speak, read, write, view, and represent to manage
ideas and information
SLO: 3.3 Organize, Record and Evaluate: represent and explain key facts and
ideas in own words

Pre lesson Considerations

Lesson overview of main ideas to be learned and prelearning required:
Students know the parts of a snowman and what you could use to build a
snowman with.
Materials needed/preset up required/logistical considerations needed
(seating arrangement):
White paper
Construction paper
Lost snowman writing worksheet.

What is the teacher doing?

What are the students


on Time est:

Will have students come to the reading

rug. Will talk about the parts of the
snowman from last class. Will
brainstorm different features our
snowman could have (ex. Top hat,
toque, scarf, button nose, carrot nose,
crazy hair, a vest, a jacket, mittens etc.)

Students will brainstorm

different features our
snowman could have.


Will give each student materials to

build a snowman with and will ask them
to each go to a quiet area in the
classroom away from anyone.

Students will get

materials to build a
snowman with and will
go to a quiet area in the

Activity 1
Time est:

Will have students build a snowman of

their own design. Will walk around to
help students come up with more ideas
and to develop their snowmen.

Students will create their

own snowman.


Will have the students clean up their

materials and leave their snowman
where it is. Will have students come to

Students will clean up

their area and leave their
snowman where it is.

Activity 2
Time Est:


the reading rug.

They will then come to

the reading rug.

Will give students a Lost Snowman work

sheet and will explain that I would like
them to now describe their snowman.
Starting with My snowman has and
will describe the features they have.
Think of it as if your snowman was lost,
what would you need to know to find it?
Talk about what a good description is
(ex. Use colours, objects, textures, style
of clothingsee if the students can
come up with any other ideas) Will
explain that they shouldnt show their
snowman to anyone just yet.

Students will be given

their Lost Snowman
worksheet and will write
about the features of
their snowman.

Will have students each give me their

snowmen. They will bring their
description to the reading rug. I will lay
out all of the snowmen but tell students
that no one should say anything about
whos is whos. Will have each student
one at a time read their description and
will try to have the other students guess
which snowman is theirs based on their

Students will read their

descriptions one at a
time and the other
students will try to guess
which snowman is theirs.

Assessment: Observation & Conversation: Will observe the students building their
snowmen and writing their descriptions to see if they are understanding.
Accommodations/Modifications: Will work with students one on one to write their
descriptions and to assist with spelling if they are struggling.
Extension and extra time activity: Students will work on their Daily 5 if they finish

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