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Activity 11:

Fair Use Guidelines Workshop

By: Cashion C. Hodam

What is Fair Use???

Fair use - Is a legal doctrine that permits limited use of copyrighted
material without acquiring permission from the rights holders.

Digital Media from the Internet

Avoid unpublished work, published work is fair use
Give credit when credit is due
Dont reproduce digital media and keep it simple when

Text material can be used up to 10% of the total or 1,000 words,
whichever is less. (Caution if the use harms the marketability of the
material, you can be held liable)
Use public domain works such as Shakespeare.
Use books that are Out-of-Print, those are considered Fair Use.
Be brief and dont use more material needed.

Artwork and Photographs

No more than five images from one artist or photographer.
Pictures used in electronic presentation for educational purposes are
fair use.
You are able to change attributes of the picture as long as the class is

Music, Speech, and Sound Clips

Up to 10% of the work but no more than 30 seconds of
music or lyrics from an individual musical work.
Music in the classroom is safe to use in the classroom
without permission.
As long as no admission fee is charged for rebroadcast
of a lesson, it is safe to use in the classroom.

Video and Video Clips

Up to 10% of the total or three minutes, whichever is
As long as no admission fee is charged a teacher can
show a copyrighted motion picture.
Dont make copies of a film use and lend the original
copy for school use.

Works Cited
Copyright and Fair Use for Faculty: Common Scenerios.
(n.d.). Retrieved December 6, 2015, from
Copyright and Fair Use in the UMUC Online or Face-to-Face
Classroom. (n.d.). Retrieved December 4, 2015, from

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