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To: Professor Billington, Dept.

of Communication
From: Louis Lacroix
Date: 11/21/2015
Personal Change Project
For my personal change project, I want to set a goal to improve my communication skills the first
time I meet someone, and my communication in general.
Entry 1. October 22.
My Communication Scenario:
I was at an orientation today, while I was waiting to get checked-in, I forced myself to talk to the
person next to me. I had time to prepare myself because I knew I was going to write a journal about
it. I thought Do not forget to smile and I did not.
It is much easier to engage a conversation and get feedback when you are in a positive mindset
AND have a positive attitude (body language)
Today's Progress: It definitely gave me confidence for the next time I practice it.

Entry 2. October 26.

My Communication Scenario:
Today has been interesting. I get to talk to people everyday at my job, I work in a grocery store. My
accent raises many questions about my origin. It can be fun at the beginning but it gets really
annoying at the end. I usually react in a good way and engage the discussion with an other question,
not just Im from France and then nothing. Today I was a little upset for no apparent reason and
when the customer asked me where I was from, I answered with an attitude. When I saw the
customers reaction, I felt bad and I wanted to correct my behavior. I reengaged the conversation by
excusing myself with a joke: Sorry today is just not my day and started laughing. It relaxed the
atmosphere and I was able to end the conversation on a much better tone.
Today's Progress: I am happy because I caught my mistake. What I want to retain is that I realized
what I was doing wrong. It is important to know what to work on which is being mindful p34.
Entry 3. October 30.
My Communication Scenario:
Still at the store, I decided to work on the first approach with a customer. We have to do some
requirements like introduce our new product or present food in order for the customers to have a
taste. We have to ask open questions like Are you here to make a basket to let them now that we
have this option in the store. I usually do not do it and let the customers come to me if they have
any questions. I challenged myself to go see a lady and be positive from the beginning to the end.

hey how are you today ?

good thank you
Who are you shopping for ?
for myself.
good, just to let you know, we have a deal going on, the Moose Munch are 50% off, let me
know if you have any questions!

The customer was able to see that I cared and that I was there for her. I forced myself to make her
feel important and my attitude was genuine about it. The fact that you ask questions show them that
you are interested and that you are taking your time for them.
Today's Progress: I realized that when you really care about someone, it makes the person happy,
you can see their joy which makes you happy at the same time, it is like a reward.
Entry 4: November 5.
My Communication Scenario: I had a good opportunity today, in one of my Communication classes
we had to get with other people for the group assignment presentation. Since we did not really
introduce ourselves at the beginning of the class, it was like meeting my classmates for the first
time. I started with basic interaction like hey I am Louis, whats your name ? or nice to meet
you I emphasized on the tone and eye contact. If they see that you are an outgoing person, you are
scoring points and you will be more likely to fit in the group.
Today's Progress: I am satisfied, out of the four people in the group I was the most involved one and
the most active in the interactions. I would like to add the fact that I felt like being the leader which
helps a lot in building the long term relationships within a group.
Entry 5. November 7.
My Communication Scenario: I am at a party, and I expected people to ask me about my origin. I
thought about that and decided to reverse the role. I am going to be the one who asks questions and
really focuses on the other persons. I will not be satisfied with just asking back where they are from
from but go into more depth. It worked, most of them were girls and I could tell they were sensitive
to this mark of interest. When you are in the position of asking questions you cannot seem to be
superior to the other at the same time (egocentrism p25).
Today's Progress: Big change, I am going to have the opportunity to meet again with my new
friends when I see the numbers I got. I need to stay focused though. I have to keep this attitude on
the long term. I am seeing change and I do like it, I am becoming a new person or discovering a
brand new side of me.
Entry 6. November 11.
My Communication Scenario. Today I decided to extend my experience all day long. I am not going
to absolutely look for a conversation but I am going to work on my attitude. Each time I come
across someone, I force myself to smile. Because the smile is transmitted to others. Everyone tries
to be happy. If you are smiling, people will share it with you. You will be the reason of the smile of

Your daily smile will get you noticed. You will become a symbol of joy and enthusiasm. So it is
important to stay in that mood and enhance your body language by smiling: it is going to attract
people and make the first interaction easier.
Today's Progress: I felt positivity today. I got happy to see other people smiling thanks to me. The
fact that we can communicate our positive energy is great, smiling is definitely a universal
Entry 7: My Communication Scenario: I think one of the reasons it was hard for me to keep contacts is the
fact that I was maybe slightly too self centered. Also probably because I was lazy too. Keeping
friends asks for a lot of effort and energy to put in. We should not accept the excuse I am bad at
keeping contact. We have to actually make the effort, a commitment p328 That is why I decided
to text a friend again and make plans. I forced myself to organize a meeting with him and some ex
coworkers. It is taking time to organize and prepare but at the end it is rewarding and worth it. Once
again, if you like someone you are always going to have time to see that person or manage your
time to get to meet.
Today's Progress: It was not just a days progress because it took me weeks. I saw an old friend and
I think hearing phrases like good to see you or long time no see is rewarding and makes you
want to keep going on. It is a back and forth process. It was my turn, now it is his turn to make the
move. But even if he doesnt I am going to set up another meeting. I need to stay other oriented
Entry 8: November 20.
My Communication Scenario: Today has been interesting. I was waiting for my brother to get off
work. He is working at a front desk in a hotel. While I was sitting in the lobby, a lady came to me
and started talking to me. I was on my phone and I was not really in the mood to engage in a
conversation. She was the one talking most of the time so I did not feel the need to put in a lot of
effort into the conversation but I recalled my assignment and began to seem much more interested. I
put my phone back in my pocket which is good body language, it is a sign that you care. My
interlocutor became the center of the attention. I started to answer her questions making sure I was
making eye contact.
Today's Progress: It could have just been a casual conversation and nobody would see each other
again but because of the effort I made, I got her number so I will have the opportunity to make that
relationship grow. It made me think of the movie Yes Man where a man always says yes to every
single person he meets and for any reason. He used to bail on plans and say no but the switch from
the negation no to yes changes all his life into a much brighter canvas.

Entry 9: November 24
My Communication Scenario: Today in my math class, we had to form a group to solve a problem.
One of my classmate wears the niqab. I made an abstraction of her religion when we got to talk
about the Paris attacks. I could have easily bring the topic of the religions problem but I did not. I
carefully choose the right words to describe the situation and how I feel about it without
stereotyping a all group of people. Understanding culture is important p94. It was the first time I
talk to her and I would say I made a good impression. Ethnicity p91 should not be a barrier. She
seemed happy to see people that do not make the confusion.

Today's Progress: Im satisfied, I did not let my emotions control the conversation and I had a
objective point of view on the question. The result is I did not blow an occasion to make a potential

As a conclusion I would say that I made a lot of progress. It was positive overall. I change
my way to introduce me or interact with people. I think he has now to become a habit, not
just thinking in advance and then act. The good part is also I gained more self esteem p43,
which is a good thing in the formation of a personality.
Beebe, Beebe, & Redmond. (20xx). Interpersonal Communication: Relating to Others. Boston:
Pearson [Allyn & Bacon]

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