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ASSURE Instructional Plan by Ashley Fedale

Locating US/U.S.
1st Grade
Social Studies
Lesson length: 60 minutes, or one class period
Analyze Learners
Total number of students: 15
Male students: 7
Female students: 8
Students with low learning skills:4
ESL Student:1
Hearing Impaired:1
Visual/Spatial learners (approximately 1/3 of students)
Kinesthetic learners (approximately 1/3 of students)
Verbal/linguistic learners (two to three students)
Interpersonal learners (one or two students)
Logical/Mathematical (one or two students)
State Objectives

The student will develop map skills by

a) recognizing basic map symbols, including references to land, water, cities, and roads;
b) using cardinal directions on maps;
c) identifying the shapes of the United States and Virginia on maps and globes;
d) locating Washington, D.C., the capital of the United States, and Richmond, the capital of
Virginia, on a United States map.


The student will construct a simple map of a familiar area, using basic map symbols in the map


The student will describe how the location of his/her community, climate, and physical surroundings
affect the way people live, including their food, clothing, shelter, transportation, and recreation.

Select Media, Materials, and Methods

1 Smart board with internet access and Google Earth installed
Overhead Projector
Projection Screen
Wall World Map
Map worksheets
Library books about the Geography of our World


Construction paper
Map & research chart transparencies


Paint Brushes

Whole group views maps and and all their symbols, explaining what they mean etc.
Whole group introduction to the shapes of the United states and Virginia on the maps,
google earth and globes.
Whole group instruction of center activities
Small group centers
Map creating/coloring
Writing center- where students will think-pair and share with a friends about how their
physical surroundings affect the way people live, including their food, clothing,
shelter, transportation and recreation, they will then write on this.
Utilize Media, Materials, and Methods
1 Smart board that is connected to google earth will be used to show all of the students
what the US looks like from above, as well as zooming in to locate Virginia within google
1 overhead projector used to project an example map with all symbols as the teacher
explains what each symbol means.
1 projection screen that is visible to students will be used to display transparencies
Construction paper Used for map if desired
Pencils Used to write their during their writing station, and draw decorations.
Scissors Used to cut out parts to make their map symbols, and decorations
Wall World Map Teacher will show students where the U.S. and Virginia is located on map
and discuss its physical characteristics
Paint Used to paint maps if they wish
Paint brushes Used with paint
Map Worksheets Students will locate the U.S. as well as Virginia, and highlight the two.
Crayons Used to color maps
Glue Used to glue things to map.
Whole Group Map Skills TTW utilize the world map to locate the US, and Virginia as well
as discusses the physical characteristics of the U.S. and Virginia on the map.
Whole group introduction to the shapes of the United states and Virginia on the maps,
google earth and globes- The students will have the opportunity to truly analyze using
maps, google earth, and globes where exactly the U.S. and Virginia are located, as well as
their shape and surroundings.
Whole Group Instruction of Center Activities TTW introduce each center and explain

procedures to successfully complete. TTW divide class into two groups. TTW inform
students that rotation is halfway through class.
Small Group Centers TSW work collaboratively to complete both of the two center
Require Learner Participation
Whole Group Map Skills:
During this time TTW call the class close to the world map and point out where the US is on
the map. TTW then points out where Virginia is located within the US.
Whole Group Introduction to the shapes of the United States and Virginia on the
The TTW will have the smart board with google earth loaded, maps, and globes where
students will be encouraged to search for and find the U.S. and Virginia on the map.
Whole Group Instruction of Center Activities:
TTW explain and demonstrate how to complete both center activities. TSW follow the
teachers instructions for both centers in order to successfully complete the assignments.
TSW be more passively engaged during the instruction; however they will quickly become
active participants once the groups are established.
Small Group Center Activities:
TSW work in groups of 7 or 8 to collaborate on each center activity. Each center rotation will
last 15 minutes.
Map Coloring TSW locate the U.S. and Virginia highlight the two on their maps and
color the land tan and the sea blue..
Writing- where TSW will think-pair-share with a friend about how their physical
surroundings affect the way people live, including their food, clothing, shelter,
transportation and recreation, they will then write on this, and draw pictures if they
Both of these center activities appeals to multiple ways of learning. Kinesthetic learners
are allowed to manipulate colors, scissors, and drawing. Each activity is visually
stimulating for visual/spatial learners, in particularly the Google Earth portion where each
student gets to see realistically what the U.S. looks like and how it is shaped/formed
from above, as well as seeing Virginia. Interpersonal learners get to work closely with
their peers and collaborate on the writing center assignment as they discuss how their
surroundings effect them personally. Verbal/linguistic learners are provided with a wealth
of information from the teacher. They also must discuss with their peers in order to
complete each task, especially the assigned think-pair-share center.

Evaluate & Revise

Student Performance:
The students will be evaluated on each center activity. The main focus will be map skills
and the writing pieces. TSW demonstrate an understanding of the geographic locations if
they color the correct locations on their maps. TSW also exemplify understanding of the
surrounding and how they effect them through their writing pieces/ pictures.
Instructor Performance:
During the center activities the instructor can listen to the students explain the concepts to
each other, and begin to figure out if the material was well taught. When the students turn
in their maps, and their writing pieces the teacher will have final confirmation if the lesson
fulfilled the stated objectives. If necessary, the instructor can reteach the material before the
class moves on to more in-depth study of reading and understanding maps as well as our
surroundings and how they effect us.
Media Performance:
The media that was used serves as a way to show students what technology can provide
within education. It is crucial that it begin being minutely implemented to students in this
young a grade so they can be familiarized with it for future grades.

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