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Jamie Smith

Lesson plan evaluation

ETT 101
30 October 2015
Online Lesson Plan Evaluation Organizer
Title of Lesson: __Animal Colors and Shapes ______
Subject Area:
_Art_______________________________ Grade Level: __K-2_______
URL (web address): _ (Hint:
Copy/Paste the URL onto this document)
Online Lesson Plan Components/Steps
(List and give a brief summary of the steps
included in the online plan.)

DID Components
(Which components or steps of the online
lesson plan fit into the DID format? Where
do they fit?)
Students watch the video Animals and
Step 1: "Know the Learners"
Colors to get introduced to colors and
You have to make sure that you are
shapes in the animal world.
explaining things in a way that students will
Have a class discussion asking several
understand. Watching the video before
questions to get students thinking about the creating the animals gives them an
different shapes that are on animals. Ask
opportunity to get their brains working and

students about their favorite animal.

Ask students to explain why animals are
different. Why do some have feathers and
why are they different colors? Discuss the
purpose of color in the animal world.
Tell students that they will be making
animals using shapes and drawing a picture
of their habitat.
Have students create their animals and then
have a class discussion.

help make sure that they understand what

they are supposed to be doing. If they were
given the video after creating the animals
several students might not understand that
animals all have different shapes and colors
Step 2: "Articulate Your Objective"
Students will be able to explain the
different shapes and colors that make up
different animals during a class discussion
with 95% accuracy
Step 3: "Establish the Learning
Both the video and class discussion help the
students understand the lesson being taught.
Step 4: "Identify Teaching and Learning
Teaching- to introduce the connection
between animals and shapes. Students will
be called upon to answer questions about
why animals have different colors and why

they are different shapes.

Step 5: "Identify and Select Support
The video is the technology used in this
Step 6: "Evaluate and Revise the Design"
Having students share their animals will
make sure that each student understood the
project and the relationships between
animals, colors, and shapes.

Answer the following questions:

1. What learning theories seem to be reflected in the steps of the plan you found?
I think that the learning theories that could be reflected in this lesson would be
constructivism and the multiple intelligences theory.
2. How does this plan differ from the DID model in terms of both steps and theoretical

This plan utilizes all the steps in the DID model.

3. Which format do you prefer? Why?
I prefer the DID model because it is the same steps every time. You make sure that you
are providing age appropriate material and presenting it in a way that all students will

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