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Imaginary School of Music

Choral Handbook
Welcome to the place where you will find all of the guidelines, rules,
dos and donts, and any other information needed to be a part of
the choral program. Please download and keep this manual handy, as
you will most likely need to reference this information throughout the
school year. I look forward to working with each and every one of you.

Choir classes
Chorus (9th-12th grade): This is our beginning choir class. There is no
audition required, anyone who wishes to join may do so. We will be
working on basic music skills such as reading music, understanding
musical notation, and breathing technique and posture. It is a 3-part
harmony class, SAB.
Concert choir (9th-12th grade): This is our intermediate choir. A
simple voicing audition is required, singing a verse of My Country Tis
of Thee. 4-part harmony will be explored, focusing on more expressive
singing and intermediate/advanced repertoire. Theory and ear training
will be an important part of this class.
A cappella choir (10th-12th grade): This is our advanced choir. An
extensive audition process is required, including a written theory test,
and singing an excerpt from a song of choice. Large masterworks will
be learned and performed with this choir. Also, we are a traveling choir,
and will be involved in trips around the country, and most likely around
the world. Members are required to attend a certain amount of after
school rehearsals, and are required to attend the 2 choir conferences
held during the year. It is a very involved choir, and requires the
support of both students and parents.

Attendance Policy
Because this class requires a lot of in class work and practice,
attendance is very important. I expect students to attend class every
day, unless otherwise excused. Tardies are also unacceptable.
1 unexcused tardy: spoken warning
2 unexcused tardies: point deduction from grade
3 unexcused tardies: after school detention, grade deduction
4 unexcused tardies: phone call home to parents, grade
Each unexcused absence will result in a 5% grade deduction.

Dress Code
All students are required to abide by the dress code for all concerts.
Failure to do so will result in removal from the concert, and a large
grade reduction.
Chorus: All members are required to wear black on the bottom, and
white on top. Girls may wear skirts, but must be at least knee length,
with black stockings/tights. No jeans are allowed. No informal t-shirts,
hoodies, or any casual wear are allowed. Shoes must be black dress
shoes. Heels may be no more than 4 inches high. Guys should wear
black socks with their black shoes.
Concert Choir: All concert choir members are required to wear full
concert black, both black on top and black on bottom. Girls may wear
dresses, but they must be knee length, with black stockings/tights.
Shoes must be black, and guys (and girls) must wear black socks. Girls
heels may not be higher than 4 inches. No informal wear is allowed.
A cappella Choir: Formal choir robes will be assigned, and are
required to be worn for all school concerts. These robes must stay in
school, unless they are signed out to be washed. Black pants or
stockings/tights (with dress) must be worn underneath. Black shoes
and socks are also required. NO high collars that can stick out of the
robe are allowed.

All choir members are required to bring a black binder to class,
complete with loose leaf paper and a pencil, at all times. You are
required to have your music for each and every class. Failure to bring
your music will result in a small point deduction from your daily
Each member will have an assigned number, and your music should
correspond with that number. At the end of the semester, music will be
turned in according to your number. Failure to turn in any music will
require the student to pay a replacement fee to replace whatever
music is lost.

Code of Conduct
Wherever and whenever the choir appears in public, we are
representatives of our department and of our school. It is very
important that we set a good example, and maintain good behavior
anywhere we are. All members are to be mature, responsible,
courteous, and respectful in all activities they participate in as a choir
Respect all of your fellow choir members:
Use appropriate language
Always be ON TIME
Follow instructions given by your teachers and any
administration members.
Be responsible with all of your belongings. Keep track of your
music binder and any other materials.
There is NO food, gum, or beverages allowed in the choir room.
Bottled water is the only beverage that is allowed, and it must
be contained in a capped bottle.
The use of cell phones is STRICTLY PROHIBITED. Any student
caught using their cell phone will have their phone confiscated,
and will not be able to get it back without the permission of a
parent or guardian.
Failure to do any of these will result in either the lowering of your
overall grade, phone call to parents, or a referral to the office.

Grading Policy

Students grades will be based on 3 major aspects:

Participation/Rehearsal, Written Work, and Concert Attendance.
Participation/Rehearsal (40%): To receive full points, students must be
on time to class, and always ready to rehearse. They must always have
their materials, and be ready to do work. You must set a positive
example to the other students, showing that you are following
instructions and ready to learn and sing.
Written Work (10%): Throughout the week, there will be in class
assignments and activities. These will be turned in, and will be graded
based on effort. Students can receive full credit for in class
assignments if it is evident that they tried their best, and completed
the assignment as best as they could. Students who fail to turn in
assignments, or who do not follow directions, will not receive full credit.
Concert Attendance (50%): Each student is expected to attend all
concerts throughout the year. It is also necessary that students are on
time for all performances and rehearsals. If there is an excused
absence from a performance, students will be required to complete a
make-up assignment. Excused absences are allowed in the case of
severe illness with a doctors note, or family emergency. Otherwise, all
students are expected to attend.

A cappella Choir Manager and Section Leader

Students will have the opportunity to apply for the positions of Choir
Manager and Section Leader for each section of the choir.
Choir Manager will be responsible for taking attendance, passing out
new music, taking care of robe assignments, occasionally warming up
the choir, and emailing/communicating with the choir about all
important rehearsal times and other important information.
Section leaders will be responsible for the well-being of their section.
They will be asked to listen and list any problems that their section is
having with any particular song or section of a song. They will also be
in charge of running sectionals.

By signing this document, I promise that I have read this choir
handbook. I understand all the expectations that are required of me,
and promise to work hard and sing well. I am aware of my concert
responsibilities, and will attend all concerts and rehearsals required of
Student name (printed)

Student (signature)

By singing this document, I, as a parent/guardian, understand the

responsibilities that my student has to fulfill as a choir member. I have
read and fully understand this choral handbook.

Parent/guardian name (printed)

Parent/guardian (signature)

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