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In this assignment we were given the task to research on the students

from Taylors Lakeside University about their knowledge on a common
chronic disease in Malaysia. We were assigned into groups consisting of
five members and were to assume that the Ministry of Health approached
us to conduct a survey. In this case, HIV was the chronic disease chosen
for this assignment. Our survey had to include at least 15 questions,
excluding the demographical questions. Each group member was to
survey 50 students each, 25 of which were males and the other 25
females. This meant that a total of 250 students, 125 males and 125
females, were surveyed during this assignment. We then had to tabulate
and analyze the data into a report, as well as an A2-sized infographic

The primary objective of this assignment was to allow us to collect and
organize statistical data and for us to apply the knowledge gained to
analyze statistical data to draw a conclusion of the data. One of the main
objectives of this assignment was to identify the understanding about
Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) among female and male students in
Taylors University Lakeside Campus. Another objective was to find out
which of the genders, males or females, had a better understanding of a
common chronic disease in Malaysia, in this case, HIV. This assignment
required 125 male and 125 female students in Taylors University to fill up
the survey forms prepared. This assignment aims to develop a better
understanding about the HIV virus. This assignment also aids us in our
developments of survey forms. In addition, analysis of data has sharpened
our soft skills as we had to organize the data into chart and tables. This
assignment also aims to apply the knowledge we learnt in class and
decide the best statistical methods suitable for the analysis of our data.

After gathering and tabulating the data gathered from all 250 survey
forms, it was concluded that, based off the students in Taylors University
Lakeside Campus, male participants showed a greater understanding of
Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) as compared to female students.
This was due to the fact that the male participants scored an average
mark of 8.2 out of the 15 questions, whereas female participants scored
an average of 8.0 of the 15 questions.

Of all the questions asked in the survey, it was found that question
10, which was about the percentage possibility of the death of HIV
patients from severe cough or flue, and question 11, which was about
whether HIV was first transmitted through animals, proved to be questions
that were the most common to be answered incorrectly by majority of the
participants. For question 10, only 28.8% of male participants got it right,
while only 36.8% of female participants got the correct answer. As for
question 11, the data showed that 48.8% of male participants got the
question right and only 36.8% of female participants got it right. This
shows that both male and female students from Taylors University
Lakeside Campus were lacking the knowledge in this sector.

Lastly, it would be recommended that the management of Taylors

University Lakeside Campus increase the awareness of Human
Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) towards their students as the overall results
gained from both male and female participants had been disappointing.
The average results from both genders were below average. For the future
safety of students studying in the campus, it would be recommended that
the management in Taylors University Lakeside Campus increase HIV
awareness through annual compulsory campaigns.


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