Uis 350 Article Review

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K-12 Online Education Article Review

Ashley G. Fedale
Regent University
UIS 350 Technology for Educators


The evolution of K-12 online learning has been one of great interest
within the education world. Over the past decade it has transformed from a
convenient option, to a solution and necessity. In many cases it has become
the remedy to a situation that is seemingly impossible to fix, and in others
just seems to open up other opportunity for those who utilize it. Whatever
one may use it for there is not dispute that it is in fact the future of
education, being a tool for all educators and students. Within each of the
three explored articles one can find how these articles relate to K-12 online
education and why they say it is crucial for the education world, and lastly,
how the findings will help practically within the future educators classroom.


Eisele-Dyrli, K. (2010, January). Online learning industry spurred on

by H1N1. District Administration, 46(1), 12.
Within the article titled Online Learning Industry Spurred On by H1N1
the idea of online Learning has taken on this new title as more of a remedy,
than an option. The article itself discusses the swine flu virus, medically
named H1N1, and its effects on the learning environment and education
itself. The article discusses that within 2010 (the year the article was
published) the H1N1 epidemic was making itself apparent and no one knew
whether it was going to end, or continue to spread. This is where the online
learning industry came into play, as it was titled the safe zone for an
outbreak such as flu (Eisele-Dyrli, 2010). The secretary of education, Anne
Duncan, makes clear the whole reason that online education is needing to
become a topic of conversation within schools, We must make sure the
learning continues if the flu virus spreads (Eisele-Dyrli, 2010). The article
goes on to discuss practical plans that have already been constructed in
preparation for the spread of the virus as Learn360 CEO Chris Sanborn talks
about how the companys online multimedia resource has become
increasingly useful in light of the H1N1 threat, and Aventa Learning stating
that there is no shortage of choices and that its goal is to support
educating students throughout the flu season (Eisele-Dyrli, 2010).
This article is an eye opener for myself, as I see online learningsomething that seemed unnecessary before to me, transform into something
that could be revolutionary if an epidemic such as the H1N1 were to ever


occur again. As a future educator, the findings within the article seem to be
important because of the very purpose of the article itself, to talk about a
very possible epidemic that could put a stop to the infected students
education if there was no plan in place. Within my classroom it will be so
helpful to have an option for students who need to for some reason work
remotely from the class, and will be an awesome way to prepare my students
for college.
Brown, E. (2012, November 6, 2012). Virginias new high school graduation requirement:
One online course. The Washington Post Local
Within the article Virginias new high school graduation requirement: One online
course the new mandate that freshman students entering high school in 2013-2014 must take
one online-course in order to receive a high school diploma is discussed. The article states its
purpose as being expanding virtual education (Brown, 2012). In hopes of better preparing its
students for the job market of the 21st century (Brown, 2012). Though this is seemingly a brand
new trend Virginia is actually joining a few other states: Idaho and Florida who have adopted this
online-course graduation requirement in recent years.
The findings of this article are important because of the direction that they exemplify that
education is going. Until researching this topic, I hadnt truly considered the impact that
technology had on education, however as this article shows, technology is exactly where it is
headed. As a future educator, this is helpful to me because of the implementation that I now
realize I will need to do. As a future educator of elementary students it will be helpful for them


for me to use technology early on within my lesson plans, so that it will not be a foreign concept
to them when they have to actually take a course online.
Irvin, M. J., Hannum, W. H., Farmer, T. W., de la Varre, C., & Keane, J. (2009). Supporting
online learning for advanced placement students in small rural schools: Conceptual
foundations and intervention components of the facilitator preparation program.
Within this article, the difficulties in finding staffing for small rurals schools is discussed, and
therefore the even more rarity of finding teachers that can teach Advanced Placement courses is
then discussed as well. The idea of online AP courses was then implemented however the success
of that program was not well documented and therefore the need for programs that support rural
students as they participate in online distance learning classes became apparent. As a result, the
article discusses a program called The Facilitator Preparation Program is discussed, which was
put in place to help online advanced placement learners to excel in their AP classes even without
a live instructor.
The findings within this article are important because of the progress they show. The fact
that an online program was put in place, trouble shooting occurred, and then a revised program to
smooth out the first programs flaws shows a lot of advancement within the topic of K-12 online
learning. This whole goal of providing equal opportunity for all students is one that is not easy,
however it is inspiring to see online learning being a tool to help get there. As a future educator I
feel comforted knowing that programs like this exist so that no matter where I teach, or how
qualified I am, my students are receiving the same opportunities across the board.


Brown, E. (2012, November 6, 2012). Virginias new high school graduation requirement: One
online course. The Washington Post Local
Eisele-Dyrli, K. (2010, January). Online learning industry spurred on by H1N1.
District Administration, 46(1), 12.
Irvin, M. J., Hannum, W. H., Farmer, T. W., de la Varre, C., & Keane, J. (2009). Supporting
online learning for advanced placement students in small rural schools: Conceptual
foundations and intervention components of the facilitator preparation program.

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